The Millionaire's Convenient Bride. Catherine George

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The Millionaire's Convenient Bride - Catherine George Mills & Boon Modern

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in the snow all those years ago. You were very taken with him at the time!’

      ‘You must have been too, to volunteer full board for a few days,’ Hester retorted.

      ‘I liked him, yes,’ said Moira, and smiled wickedly. ‘But I wasn’t moonstruck like you, darling.’

      ‘I’ve been reading up on him,’ said Robert, the peacemaker. ‘He’s one of the new hedge fund breed. He made a packet with an asset management firm he set up with a partner, but eventually sold off his share in the firm to “pursue other interests”, but these weren’t specified.’

      Hester nodded. ‘I heard that much from Angus Duff, my journalist chum. Of course I didn’t know if the CC Jones he researched was our man, but I somehow had this gut feeling that he might be.’

      Moira eyed her narrowly. ‘Was that why you were so keen to apply?’

      ‘Of course not. I replied to a box number. It was only when John Austin told me the name of his employer that I had this wild idea that Mr CC Jones might just possibly be our mystery man. But even then my only reason for applying was to earn some extra money before I go to the Rutherfords in October.’ Hester smiled in satisfaction. ‘While I’m living in Albany Square I’ll spend very little, which will do wonders for my rainy day fund.’

      ‘How about time off?’ asked Robert.

      ‘Every Sunday, the occasional Saturday, and some evenings when the big white chief is at home.’

      ‘You sound as though you’re not so enamoured with him this time round,’ said her mother.

      ‘His looks still pack the same punch for me, I admit, but I was rather put off when I found he wasn’t willing to trust me with a key to the house,’ said Hester tartly. ‘He also got a bit personal about my social life.’

      ‘Understandable, with someone as attractive as you,’ said Robert.

      She smiled at him affectionately. ‘But I assured him there would be no gentleman callers—’

      ‘Surely you didn’t say that!’ exclaimed Moira, rolling her eyes. ‘You’re not an Edwardian parlourmaid, girl!’

      ‘For a moment he made me feel like one,’ admitted Hester, eyes kindling.

      ‘What’s he like?’ asked Robert curiously.

      ‘Tall, dark and formidable, with hard black eyes that pin you down.’

      ‘Are you sure you want to work for him?’ demanded Moira.

      ‘Don’t worry, Mother, I’m sure I can play Jane Eyre to his Rochester for six weeks, whether I like him or not,’ Hester assured her, then grinned. ‘And I know he doesn’t have a mad wife in the attic because that’s where I sleep.’

      Robert drove Hester to the house in Albany Square just before eight thirty on her first day and not only insisted on carrying her luggage up the steps to the front door, but on waiting with her until Sam Cooper appeared.

      ‘Good morning, Sam,’ said Hester, smiling. ‘This is my stepfather, Robert Marshall.’

      Sam held out a hand to Robert. ‘Sam Cooper, sir.’

      Robert gave him a straight look as he took it, then smiled, obviously satisfied with what he saw. ‘Glad to meet you. I’m sure I leave Hester in good hands.’ He kissed her, reminded her to ring her mother later, and went back down to the car, waving as he drove off.

      ‘Your stepdad’s obviously fond of you,’ commented Sam as he took the suitcases inside.

      ‘He is, luckily for me,’ said Hester affectionately. ‘He’s never had children of his own and tends to be protective where I’m concerned.’

      Sam nodded in approval. ‘Sounds like a good relationship. I’ll just take this lot up to your room. Connah and Lowri stayed with Connah’s mother over the weekend and they’re not back yet, so you’ve got time to settle in before they arrive for lunch.’

      ‘Talking of lunch, will you put this in the refrigerator for me?’ Hester handed him a package. ‘Or am I required to cook something hot?’

      ‘Just soup and sandwiches, and Connah told me to stock you up for a cold meal tonight for supper.’ Sam grinned. ‘No need for a frontal assault on the cooker until tomorrow.’

      ‘That’s a relief! I brought a cold roast chicken just in case, but I can use some of that for sandwiches. After I’ve unpacked will you show me where everything’s kept?’

      ‘I’ll give you a guided tour through the cupboards later,’ promised Sam, and took her luggage upstairs.

      Hester followed him, relieved that Sam Cooper seemed to like her. She unpacked rapidly and put her belongings away, then went downstairs to the kitchen. With Sam’s guidance, she explored the cupboards and found them well stocked with everything she could possibly need.

      ‘Has Connah lived here long?’ she asked.

      ‘No. The house was only finished properly a few weeks before we moved in. There was a hell of a lot to do. It dates from about eighteen-hundred and because it’s a listed building it couldn’t be hurried. Connah’s main place is a penthouse flat in London but he’s got business interests in this area, so when this house came on the market he snapped it up. Tomato is Lowri’s favourite,’ he added, as Hester surveyed the ranks of soup tins.

      ‘Thank you. By the way, were there many other applicants for my job?’


      But Connah had chosen her.

      Sam answered her question before she asked it. ‘Apparently the others were older and obviously set in their ways. Connah wanted a companion for Lowri, not a starchy, no-nonsense nanny.’

      Hester began making sandwiches with the speed and efficiency of long practice. ‘But officially I’m a housekeeper, not a nanny, remember.’

      ‘Lowri will be glad of someone your age for company, whatever the job description,’ Sam assured her. ‘Normally she spends the holidays with her grandma at Bryn Derwen, but now Alice is married it’s lonely there for her.’ He munched appreciatively. ‘These are first class.’

      ‘I hope I haven’t made them too soon.’

      He shook his head. ‘Connah said midday, so that’s when he’ll be here—’ He broke off as his phone rang. ‘Told you,’ he said, checking the caller ID. ‘Yes, Boss.’ After a brief exchange, he disconnected. ‘ETA twelve noon, Hester, and Lowri wants lunch in the garden. I’ll help you take it out.’

      Feeling far more nervous than before her interview with Connah, Hester put the soup to heat and prepared a tray.

      ‘Lay for three,’ said Sam. ‘Connah expects you to join them for lunch.’

      ‘Oh, right.’ Hester hastily added a third setting. ‘What does Lowri drink?’

      ‘Fizzy stuff if allowed, milk or juice if not.’


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