The Rancher's Return. Karen Whiddon

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The Rancher's Return - Karen  Whiddon

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office and the Senate. There’s no way to know who to trust.”

      Reed cursed. “If you’re telling the truth, this sounds like the mafia or a cartel. Organized crime.”

      “In a way, it is. Whatever you want to call it, it’s dangerous. Getting in his way—protecting me—would be risky. In fact, I’d call it a death sentence. Especially if he thinks you know anything, which he will. Before you decide to help me, I want to make sure you understand.”

      “I get that.” He flashed a grim smile, still not one hundred percent convinced. “I’ve already given up three years of my life and lost my brother. Damned if I’m letting him get away with anything more.”

      “Taking him down won’t be easy.”

      “I understand.” He shot her another glance, his emotions raw and confused. He’d spent the past three years hating her, and now to learn she’d been just as much of a victim as he? If her story was true, that is.

      “Tell me specifically how you escaped,” he asked as casually as he could. “If you’ve been under lock and key as you say, how’d you manage to get away even with his being more permissive?”

      “He got drunk and forgot to lock me in my room. Either he thought he did or maybe he believed I was completely brainwashed.” She looked down, as if embarrassed. “Stockholm syndrome and all that.”

      “Were you?”

      “In a way.” When she raised her chin to meet his gaze, her expression was bleak. “I haven’t been allowed off the property in all this time. I wasn’t permitted any contact with other people, except for his employees. Even if he let me go outside the house on the grounds, he or one of the men he’d assigned as guards, was with me.”

      She swallowed, the stiff way she held her shoulders telling him of her tension. “I’d come to believe I deserved to live like that. I came to feel the pain was punishment well deserved. Over time, after hearing the same things repeated over and over, I was beaten, both in body and spirit. He saw this. It made him happy. I believe he didn’t think I’d ever have the guts to run.”

      Her quiet, matter-of-fact tone moved him more than he wanted her to know. Clearing his throat, he swallowed hard. “But you did.”

      “Yes. He was drunk. For whatever reason, he brought you and Tim up. He was gloating about sending you to prison and furious that you’d gotten out.” A shadow crossed her eyes. “This time, when I heard that, something inside me snapped. After he passed out, I left. No one even tried to stop me.”

      The more she spoke, the more he believed her. “How long do you think you have until he realizes you’re gone?”

      “I don’t know. Usually, when he drinks like that, he looks for me first thing in the morning when he wakes up.”

      The grim twist to her lovely mouth told him why.

      Drumming his fingers on the steering wheel, he changed the subject. “You really didn’t know I was initially convicted of killing Tim?”

      “No. I honestly had no idea. I wasn’t permitted access to television, internet or even newspapers. I’m sorry.”

      Which meant he’d spent a lot of time hating her for no valid reason.

      That thought so blew his mind he had to think of something else. “I’m pretty sure Alex won’t risk searching for you himself. There are too many things that can go wrong. He’ll send people. Most likely he’ll also use the media. People who have never met you might have your picture.”

      “What are you suggesting?” She frowned. “That I wear a disguise?”

      “More like a complete overhaul. You won’t even recognize yourself when you look in the mirror. At least for when you go out. Do you wear contacts?”


      “Okay, then we’ll get colored, non-prescription ones and change your eye color. Your blue eyes are very striking. We’ll tone that down. I’m thinking a muddy brown.”

      At first she appeared startled. Then she smiled, sending a jolt of lust straight to his gut. He remembered her smile. Though already beautiful, her smile lent her a sweetness, a girl-next-door look that tugged at his heartstrings. Just like before, when she’d been with his brother and Reed had wanted her so badly he’d burned with it. The times when he’d come across her sitting on the couch in flannel pajamas, without makeup and with her hair in a careless ponytail had been when he’d thought her most irresistible.

      Pushing the thoughts away, he studied her. “We’re going to cut and color your hair,” he announced, wincing inside. “Something matronly.”

      “Even though I’ll be hiding out at your ranch?”

      “Even so. You might have to go to town sometime.”

      “Fine.” She exhaled. “Do you have a plan?”

      “Not yet. But I will.”

      “How long are you thinking this is going to take?” she asked, beginning to look concerned.

      “I don’t know. Since you said he has a bunch of law enforcement people on his payroll, it should just be a matter of seeing who we can trust.”

      “That could take a while.” She sounded glum. He could relate. After all, she’d just gotten out of a prison—of sorts—too.

      “Maybe not. You never know. I don’t want to make mistakes. When we take him down, I want to make sure he doesn’t get off on a technicality.”

      Slowly, she nodded. “No worries, I’ll wear the disguise when I’m out in public. Though I think if I change my haircut and color, I shouldn’t need colored contacts.”

      “Better safe than sorry. I’ll order the contacts online and pay extra to have them overnighted,” he said. “We’ll also find the ugliest, most unflattering clothes we can. That should be a good start.”

      “I...” Swallowing, she appeared hesitant and uncertain.

      “You said you were willing to do whatever it takes,” he reminded her. “If you don’t want to be found, you’re going to have to wear a disguise.”

      After a moment, she sighed. “True. And you’re right. I’ll change my appearance however much is necessary.”

      As for himself, he’d be glad to make her less of a distraction. She’d been in his life for only an hour, and already he found himself wanting her.

      Physically, that is. Nothing more. He’d put that down to the way he’d been living life as a semi-hermit. Most of the women in town wanted nothing to do with an ex-con like him. Not that he cared. He was fine living alone.

      “How long do you think we have before he starts combing the town?”

      “He was passed out when I left.” Jiggling her long and coltish legs, she appeared to vibrate with tension. He hated that he had to tear his eyes away, drawn to her again and again, despite his earlier self-admonishment. “It depends on when he wakes up. I’m hoping he stays out

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