A Slice Of Heaven. Sherryl Woods

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A Slice Of Heaven - Sherryl  Woods

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Annie protested, immediately on the defensive.

      “It was just a question,” Dana Sue said, her own hackles rising. “You didn’t stop by the restaurant after school, so I wondered if you’d fixed something here.”

      “No, Sarah and I went to Wharton’s with some other kids, just to hang out,” Annie told her in a calmer tone.

      Dana Sue relaxed and grinned. She perched on the edge of the bed, hoping for the kind of girl talk she and Annie had once shared. “I remember doing that when I was your age. I’ll bet not a day went by that Maddie, Helen and I weren’t there, along with whomever we were dating at the time.”

      “You were always with Dad, though, weren’t you?” Annie said, then hesitated, as if trying to gauge her mother’s reaction. When Dana Sue said nothing, she continued, “I mean, you guys were a couple when you were younger than me, right?”

      Dana Sue nodded, lost for a second in the good memories. There had been a lot of them, but she’d buried most under the anger she’d needed just to keep going after Ronnie left.

      “Dad was a hunk, huh?”

      “He was,” Dana Sue admitted. “The first time I saw him, after he and his family moved here from North Carolina, I thought he was the sexiest boy I’d ever seen. He had danger written all over him, from his coal-black, too-long hair to his leather jacket.”

      “Was that the only reason you liked him?” Annie asked. “Because he was so sexy-looking?”

      “No, of course not,” Dana Sue said nobly. “He was sweet and smart and funny, too.”

      Her daughter grinned. “I always thought it was because every other girl in school wanted him and you wanted to prove you could get him.”

      Dana Sue laughed. “Did your father tell you that?”

      “Nope. Maddie did. She said you were so single-minded when it came to getting Dad to notice you.”

      “Yeah, I probably was,” Dana Sue confessed. “He was the first boy who wouldn’t even give me a second look. Naturally, that made him an irresistible challenge. And I knew he would make my folks a little crazy.” She leaned closer and confided, “He had a tattoo, you know.”

      Annie giggled. “Maddie said he gave you a tough time on purpose, because if he’d made it easy, you’d have lost interest.”

      Dana Sue thought back and tried to imagine losing interest in Ronnie. She couldn’t. Her feelings for him had been all-consuming for a long time. Not even nearly eighteen years of marriage had turned down the heat between them. An affair and two years of separation had only driven her to bury the attraction.

      “I don’t know,” she told Annie. “I fell pretty hard, pretty fast.”

      “And you never regretted it, did you?” her daughter asked. “I mean, not till the end, when he was with that other woman.”

      Dana Sue didn’t like even thinking about the day she’d found out about Ronnie’s affair, much less reminiscing about it, but it was evident that Annie had been wanting to ask these questions for a long time. It was as if she’d been saving them up for the right moment. It was also evident she’d been turning to Maddie to find some of the answers she wanted. Dana Sue felt incredibly guilty that Annie hadn’t been able to ask her own mother for the details of her parents’ courtship.

      “No, until the day he cheated on me—or the day I found out about it, anyway—I never regretted a single second with your dad.” She felt Annie deserved total honesty, not an answer colored by far more recent bitterness and resentment.

      “So, he made, like, this one huge mistake and that was it?” Annie said, frowning. “None of the rest mattered anymore?”

      “That’s the way I saw it,” Dana Sue said. “Some betrayals are just too huge.”

      “Do you still feel that way?”

      Dana Sue regarded her daughter with a puzzled look. “Why do you ask?”

      “I just wondered how you’d feel if Dad came back to town. Could you forgive him now?”

      It was the second time in one day that people Dana Sue loved had suggested it might be time for her to get over the past and move on, maybe even with that scum-of-the-earth, cheating ex of hers. She told herself that could only happen if she let her heart—or her hormones—overrule her head. Once Burned, Twice Shy was her motto.

      “Sorry, baby. I know you’d like that, but it’s not going to happen,” she said. “When you’re a little older and have fallen in love, maybe you’ll understand why some things are simply unforgivable.”

      Before Annie could press her on it, she stood up. “You need to get some sleep, young lady. So do I.”

      She brushed a kiss across Annie’s forehead. “Lights out, okay?”

      To her surprise, her daughter’s arms came around her waist. “I love you, Mom.”

      “Oh, sweetie, I love you, too,” Dana Sue whispered, tears in her eyes. “And wherever he is, I know your dad loves you, as well. More than anything.”

      “I know,” Annie said with a sniff. “Sometimes, I just wish he was here, you know?”

      Dana Sue bit back a sigh. “Yeah,” she admitted. “I do know.”

      There were times when she felt as if someone had carved out her heart and left her aching and empty inside. But that feeling paled compared to the anger she’d felt when she’d found out about his fling with some woman whose name he didn’t even remember. Weighing the two emotions and adding in a healthy dose of pride, she’d had only one choice. Maybe someday she would even get used to living with it.

      The phone rang, waking Dana Sue from a sound sleep. She slapped at the alarm, blaming it for the offending noise. When the shrill ringing continued, she fumbled for the phone.

      “Where are you?” Helen demanded. “It’s eight-thirty. Maddie and I have been waiting for half an hour.”

      Dana Sue sat up in bed and rubbed her eyes. “Why?” she mumbled.

      “Our challenge,” Helen reminded her. “Our goals.”

      “I don’t have any, except to go back to sleep,” Dana Sue muttered, and hung up.

      Of course, the phone immediately rang again. “Get up. We’re on our way over,” Helen said crisply. “You have ten minutes to get the coffee brewing. You might want to squeeze in a shower, too. You sound like you could use a cold one to kick-start your brain.”

      This time when Dana Sue slammed the phone back in its cradle, she resigned herself to getting up. Helen had a key and wasn’t afraid to use it. Nor would she hesitate to toss Dana Sue into that icy shower herself. Bossy woman!

      She didn’t bother with putting a robe on over her oversize Carolina Panthers T-shirt, one of the few things of Ronnie’s she’d kept. She’d told herself she’d simply forgotten to add it to the pile of his clothing she’d stuffed haphazardly into suitcases and tossed

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