It’s Always the Husband. Michele Campbell

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It’s Always the Husband - Michele Campbell

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you do good work at a reasonable price. You’ve built up a reputation. They trust you.”

      “You’re telling me your pal Keniston Eastman has nothing to do with it?”

      “What are you getting at?”

      “I don’t want to be in bed with him and his filthy daughter anymore.”

      “Kate has nothing to do with this.”

      “I don’t believe you.”

      Tim’s blue eyes were troubled. She felt bad for him, she really did, but he needed to suck it up and back off. Too much was at stake here. Next he’d be asking her about that incident again, from freshman year, when Kate got in trouble. When an innocent person died. They couldn’t talk about it. It had to stay buried.

      “Babe,” she began, squeezing his arm.

      Aubrey stepped through the sliding glass door. Thank God, just in time.

      “Let’s talk about this later, okay?” Jenny said.

      “Yeah, whatever you say, Jen,” Tim said bitterly. “You call the shots.”

      He brushed past Aubrey on his way out the door without so much as a hello.

      “Sorry about that. We were in the middle of a spat, but I’m glad you’re here. I need to talk to you about something,” Jenny said, thinking of the reporter.

      But her words barely seemed to register with Aubrey, who looked pale and ill.

      “Are you okay?” Jenny said, looking at her friend with concern. “Ethan said you were sick.”

      “I’ve been better. He said I was sick, like physically? Hah,” Aubrey said, with bitterness in her voice.

      “Are you two having problems again? Ethan didn’t—?”

      “Oh, yes he did. And you’ll never guess who the woman is this time,” Aubrey said, sinking into a chair at the kitchen table.

      Jenny filled a glass of water and brought it over to her.

      “Who?” Jenny asked. Oh great, was this about to turn into some big drama? Aubrey’s marital problems were nothing new, and Jenny had other things to worry about, like her guests, and the reporter who was looking to track down Kate Eastman and possibly start asking a lot of questions.

      “It’s Kate,” Aubrey said simply. She looked through the glass of water like she didn’t see it.

      “Kate? You mean—?”

      “Yes! Ethan is sleeping with Kate this time.”

      “Oh,” Jenny said. She did her best to appear shocked, but privately, she had suspected this for a while. Those two had a chemistry that, given their well-known proclivities, could only mean one thing.

      “It’s been going on for a while,” Aubrey said, “but I just found out. I know Ethan is a – well, a sex addict I guess – and a liar. I’ve put up with that for the sake of the children. But to go after my best friend, it’s too much.”

      Aubrey shook her head numbly. Her eyes were dry. Jenny might have been tempted to offer comfort anyway, to pull Aubrey into a hug, but instead she backed away, and leaned against the kitchen island. Aubrey’s words stung. Kate barely gave Aubrey the time of day over the past twenty years, and now she was sleeping with Aubrey’s husband. Jenny was there in every crisis. Yet Aubrey called Kate her best friend.

      “What is wrong with me, Jenny? I’ve been playing the fool for years. I have to do something about this. I have to make them stop,” Aubrey said.

      “I don’t mean to say I told you so,” Jenny said, “but I’ve always said you should leave Ethan.”

      “Then he’d win. They would win. Ethan and Kate would get to be together, and I’d be alone. I’d probably have to sell the house. He’d get joint custody. It’s so unfair.”

      “As far as Ethan and Kate running off together, I doubt they have any interest in that. They’re so shallow. It’s probably just a fling. And the rest – well, you need to talk to a lawyer. A good one. Take Ethan to the cleaners, and you’ll feel better.”

      Aubrey shook her head. “After the way they betrayed me, that’s not enough. I’m so angry at both of them. How could I have been so blind?”

      “You like to see the best in people.”

      “You mean I’m a fool.”

      Jenny sighed. “Well, I’m glad you’re finally seeing Kate for who she is. I’m not only talking about this affair, but—” Jenny glanced over her shoulder, then walked over and closed the sliding glass door. “You know what I’m talking about. There’s a reporter from the Register out there looking for Kate right now. I’m worried about what he wants with her.”

      Aubrey focused on Jenny as if noticing her presence for the first time. Her eyes narrowed. “You mean, the reporter wants to ask Kate about – about freshman year?”

      “I don’t know for sure, but that’s what I’m afraid of. We can’t have that mess getting dredged up again, not now.”

      Aubrey picked up the glass of water and took a careful sip. Her eyes looked clearer suddenly. “Why not? Maybe that’s exactly what Kate deserves.”

      “What? You can’t be serious.”

      “Think about it for a minute. If we told people what really happened that night, Kate would be in big trouble. The police would get involved. She might even go to jail.” A nasty smile appeared on Aubrey’s face.

      “That’s crazy. You can’t do that,” Jenny said. She started to tremble.

      “Why not?”

      “We can’t change our story now. You were her biggest defender, Aubrey. You always said it wasn’t her fault. You’ve been saying that for twenty years.”

      “Just because I change my story doesn’t mean I was lying before. Maybe I was wrong before. Maybe I remembered something new.”

      “No. If you tell anyone, or God forbid, go to the police, it will come back on us. We were both there that night. We both gave statements.”

      “Maybe I don’t care about the consequences.”

      “I do. I’m the mayor of Belle River. I have a family, a business to run. I can’t afford a scandal.”

      “I have things to protect, too.”

      “Okay, but—” Jenny paused, deciding how much to reveal. There was an angry, stubborn set to Aubrey’s jaw. If Jenny didn’t take a risk and tell her what was really at stake here, Aubrey might be crazy enough to go public. She couldn’t allow that.

      “Aubrey, listen. There’s more to this than some old college scandal. I never told Tim the truth about what happened that night. If you change your story now, it

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