The Wedding Journey. Cheryl St.John
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“Cruelty to animals and children isn’t acceptable behavior under my employ,” the doctor proclaimed, already walking away with the boy. “Pack your belongings and leave the ship immediately. You no longer have a job.”
Hegarty dropped the crate with a resounding crash and brushed his beefy hands together. “You can keep your measly wages. Too many smelly Irishmen aboard this vessel for my taste, anyhow.”
The doctor directed an undiscernable look at Maeve. It was apparent from his speech, he was every bit as Irish as she, though obviously from a higher social class and far more educated. In those brief seconds it didn’t matter. The obnoxious man had insulted the majority of people on the wharf.
“Are you boarding the Annie McGee?” At her nod, the doctor asked, “Can someone see to carrying your belongings?”
“Aye, my sisters.”
“Call to them, if you will, please. All of you can come aboard with me.”
Quickly, she turned and called out before the crowd had time to close in behind them. “Nora! Bridget! Bring everything and follow us!” She addressed the doctor again. “You’re taking him aboard the sailing vessel?”
“Can’t very well leave him here unattended, can I? We’ve no other choice.”
“He said he was with two brothers, but I saw only one, I did. A lad younger than this boy.”
“The crewman will search them out,” he replied. “I suspect if there are brothers, they’ve either sneaked on the ship already or will board as soon as they have the opportunity.”
Maeve left her last footprint on the soil of her native land and stepped onto the wooden gangplank.
Reaching the deck, she kept pace with the long-legged doctor, and they made their way to the companion ladder. He descended ahead of her, and she leaned as far forward as she dared without toppling over to keep hold of the tourniquet.
Once below deck, he led the way along a corridor until they reached a closed door. She had a free hand, so she opened it and stood back. The doctor was so tall, he had to bend to enter the room, but Maeve walked through upright. Her sisters followed, with Nora bending to fit under the doorway.
“Set your belongings inside the door,” he instructed. “I apologize for my lack of manners, ladies. I’m Dr. Flynn Gallagher.”
“Oh, goodness, no,” Nora objected. “You were involved with an emergency situation and could hardly have been expected to tip your hat.”
“He isn’t wearing a hat,” Bridget said with a grin.
Nora ignored her. “I’m Nora Murphy. This is Bridget, and your capable helper there is Maeve.”
He had already laid down the boy and was now washing his own hands in a basin. Beside it was a stack of folded towels and linens. The dispensary was impeccably clean.
“Will you assist me?” he asked Maeve.
Clearly he had no one else to help now. She couldn’t have imagined that Hegarty fellow would have been of much use anyway. The doctor took hold of the comb while she washed her hands as thoroughly as he had.
Dr. Gallagher’s brows rose in obvious appreciation for the care she took. On her return, he handed her a small brown bottle and a cloth folded into a square.
“What will happen if his brothers aren’t found?” she asked. She didn’t want to see this lad separated from his family.
“Where do you suppose your brothers are right now?” Dr. Gallagher asked Sean.
Sean didn’t meet his eyes. He was sweating from the pain.
“They’re stowing aboard, aren’t they? Was that what the three of you cooked up?”
“What would happen to them if they did?” he asked.
The doctor nodded at Maeve. “We’ll see them eventually. Go ahead.”
She uncapped the bottle, held it well away from her nose and caught a whiff to test its contents. Knowing full well what it was and what he intended it for, she poured a small amount on the cloth, capped the bottle and held the fabric over the child’s nose. “Close your eyes now, laddie. The doctor’s going to fix you up as good as new, he is.”
Dr. Gallagher cut away Sean’s trousers, covered him with toweling and doused the area with alcohol. The boy’s eyes were peacefully closed as he proceeded.
“I’ll need a good helper for this voyage. I’d like to hire you for the position of my assistant.”
“But…” Caught off guard, she looked up. His diligent attention was fastened on his task. “I have no formal training.”
“Experience and quick thinking are often worth more than book learning, Miss Murphy. You’ve already proven yourself more than competent.”
Maeve thought of all their neighbors and her own parents whom she’d treated and seen worsen and eventually die. Two weeks ago she hadn’t been able to save her own da. She didn’t know if she had the courage to take care of any more sick people. “I don’t know.”
The handsome doctor glanced toward Nora and Bridget as he took instruments from a small metal box and threaded a needle. “How shall I convince your sister to become my assistant?”
“May I step closer to speak with her?” Nora asked.
“Have you a weak stomach?”
“I’ll be averting my eyes, if that’s what you ask.”
He gestured for her to come forward. “Yes, come speak to her.”
Nora shot Bridget a glance and hurried to Maeve’s side, deliberately keeping her eyes averted from the surgery.
“This is a divine opportunity,” she whispered in Maeve’s ear. “Think on it. We spent nearly every last penny on tickets and have nothing left for emergencies or even lodging when we get to Boston, should our plans fall through. We tried in vain to seek positions before the ship sailed. And now this perfect opportunity is presented to you and you want to refuse it?”
“If it aids your decision,” the doctor interrupted. “I’ll secure positions for the three of you. The cook always needs help preparing meals for the crew, and only an hour ago one of the passenger families was inquiring about a governess.”
Maeve looked up into Nora’s pleading blue eyes. Her sisters needed her to agree to this. Previously they’d been turned away each time they’d sought work on the ship. They’d risked the voyage anyway, but their welfare depended on someone earning a wage.
“We accept your kind offer,” Maeve said with a surprising sense of anticipation. She prayed her abilities were enough that she would be a help. The thought of learning from a skilled physician buoyed