Cooper's Woman. Carol Finch
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Coop clucked his tongue. “So cynical for one so young. I didn’t expect that.”
When Alexa stopped short Coop did, too. The light from the street lamp illuminated her enchanting face and highlighted her soft, kissable mouth. Lust sucker-punched him so hard that he staggered back a step.
Damn! Coop didn’t recall other women making such a fierce and immediate impact on him. And hell, he could list a score of reasons why he should keep his distance from Alexa. Yet, he couldn’t stop himself from gazing down into those incredible blue eyes and craving a taste of those honeyed lips.
“And what of you, sir? What do you see when you look at me? Dollar signs? Invitations to high society’s soirees?”
A slow smile worked its way across his mouth. “All I want is to see you naked with me,” he told her frankly.
That should scare the dickens out of her and send her scuttling off, frightened and embarrassed, he predicted. Which would guarantee that she would never allow herself to be alone in the dark with him again. Then he wouldn’t be tempted and tormented with the want of this forbidden female.
To his stunned amazement, she met his rakish grin and didn’t recoil in shock and indignation. “You would hang the money and the prestige?”
“From the tallest tree in the territory,” he assured her. “No reason you shouldn’t give good ole Webster the same lack of fidelity he’s practicing right now.”
She chuckled when he waggled his eyebrows suggestively. “You are an unabashed scoundrel, Mr. Cooper.”
“Coop,” he corrected. “An honest scoundrel.”
She studied him pensively. “You consider appeasing your lust more important than wealth and status?”
“Tonight I do,” he teased playfully.
Then the most astonishing thing happened. Alexa Quinn, who was rather tall for a woman—perhaps five feet eight inches, give or take—pushed up on tiptoe and pressed those dewy, heart-shaped lips against his. Coop stood frozen to the spot. His eyes flew wide-open and he stared incredulously at her while he accepted the quick taste of her kiss. Her shapely body brushed against his masculine contours and white-hot sensations bombarded him from every direction at once. He’d never been lightning struck but he was pretty sure this was what it felt like.
She dropped back on her heels and gave him that killer smile that cut dimples in her cheeks. “Good thing my chaperone is under the weather this evening,” she murmured. “I would have missed out on this grand adventure.”
“What’s wrong with him?” Coop questioned, his voice wobbly, despite his attempt to appear unaffected.
“He claims I poisoned him.”
She pivoted to amble down the street.
“Did you?” he called after her.
She glanced over her shoulder. There was a flicker of mischief in her gaze. “Poison Miguel? My childhood friend and companion? Really, Mr. Cooper—”
“Just Coop,” he reminded her. He studied her thoughtfully, fascinated by the contradictions that he saw in this breathtakingly beautiful woman.
“Well then, good night, Coop.”
“You didn’t answer my question,” he reminded her.
She tossed him another impish smile as she passed beneath the second street lamp. Then she was gone and he was left to wonder if Alexa had doctored her bodyguard’s food or drink so she could dart off in the night to do as she pleased.
Right there and then, Coop made a mental note not to eat or drink anything that passed this siren’s hands…just in case.
Two hours after Alexa’s encounter with Coop she checked on Miguel and was relieved to find him sleeping comfortably. The bottle sitting on the nightstand indicated the physician had paid a visit and prescribed medication to soothe Miguel’s stomach.
When Alexa returned to her own room, she doffed her gown. She smiled impishly, remembering her conversation with the ruggedly attractive detective. Matching wits with Coop had been more fun than she’d had with a man in years. Her longtime friendship with Miguel being the exception. He was like the brother she never had.
Coop had teased her and tried to shock her rather than bowing and scraping, attempting to win her favor. She had teased him right back, especially when he quizzed her about poisoning Miguel. Which of course she hadn’t. Miguel was sensitive to certain foods but he refused to consider the possibility because the reactions weren’t long-lived or serious. She’d known when he’d ordered the main dish smothered with a sauce containing pecans and almonds at dinner that he’d be down for the count.
She’d never been able to convince him that something as simple as eating walnuts caused his stomach ailments. Therefore, his temporary illness was self-inflicted. He couldn’t exactly call that her fault, now could he? She had mentioned the possibility years ago, but he refused to believe it and she had stopped bringing it to his attention.
Her smile faded as she brushed her fingertips over her lips, remembering the impulsive kiss she had bestowed on Coop. She knew she had no business making the slightest contact with Coop, for fear of complicating this case. Not only had she struck up a conversation with him on the street that morning, but she had also kissed him that night. Perhaps she’d been caught up in the exciting intrigue of following Elliot and talking her way out of the situation with Coop. Maybe that had led to her impulsive embrace.
Although her father forbade her from taking an active role in the investigation, she had discovered that she thrived on the challenge and adventure. She had also experienced the most delicious tingles of desire when she brushed against Coop’s masculine body and tasted his sensuous lips. That kiss in the dark was guaranteed to incite erotic dreams tonight—
“Stop that,” she ordered herself sensibly.
Her startling reaction to Coop was one-sided, she knew. No doubt, he’d been with his share of women. One brief kiss wouldn’t turn his world upside down and she was determined not to let it upend hers, either.
“You have another objective to accomplish while Miggy is out of commission tonight,” she reminded herself.
She was on a crusade to help her father and to prove to him that she was worthy of his respect and his pride.
Alexa dug into her carpetbag to retrieve the second disguise she carried with her. Not Mr. Chester, but rather the elusive cloaked rider who blended with the darkness. She fastened herself into the trim black breeches, black shirt, boots and cap. Then she donned the cape that concealed her size and shape and gender. She had rented a mount from the livery on her way back to the hotel and tethered the steed in the alley. It was ready and waiting for the midnight jaunt.
She planned to be at the brothel when Elliot exited so she could follow him to his ranch, which was located