Dying Light. Stuart MacBride
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Her ‘friend’ had told her to call him Steve, but Logan wasn’t to cause trouble for him, because she had to stay with him, and he’d beat her. Logan just made noncommittal noises and asked Kylie where she’d been Monday night.
‘I go with man in suit, he want I do dirty thing, but he pay good. Then I go with other man, smell very bad of chips, skin is all grease. I go with—’
‘Sorry, that’s not what I meant.’ Logan tried not to think of oily fingers pawing away at the schoolgirl. ‘What I meant was: where were you getting picked up from?’
‘Oh, I understand. Same place today. All night. I make good money.’ She nodded. ‘Steve bring me breakfast, I do so good. Happy Meal.’
Last of the big spenders. ‘Did you know a girl was attacked?’
She nodded again. ‘I know.’
‘Did you see anything?’
Kylie shook her head. ‘She stand there all night, only one man come make fuck with her.’
‘What did he look like?’
‘It very dark…’ A frown and then, ‘White hair all spike?’ She stuck her hands to the side of her head, fingers pointing upwards. ‘You know? And beard.’ More hand gestures: this time the left, fingers bunched, right on the point of her chin. ‘He smell of chips too.’
Logan sat back and smiled. That would be Jamie McKinnon, no doubt fresh from robbing another late-night fast-food joint. Goodbye alibi.
‘Did you hear anything they said?’
She shook her head and finished her bottle of beer. ‘I go with other man.’
Logan sat back in his seat and looked at her. ‘You know someone killed her?’
Kylie sighed, her face suddenly much older than its years. She knew. People got hurt all the time. People died. It was the way the world worked.
‘Would you come with me to the station? Look at some photographs? Make a statement? Just what you’ve told me?’
She shook her head. ‘Steve angry if I not making money.’ She rolled up the sleeve of her low-cut blouse, showing him the cluster of cigarette burns in the crook of her elbow. There were needle tracks in amongst the circular scars, just enough to get addiction underway. To make her dependent on ‘Steve’.
‘What if I told you I could make sure Steve never hurt you ever again?’
Kylie just laughed. That was crazy talk. She wasn’t going to come with him, she wasn’t going to police station, she wasn’t going to cause no trouble for Steve. Thank you for beer and goodbye. Logan insisted, but Kylie was having none of it. She jumped to her feet and made a run for the door.
Logan leapt up to follow, and that was when things started to go wrong. A large man with a tattoo the size of a Rottweiler blocked the exit, just after Kylie charged through the door. He was a good foot shorter than Logan was, but more than made up for it in breadth.
Logan screeched to a halt.
‘Lady’s no’ wantin’ your company,’ he said, his accent broad Peterhead.
‘Look, I need to catch her! She’s only fourteen!’
‘Oh, like ’em young do you?’ Through gritted teeth.
‘What? No! I’m a police officer! She…’ And that’s when Logan heard it: the silence. Every conversation in the pub had come to a sudden halt. The only sound in the place was a tatty-looking bandit, bleeping and pinging away to itself.
‘OK,’ he turned around and addressed the bar as a whole, ‘I’m looking for whoever killed Rosie Williams. I don’t want to cause trouble for anyone else.’ More silence. Cold sweat was beginning to run down Logan’s back. ‘Some bastard beat Rosie to death: strangled her, smashed her face in, broke her ribs. She drowned in her own blood!’ Logan turned to face the tattooed thug blocking the door. ‘She deserved better than that. Everyone does.’
He was going to get his arse kicked. He could feel it.
The wee muscleman frowned in concentration. The silence stretched. And then he said, ‘Go on, bugger off.’ He jerked a thumb over his shoulder. ‘Mind this, though: it’s no’ healthy for you in here. Don’t come back.’
By the time he was outside there was no sign of Kylie.
Logan didn’t know any Lithuanian, so he swore in good old-fashioned Scottish.
Logan spent the next few hours going around the car parks and alleys again, but it wasn’t any use – the young lady from Lithuania was the only one who’d seen Jamie McKinnon. Everyone else had been too busy making a living in doorways and strangers’ cars.
Force Headquarters was like a graveyard when he pushed through the back doors, not a soul to be seen. Except for Big Gary, still sitting behind the desk, with a Teach Yourself French book and a packet of chocolate Hobnobs.
‘Any news on PC Maitland?’ Logan asked, helping himself to a biscuit.
The large man shook his head. ‘Far as I know, he’s still in intensive care.’ His voice dropped to a whisper. ‘You know, no’ everyone blames you for it, OK? I mean, it’s no’ your fault they was tooled up. Is it?’
Logan smiled sadly. ‘So how come I still feel like shite then?’
‘’Cos you’re no’ a heartless wanker, like some of the tubes round here.’ He patted Logan’s shoulder with a massive hand. ‘He’ll be fine. Stick some cash in the whip-round: we’ll get him a stripper. This’ll all blow over. You’ll see.’ Logan thanked him for his optimism then sodded off to the canteen for a cup of tea and a sandwich, taking both down to Records so he could look at some mugshots while he ate. Searching for a big bloke with a shaved head and a goatee beard: the fourteen-year-old Lithuanian girl’s pimp. Clicking his way through ream after ream of bad guys on the computer.
By the time three o’clock arrived, he’d only managed to get through a fraction of FHQ’s collection of mugshots. Tomorrow he’d get someone to put together an e-fit identikit picture. Email it round, see if anyone recognized the man. Straightening up with a creak and a yawn, Logan headed back out into the night, wanting to take one last look for Kylie. So much for knocking off at two.
There wasn’t a lot of activity down at the docks; Wednesday wasn’t really a night for hard drinking so there were fewer drunken idiots staggering out of the nightclubs and strip joints to prowl the streets in search of a cash-based romantic interlude. And that meant most of the prostitutes went home too. Now it was just the hard-core left. The women who were the most desperate. Who hadn’t had much luck earlier in the night. The ones with varicose veins and no teeth. The ones like Rosie Williams.