100 Key Ukrainian Personalities. Юрий Сорока

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100 Key Ukrainian Personalities - Юрий Сорока True History Series

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style="font-size:15px;">      “Studying books can bring a lot of use. Books punish us and teach the way to repentance, because we get wiser and more reserved after the words of the books… He who reads books communicates with God or saint men”.

      V. Vasnetsov. Nestor the Chronicler. Kyiv Volodymyr Cathedral

      The most prominent among Nestor the Chronicler’s books is famous The Tale of Bygone Years. We should note that the author compiled the book based on the events of the time as well as earlier chronicles, tales and folklore. It is known that wanting to write about the events in the most credible way, in 1077 Nestor went to Volyn. There, he looked for the original sources in Zymnensk and Sviatohirsk monasteries. As a result, Volyn Chronicle was nearly totally included into The Tale of Bygone Years. The Lives of Borys and Hlib is considered the first work of Nestor Chornoryasnyk. The book was released, most probably, in 1072, before Nestor himself took monastic vows and short time after the first saints of Rus’ were canonized. The second book, as Nestor recollected, was The Life of Theodosius. It is interesting to know that till nowadays some scholars have some doubts as to Nestor’s authorship. The argument of the version is that Nestor’s name is absent in all copies of The Tale but in the well-known Khlebnikovsky Copy. However, still in the XIII century chroniclers unanimously agreed that the author of The Tale was Nestor. A prominent work in the Ukrainian book making, Kyiv-Pechersk Lives of the Fathers, hints at that. On its pages, there is some information that Nestor was a great authority at the monastery and among the scholars and clergy of Kyiv.

      The Tale of Bygone Years in the Radziwiłł Chronicle

      It should be added that Nestor completed The Tale of Bygone Years around 1113 so its writing took him about 20 years. Thanks to the great work of the ascetic, the descendants can see glorious pages of the past, while historians now have an invaluable source of information.

      The Order of Venerable Nestor the Chronicler of the Kyiv Caves, established by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church

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