Medusa's Folly. Alison Paige

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Medusa's Folly - Alison Paige Mills & Boon Spice

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      “Ah, the little minx likes when the monster fucks her back,” he said. He pumped into her again and again, churning sensation through his body.

      His heart shuddered, filling his veins with the hot sear of lusty blood. His chest squeezed at the feel of his cock sliding through the tight hug of her pussy. Her cream spilled over his balls, wetting his thighs. Her wriggling and rocking quickened, grew frenzied, as though she’d pleasure herself with his body, his pleasure be damned.

      Like hell. He wasn’t stone now, to be used, to be ignored. He’d fuck her better than she’d ever been fucked if not for her worrisome gaze.

      “What is it you want, my little goddess?” he asked, without risking a glance at her face.

      “More,” she said on a shaky breath. “More. Faster. Do it.”

      His muscles snapped tight at her plea. “Close your eyes, you vengeful wench, and I’ll fuck you raw.”

      “Yesss…” She leaned back, flattening herself to the wall, giving him space to move.

      He straightened slowly, holding her with one hand under her ass, the other crushing over her breast. Her weight was nothing to his supernatural strength and he pinned her to the spot.

      Good as her word, the goddess kept her eyes squeezed tight, though her hair still writhed and hissed about her head.

      “That’s my good little minx,” he said, leaning close to trail the long point of his tongue up her neck to tease her ear. Her body shuddered, the spasm vibrating all the way down through her pussy and over his cock.

      He gasped at the unexpected sensation, his muscles snagging through his balls, jerking the swollen flesh of his sex inside her. Enough of these games.

      Uphir leaned back, his gaze dropping to the connection of their bodies. Her slender legs stretched wide around his waist, the small lips of her sex open on him, his penis buried deep inside her. He pulled back, watching the long length of him slip from her body, the shaft glistening.

      He knew his sex was big by human standards—longer, fatter, more that of a beast than a man. But she took him to the hilt when he thrust into her again, and hugged him tight through the backward draw. He pushed into her again, the snug fit of her body rippling sensation through every square inch of his, from the point of his ears through the quaking muscles of his thighs to the very tips of his wings.

      He clenched his jaw, fighting hard to resist the tide of pleasure swamping over him, pushing him to the edge of release.

      Not yet. Not yet. He’d waited too long, suffered too much to let it slip through his grasp with a few fluttering hugs from the first pussy he tasted.

      But the sensation tightening through his gut, tugging muscles along his thighs, squeezing through his chest, was not easily refused. Uphir rocked his hips, thrusting deep, his skin tingling with the feel of her body clutching hard around his cock. He pushed again, and then again, going faster, watching as his shaft drilled through the tight, wet entry of her body.

      She opened wider, allowing him to go deeper, faster, and Uphir’s heart shuddered with the spike of excitement her invitation sent surging through his veins. Pressure swelled too fast within him, tightened his body beyond his control. The tempting call of release was too sweet, too needed, to resist, and his body toppled over that imaginary edge, the rush of his surrender exploding in a gush of liquid heat from his sex.

      But the wicked little goddess wasn’t finished with him. She writhed and squirmed at the end of his cock, pumping her slender hips, her pussy milking his semihard cock for all it could.

      He pushed into her, filled her with the softening meat of his sex, and she squirmed for more. He rolled his hips, stroking her as best he could even as her eager little jerks and wiggles teased his cock into stirring again.

      She stopped suddenly, and huffed a frustrated sigh. “Enough. I can’t allow this. You’ve enjoyed more than you deserve. Time to return you from whence you came.”

      Uphir had a moment to puzzle out her meaning through the fog of his blood-starved male mind. It wasn’t enough. The lithe goddess opened those milky eyes of hers and turned them upon him.

      Their gazes met and Uphir gasped at the sharp stab to his heart. But it wasn’t the hard freeze of stone that squeezed through his chest upon seeing her…it was love.

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