You can find a variety of self-catering accommodation on, the website of the national Gîtes de France federation. Another popular website for private accommodation is
Who do we contact if there are problems?
Qui devons-nous contacter en cas de problème? kee duh-voñ noo koñ-tak-tay ahñ ka duh prob-lehm?
How does the heating work?
Comment marche le chauffage? ko-mahñ marsh luh shoh-fazh?
Is there always hot water?
Est-ce qu’il y a de l’eau chaude en permanence? es keel ya duh loh shohd ahñ per-ma-nahñs?
Where is the nearest supermarket?
Où est le supermarché le plus proche? oo ay luh sew-pehr-mar-shay luh plew prosh?
Where do we leave the rubbish?
Où est-ce qu’il faut mettre les ordures? oo es keel foh metr lay zor-dewr?
French shop opening hours are approximately 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., but many shops (except those in Paris) close between 12 and 2 p.m. Most are closed on Sundays and some also on Mondays.
Qu’est-ce que vous désirez? kes kuh voo day-zee-ray? What would you like?
Est-ce que vous avez…? es kuh voo za-vay…? Do you have…?
Oui, bien sûr. Voilà. Et avec ceci? wee, byañ sewr. vwa-la. ay a-vek suh-see? Yes, certainly. Here you are. Anything else?
Where is…?
Où est…? oo ay…?
Where can I buy…?
Où est-ce qu’on peut acheter…? oo es koñ puh ash-tay…?
des jouets day zhoo-ay
des cadeaux day ka-doh
Where is the … department?
Où se trouve le rayon…? oo suh troov luh ray-yoñ…?