The Taming of the Shrew. Уильям Шекспир

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The Taming of the Shrew - Уильям Шекспир

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a bearherd, and now by present profession a tinker? Ask Marian Hacket, the fat alewife of Wincot, if she know me not; if she say I am not fourteen pence on the score for sheer ale, score me up for the lying’st knave in Christendom. What! I am not bestraught. 20

       [Taking a pot of ale]

      Here’s –

       3 Servant

O, this it is that makes your lady mourn! 25

       2 Servant

      O, this is it that makes your servants droop!


      Hence comes it that your kindred shuns your house,

      As beaten hence by your strange lunacy.

      O noble lord, bethink thee of thy birth!

Call home thy ancient thoughts from banishment, 30

      And banish hence these abject lowly dreams.

      Look how thy servants do attend on thee,

      Each in his office ready at thy beck.

      Wilt thou have music? Hark! Apollo plays,


And twenty caged nightingales do sing. 35

      Or wilt thou sleep? We’ll have thee to a couch

      Softer and sweeter than the lustful bed

      On purpose trimm’d up for Semiramis.

      Say thou wilt walk: we will bestrew the ground.

Or wilt thou ride? Thy horses shall be trapp’d, 40

      Their harness studded all with gold and pearl.

      Dost thou love hawking? Thou hast hawks will soar

      Above the morning lark. Or wilt thou hunt?

      Thy hounds shall make the welkin answer them

And fetch shrill echoes from the hollow earth. 45

       1 Servant

      Say thou wilt course; thy grey-hounds are as swift

      As breathed stags; ay, fleeter than the roe.

       2 Servant

      Dost thou love pictures? We will fetch thee straight

      Adonis painted by a running brook,

And Cytherea all in sedges hid, 50

      Which seem to move and wanton with her breath

      Even as the waving sedges play wi’ th’ wind.


      We’ll show thee lo as she was a maid

      And how she was beguiled and surpris’d,

As lively painted as the deed was done. 55

       3 Servant

      Or Daphne roaming through a thorny wood,

      Scratching her legs, that one shall swear she bleeds;

      And at that sight shall sad Apollo weep,

      So workmanly the blood and tears are drawn.


Thou art a lord, and nothing but a lord. 60

      Thou hast a lady far more beautiful

      Than any woman in this waning age.

       1 Servant

      And, till the tears that she hath shed for thee

      Like envious floods o’er-run her lovely face,

She was the fairest creature in the world; 65

      And yet she is inferior to none.


      Am I a lord and have I such a lady?

      Or do I dream? Or have I dream’d till now?

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