The Rancher's Return. Karen Whiddon

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The Rancher's Return - Karen  Whiddon

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      Her smile lit up her entire face. Trying to ignore the way that smile affected him, he scratched his head. “He just invited us to dinner tomorrow night. And when I told him I was at the ranch, he wanted to drive on out.”

      Her grimace told him what she thought of that. “That’s what you meant when you said you didn’t think that was a good idea.”


      She froze. “Are they coming here? Because even with this disguise, one or both of them is bound to recognize me. I’ve known them for years.”

      “I agree. But no worries. I told him now wasn’t a good time. I think he’ll respect that.”

      “You think?” Eyes huge, she appeared visibly shaken. “Just in case, maybe you should call him back and tell him you’re sick, or I’m sick. Both of us, with something contagious, like the flu.”

      Slowly, he shook his head. “I don’t lie.”

      Her eyes widened even more. “Ever?”

      “Ever. Not if I can help it.”

      He wondered if she knew how kissable she looked like that, with her face tilted up and her mouth pursed in mutiny. As his body reacted, he turned away. “Get some rest. I’ll talk to you in the morning.”

      Reed didn’t think he’d sleep much, but the instant his head hit the pillow, he was out. Sunlight streaming through his window woke him. Stretching, he wondered why he felt uneasy, especially since he didn’t recall any of his dreams. And then he remembered.

      Kaitlyn. Alex Ramirez, Tim’s death, and the way the past had managed to catch up with him. Ignoring his arousal, he pushed back the sheet, got to his feet and padded into his bathroom. From past experience he knew a shower, fresh clothes and a cup of steaming hot coffee would do wonders to help him think.

       Chapter 4

      For a man used to living alone, it was a shock to get out of the shower and step into your kitchen to find one of the most beautiful women in the world sitting at your table, reading a book and drinking coffee. The baggy T-shirt hinted at the luxuriant curves underneath and the short, shaggy hairdo only enhanced her perfect features and lush lips. It didn’t help that Reed was still half-asleep despite the hot shower, or that he’d woken aroused. Desire slammed into him like a sucker punch to the gut.

      He stopped, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, and wished there was a way to grab his cup of coffee without having to speak.

      He made it halfway to the coffeemaker when she looked up from her book and smiled. That smile stopped him dead in his tracks.

      “Good morning,” she said. “I hope you don’t mind, but I made coffee.”

      Mouth dry, he struggled to speak. “Thanks. I thought you’d be sleeping in.”

      “Nope. I never do. I’m a morning person,” she said. “In case you can’t tell.”

      Clearing his throat, he settled on a brusque nod and went past her. Hopefully, the awkwardness would fade with time. With time? How long did he expect her to stay with him anyway?

      “What’s on the agenda for today?” she asked, her voice far too cheerful for so early in the day. He had to wonder if her relentless happiness was a coping mechanism of sorts. After all, she’d just escaped her own prison. Maybe she was afraid if she let go and thought about it, she’d lose control and reveal exactly how much trauma she was dealing with.

      Or perhaps he just overanalyzed everything.

      He shrugged and took a long drink of his coffee, hoping the caffeine would send a jolt and help with his brain fog. “I’ve got to talk to my foreman and get an update. I also want to take a quick drive around the surrounding area and see if anything looks out of the ordinary. After I get back, I thought I might take a ride around the ranch.”

      She nodded. “A ride as in horses? Or in your truck?”

      “Horses.” And just like that, a memory came slamming into him. Tim and Kaitlyn and Brock had gone riding, out on Brock’s family land. Tim and Brock had gone on ahead, leaving Reed and Kaitlyn to bring up the rear.

      She’d chattered happily and he’d listened, too enthralled by the way the sun lit up her beautiful blond hair, and the gentle sway of her body with the horse’s movements to pay much attention to anything she’d said.

      The tug of attraction hadn’t been new. The emotion attached to it had shocked him. He’d realized in that instant that she could be the ruin of him, which would destroy him and his brother’s relationship. As soon as the thought hit him, he’d spurred his horse ahead to catch up with the other men, leaving Kaitlyn alone behind him.

      After that, he’d taken great pains to avoid her. Until he hadn’t, and wound up in prison with his brother dead. Those internet pundits hadn’t been kidding. Karma really was a bitch.

      “Horses?” Kaitlyn asked, her husky voice full of quiet wonder, bringing him back to the present. “Do you mind if I come along? Riding was one of the things I missed most when I was locked up.”

      Her choice of words brought him another realization. In a way, they’d both done time. While her cell might have been more luxurious, the other things she’d endured made her imprisonment a whole lot worse.

      “Sure,” he managed, hoping like hell no sympathy showed on his face. He was better off if he considered Kaitlyn a predator of sorts. As in, if he displayed the slightest weakness, she’d pounce.

      “Thank you,” she said quietly, a marked difference to the squeal of excitement he’d half expected. Of course, that would have been the Kaitlyn of the past.

      They’d both changed. Circumstances and life had forged new personalities.

      “Are you okay?” She tilted her head, the thick fringe of her bangs shifting with the move. Mentally, he swore, thinking he should have given her a more masculine cut or something. Anything, to stop the embers that ignited inside him every time he looked at her.

      He grimaced. Who was he kidding? With her bone structure, she’d probably look even more beautiful with her head shaved.

      “I’m looking forward to it,” she said. “Eventually, maybe you can take me into town and show me around the area. I don’t want to become a prisoner here, like I was with Alex.”

      Though even hearing the other man’s name made him clench his teeth, he managed to keep his tone civil. “You haven’t been here long enough to consider yourself a prisoner,” he replied.

      “And yes, that is the point of your disguise, but I’m not taking chances. The nearest town is about the same size as Anniversary, and people talk. Once I know the situation in town, I can make a better decision.”

      She eyed him in silence, considering. “I have to admit you make sense. Hopefully, we’ll figure out a way to get Alex arrested so I can get out of your hair.” She pushed herself up from her chair and headed to the coffeepot for another cup. He couldn’t help but watch the enticing sway of her hips as she

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