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English – French | A – C |
D – F | |
G – I | |
J – L | |
M – O | |
P – R | |
S – U | |
V – Z | |
French – English | A – C |
D – F | |
G – I | |
J – L | |
M – O | |
P – R | |
S – U | |
V – Z |
In this book we have used a simple system to help you pronounce the phrases. We have designed the book so that as you read the pronunciation of the phrases you can follow the French. This will help you to recognize the different sounds and enable you to read French without relying on the guide. Here are a few rules you should know:
French | sounds like | example | pronunciation |
au | oh | autobus | oh-toh-bews |
c (+ a, o, u) | ka, ko, ku | cas, col, cure | ka, kol, kewr |
c (+ e, i), ç | s | ceci, ça | suh-see, sa |
ch | sh | chat | sha |
é | ay | été | aytay |
è | eh | très | treh |
eau | oh | beau | boh |
eu | uh | neuf | nuhf |
g (+ e, i) | zhe, zhee | gel, gîte | zhel, zheet |
gn | ny | agneau | a-nyoh |
oi | wa | roi | rwa |
u | ew | sur | sewr |
ui | wee | huit | weet |
e is sometimes weak and sounds like uh. This happens either in very short words (je zhuh, le luh, se suh, etc.) or when the e falls at the end of a syllable: retard ruh-tar, depuis duh-pwee.
h is not pronounced: hôtel oh-tel, haricot a-ree-koh.
There are nasal vowels in French (represented by ñ):
un uñ
fin/bain fañ/bañ
on oñ
dans/en dahñ/ahñ
Word endings are often silent: Paris pa-ree, Londres loñdr, parlent parl. However, the ending is sometimes pronounced if it is followed by a word which begins with a vowel:
avez-vous a-vay voo but vous avez voo za-vay.
In French, unlike English, there is normally no strong accent on any syllable, but instead a slight emphasis on the final