The Adventures of Yumi. Theatre play for children. Maxim Titovets
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A round of applause from the city representatives.
Karabasov. Thank you, my friends. Mister Khorkov, our house manager, will give you a tour around the new apartment block. The upper floors of this building command a wonderful view of the river and the forest, and I hope that one day the latter will become our new construction site.
Malyshev. Let us not rush on, mister Karabasov. The city administration has not given its consent to the building up in this forest plot.
Karabasov. Yes, I understand this, mister Mayor.
Malyshev. Trees are the lungs of our city. I don’t intend to lay down environment and citizens’ health at stake for the sake of building of another shopping mall.
Karabasov. All in its proper time, ladies and gentlemen. Maybe we will manage to find a compromise solution one day.
Khorkov. Well then, ladies and gentlemen, I would like you to follow me.
Everyone follows Khorkov to the entrance of the apartment block.
Nyuta. Dad, may I take a walk here?
Malyshev. Alright. Just don’t leave the yard.
Nyuta. Come back soon.
All the adults enter the building. Nyuta is left alone. Yumi comes out of hiding.
Nyuta. Hey, doggo.
Yumi (to himself). Stop! Danger. A human.
Nyuta. Don’t be afraid, little one. Come here.
Yumi (to himself). Right, a likely story. Suppose you bite me?
Nyuta. Here you are, take it.
Yumi. Woof!
Nyuta. A goodie.
Yumi. (to himself). What is a goodie? It smells so nice.
Nyuta. So?
Yumi. Woof!
Nyuta. Don’t be afraid.
Yumi (to himself). Stop! The third rule: never trust people.
Nyuta. Mmm… so tasty.
Yumi. Woof!
Nyuta. Here, take it.
Yumi (to himself). If you are treated to something tasty, it’s a trap! Mmm, this smell.
Nyuta. Take it!
Yumi (to himself). I will just try a tiny bit.
Yumi comes to Nyuta and takes a biscuit out of her hands.
Nyuta. Well done.
Yumi. Woof!
Nyuta. Whose are you?
Yumi. Woof!
Nyuta. Take one more.
Yumi gulps down everything Nyuta gave him.
Nyuta. You are so hungry. What is your name?
Yumi. Woof! (He fawns upon Nyuta.)
Nyuta. It tickles, you silly. I have nothing left.
Yumi. Woof!
Nyuta and Yumi are playing together. Malyshev, Karabasov, Khorkov and other adults go out of the apartment block.
Malyshev. Nyuta! Look out. This dog can bite you.
Nyuta. Dad! It is a puppy. He is so funny.
Yumi. Woof!
Malyshev. Move away from him.
Yumi. Woof!
Nyuta. Dad. Don’t frighten him. He’s nice.
Reporter. That’s some nuisance, mister Mayor. We informed the district administration about the pack of stray dogs, which had made this wasteland their home, many times.
Malyshev. We’ll take care of it, ladies and gentlemen.
Malyshev. Mister Karabasov, how can you explain it?
Karabasov. We will put everything right, mister Mayor! Khorkov, deal with it.
Khorkov. Hey, get out of here!
Khorkov keeps the puppy off. Yumi runs to the wasteland and observes the people through the fence.
Malyshev. Dear journalists! The matter of cleaning the city from stray animals is under my personal control.
Karabasov. Yes, yes! Animal control service will solve this problem in no time.
Nyuta. Why poor animals should be caught and caged in?
Malyshev. Stray animals are dangerous for people, darling.
Reporter. Isn’t it the mayor’s responsibility to protect citizens from this threat?
Malyshev. I agree with you. And I do everything I can to clean our city.
Yumi. Woof!
Nyuta. And who turned them into the streets? Are these animals to blame for the fact some of the townspeople got bored with them, and so they ended up on the street?
Reporter. These savage dogs and cats spread all kinds of diseases!
Nyuta. If every family in our city adopts at least one stray dog or cat, the city won’t have stray animals anymore.
Yumi. Woof!
Reporter. That’s an interesting idea. Mister Mayor, give us a lead. Take this stray dog home.
Yumi. Woof!