Back in the Headlines. Sharon Kendrick

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Back in the Headlines - Sharon Kendrick Mills & Boon Modern

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to muster even a smile, Roxy nodded as she pulled her useless key away from the door. Don’t show your desperation, she urged herself as she sucked in a deep, painful breath. ‘Hello, Bella.’

      ‘What is going on? Some goon was round here earlier changing all the locks on the door!’

      Talk about stating the obvious, thought Roxy wearily. ‘I’m moving,’ she croaked.

      But Annabella was clearly much more interested in something other than Roxy’s housing difficulties. ‘And then...’ She paused dramatically, for effect. ‘You’ll never guess who came storming round, looking as if the world was about to end?’

      ‘Who?’ questioned Roxy, though she could tell from the other woman’s sudden air of adulation just who that might be.

      ‘Titus Alexander,’ said Annabella, her eyes narrowing. ‘The Duke of Torchester! I didn’t realise you knew him! And I didn’t realise he owned this house,’ she finished accusingly.

      Roxy didn’t bother saying ‘and neither did I’. Even if she’d wanted a conversation with Annabella, she didn’t think she’d be coherent enough to make any sense right now, because her head had started pounding and her throat felt as if it were on fire. She needed to get out of here and she needed to lie down before she fell down. ‘I have to go,’ she croaked.

      ‘But go where?’ asked Annabella, her voice sounding incredulous as she watched Roxy struggle to pick up the heavy case.

      Perhaps if she hadn’t been feeling so woozy, then Roxy might have invented a fictitious series of friends who’d be only too glad to let her sofa-surf until she found a place of her own. But she felt so low and defeated that she just blurted out the truth—not caring a jot about her battered pride or Annabella’s horrified face.

      ‘I’ll find a hostel,’ she mumbled. ‘Just for the night.’

      She began to haul her heavy suitcase down the street, not stopping until she reached the bus stop and was certain she was away from Annabella’s pitying stare. And when the bright red double-decker bus stopped, she bought a ticket planning to travel as far away from this privileged area of West London as possible. Because she didn’t belong here. Come to think of it, she didn’t really belong anywhere.

      Somehow she found a hostel, not caring that it was right by a busy Tube station or that to get there she had to pass three people sitting on a pavement, asking passers-by for money.

      She just needed to sleep, that was all. In the morning she would feel better—and after that she would find somewhere to live. She wondered if the desperation showed on her face or whether it could be heard in her croaky voice—but something in her heartfelt appeal must have worked, because she was given a bed.

      It was an iron bedstead with a lumpy mattress, in a dormitory with twenty other women—some of whom seemed to be withdrawing from alcohol. Their delusional screams about yellow ants pierced the night and ordinarily Roxy would have been terrified. But the pounding in her head was pretty much all she could think about right then—until she remembered that she’d left no forwarding address and that she was expecting a much-needed cheque. And that she wouldn’t put it past the hateful Titus Alexander to throw it in the bin, out of spite.

      With trembling fingers, she scrabbled around in her bag until she’d found the arrogant aristocrat’s card, then fumbled him a text, before flopping back against the flat pillow.

      She’d never felt so ill in her life. The walls were closing in on her. Her skin was growing hot. And just before her eyelids fluttered to a close, she cursed the tawny-headed man whose cruel behaviour had brought her here.

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