How to Steer People. Simone Janson

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How to Steer People - Simone Janson

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      How to Steer People

      Understand power games, leadership & psychology of persuasion, influence human behaviour, achieve goals, strategy & rhetoric to your success as a top manager

       Simone Janson (ed.)

      Published by Best of HR -®

      Table of Contents


       Introduction: How this book supports you

       Add-on, press reviews and customer feedback

       Content of the book

       Structure of the book

       Information as desired and additional material to the book!

       Personal eBooks and eCourses

       Bosstypen Strength and weakness: Vladimir Putin or the dominance of the pack leader // By Dr. Jens Hoffmann

       Understand emotions and address them directly: landing approach communication as a metaphor // By Markus Hornung

       People in business: Handling emotions properly - 4 principles // By Marcus König

       Emotions in business: from the mood to the purchase decision // By Dr. Cornelia Topf

       TALK | Top management consultant Assig + Echter: The selection of executives suffers from the control madness // By Simone Janson

       Corporate culture in transition: new skills for managers // By Dr. Anke Nienkerke-Springer

       Employee motivation in companies: self-management instead of management // By Dr. Susanne Klein

       Leadership with confidence: 3 tips for a better leadership style // By Antje Heimsoeth

       Manpower for Managers Managers and Managers: The Power of Personality // By Frank Scheelen

       Guiding people to understand reading: body language vs. rhetoric // By Joe Navarro

       Closing Remarks

       Authors Overview

       Joe Navarro

       Frank Scheelen

       Antje Heimsoeth

       Dr. Susanne Klein

       Dr. Anke Nienkerke-Springer

       Dr. Cornelia Topf

       Marcus König

       Markus Hornung

       Dr. Jens Hoffmann

       Simone Janson

       About the publisher Best of HR -®

       Notes on translation


      The German National Library lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; Detailed bibliographic data are available on the Internet at

      ISBN of the German eBook edition: 9783965961869

      ISBN of the English eBook edition: 9783965961876

      Website of the publisher:

       English website of the publisher:

      How to Steer People

      1st edition, 17.06.2020

      © 2020 Publisher Simone Janson | Best of HR®

      Duesseldorf, Germany

      Concept, editing, graphic design & layout: Simone Janson

      Cover design with Canva


      About us make the Working World more Human and Ecological, so we donate Revenue for Certified Afforestation. As Publisher Best of HR - Berufebilder .de® you can unique Book Concept, on Demand eCourses and News

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