Colton's Deep Cover. Эль Кеннеди

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Colton's Deep Cover - Эль Кеннеди

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white coat that contrasted with his smooth, mocha skin. He kept his black hair in a buzz cut, which left the nape of his strong, corded neck exposed. Another shiver ran through her as she admired him, and she was grateful that he couldn’t see her face. She’d worked hard to hide her visceral reaction to this man, the flames that licked at her flesh each time he flashed one of those sexy, easygoing smiles in her direction.

      Derek led her down the brightly lit hallway of the clinic. When they reached his office, he opened the door and gestured for her to enter first, just like the gentleman he was. Gosh, she’d never met anyone like him—the man oozed charm and sex appeal, yet at the same time, he exuded a quiet strength that was downright inspiring.

      In the three weeks she’d worked as a nurse in Derek’s practice, she’d been so tempted to dig deeper and get to know this intriguing man, but the need to maintain a certain level of professionalism had reined in the impulse. This job meant everything to her. Getting chummy with the boss would be a bad idea, especially because she hadn’t exactly told him the truth about who she really was.

      “Have a seat,” Derek said pleasantly, gesturing to one of the plush chairs in front of his commanding mahogany desk.

      Chloe sat, nervously crossing her ankles.

      Derek settled in his leather chair and clasped his hands. “I wanted to discuss your performance,” he began, those deep brown eyes seeking her out again.

      She experienced a twinge of panic. “Oh. Did I do something wrong?”

      He chuckled, and the husky sound teased her senses. “On the contrary. You’re doing everything right. I wanted to talk about making this arrangement permanent.”

      Relief and pleasure washed over her. “Really?”

      “Really,” he said with a twinkle in his eyes. “I know we didn’t have a chance to talk about the long term, what with you being thrust into this practice so abruptly. Have I told you how wonderfully you handled the Violet Chastain situation?”

      Fighting a burst of pride, Chloe smiled. “Numerous times. How is Violet doing, by the way?”

      “Nearly fully recovered and driving my brother crazy.” Derek grinned. “But he loves it. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Gunnar this happy.”

      Yeah, love could do that to a person. Or so she’d heard. Chloe hadn’t lucked out in the relationship department, unlike Derek’s older brother Gunnar, who’d found happiness with Hollywood starlet Violet Chastain. Violet had been in town researching a movie role when she’d been attacked and left for dead on the side of the road. Fortunately, she’d survived the assault and near-kidnapping and found a loving partner in Gunnar Colton, who’d stepped in to help Violet with her twin boys while she recovered from the injury to her leg.

      Although Violet had gotten her happy ending, managing to escape her assailants, the attackers had abducted the young woman who’d been accompanying the actress.

      The memory brought an ache to Chloe’s heart. “Has there been any word on Mary and Hannah?”

      Derek instantly sobered. “None. Emma and Tate are still working the case, but there are no new leads.”

      She shook her head in dismay, unable to comprehend the events that had transpired. The town of Eden Falls bordered Paradise Ridge, which was home to a small Amish community looking to live quiet, peaceful lives. But there was nothing peaceful about recent events. Four Amish girls had disappeared over the past month. Two had been found dead in a remote cabin near the Colton ranch, and the other two—Mary Yoder and Hannah Troyer—were still missing.

      Derek’s siblings, Emma and Tate, both worked in law enforcement, and while investigating the disappearances, they’d uncovered a horrific truth—the missing girls were being sold in a sex ring that catered to seedy buyers with even seedier intentions. Emma had gotten closer to Hannah’s brother Caleb over the course of the investigation.

      It sounded unimaginable, yet it didn’t surprise Chloe to learn that sadistic people like that existed.

      After all, she’d spent the past twelve years living with her very own personal sadist.

      “I hate thinking about what those girls must be going through,” Derek said. His handsome face revealed the frustration he felt over the situation. “I wish I could do more to help, but I fear I’d only get in Emma and Tate’s way.”

      “I wish I could do more, too,” she said softly, her heart breaking for those missing girls.

      “Well, you’re doing your fair share around here,” Derek answered, steering the discussion back on track. “I’m going to be honest, Amelia. You’re a real asset to this clinic. Having you around these past few weeks has made me realize I can’t afford to lose you. That’s why I wanted to sit down with you and talk about your plans.”

      “My plans?” Chloe echoed.

      He nodded. “I wanted to make sure you still plan on making Eden Falls your home, that you’re not going to suddenly pack your bags and move to Philly or accept a job with some other big-city hospital.”

      “Not at all,” she blurted out. “Eden Falls is where I want to be, Dr. Colton. And the only job I’m interested in is this one.”

      “That’s good to hear.” Those brown eyes danced playfully. “And how many times must I remind you to call me Derek?”

      “Right. Sorry. D-Derek.” Her voice wobbled, and she tried not to cringe. She was forty-one years old, for crying out loud. Why did she always stammer like a schoolgirl in the presence of this man?

      Derek seemed to be fighting a grin, which told her he’d picked up on her bout of nervousness. “Well, if you’re serious about sticking around, then I want you to know I’m thrilled to have you. It still amazes me at times, the calming effect you have on anyone you come into contact with.” He looked vaguely embarrassed. “You’re really good with the patients, Amelia.”

      “So are you.” The abrupt admission caused her cheeks to heat up again.

       Uh, suck up much?

      Fine, she had a total case of hero-worship when it came to Derek Colton. But how could she not? The man happened to be an incredible doctor. He had an easy rapport with his patients, and he carried himself with a self-assuredness that made her envious. She wished she had half the confidence that this talented doctor possessed in spades.

      Also, it didn’t hurt that he was drop-dead gorgeous, which meant that taking orders from him could hardly be considered a chore. And even though she had about ten years on him, he carried himself with a sense of maturity and strength that tugged at something inside her. Derek was a first-class man, the kind of man she wouldn’t have believed existed if she hadn’t just spent three weeks by his side.

      “Anyway, that was all I wanted,” Derek said, scraping back his chair. “Could you prepare the exam room for our three o’clock?”

      “Of course.” Chloe stood and smoothed out the hem of her shirt. “I already pulled up the Danford file.”

      A smile tugged on the corners of his mouth. “Efficient as always, aren’t you, Amelia?”

      “Just trying to make an impression on the boss,” she answered lightly.

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