All Roads Lead Home. Christine Johnson
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Mariah squirmed under the horrible truth. “The termination-of-rights paperwork wasn’t done correctly. The agent must have mixed up Luke’s paperwork with someone else’s because the signature doesn’t match the name. Instead of Francesco Guillardo or even Frank Gillard, it’s signed Desmond Corliss.”
“What?” Gabe shook his head in bewilderment. “How is that possible?”
“I don’t know.” She bit her lip. Mistakes seldom happened, and, when they did, they hadn’t mattered. Until now.
He strode back to the desk. “Show it to me.”
She drew the papers from her handbag and laid them on the desk. He pulled them close and sat down, jaw taut as he scanned the pages.
After agonizing minutes, he raised hopeless eyes to her. “You’re right.”
She couldn’t stand to see his despair. “I’m going to do everything in my power to stop him. Everything.”
“How?” His voice sounded hollow. Defeated. “We have no proof of wrongdoing other than a child’s refusal to talk. That could mean anything, and in a court’s eyes, it’s useless. You know as well as I that the birth parents have every right to reclaim their children, as long as they haven’t signed that right away. We have no way to stop this man from taking Luke.”
She couldn’t allow it. She wasn’t going to let Gabe or Luke down. “I’m going to Montana, and I’ll get Mr. Gillard to sign new termination-of-rights papers.” She pressed her hand over his. “I promise you I will not rest until Luke is safe.”
Gabe slowly shook his head. “I don’t see how you can convince a man who has already asked for his son to sign away his parental rights. I wouldn’t sign them if I were in his shoes.”
“That’s you. You’re a good, loving father. You would never have abandoned Luke in the first place. Frank Gillard is another matter. Something’s not right about this, Gabe, and I intend to find out what it is. Come with me. Together we can find a way to save Luke.”
He sank back in his chair. “I can’t go to Montana. Felicity—” He rubbed his eyes to hide the tears, but he couldn’t hide the quiver in his voice. “She doesn’t want anyone to know, but the pregnancy has been difficult. She started bleeding last week. It stopped, but—”
Mariah gasped and pressed a hand to her mouth.
Gabe stared off into space. “Doc Stevens wants her to carry the baby as long as possible. I’m supposed to ensure that nothing upsets her. Hearing this would be the worst thing for her and the baby. If I left with you, she’d know something was afoot.” He turned worried eyes on her. “Promise you won’t say a word.”
Mariah nodded. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”
“Did you plan to take Luke with you?”
She shook her head. “Of course not.” She gripped her brother’s hand. “It’ll turn out all right, Gabe. I promise.”
He smiled weakly. “First you have to get to Montana. The trains aren’t running right now, but you’re welcome to stay until they are.”
She didn’t have the luxury of waiting. “I’m driving my car.”
“Your car?” he said incredulously. “The one that’s broken down?”
She nodded.
“By yourself? That must be two thousand miles. You can’t drive that far alone.”
She would not be dissuaded. “I will do whatever it takes to stop that man from uprooting Luke.”
Gabe shook his head, signaling he knew when he was defeated—and when his goal matched hers. “I don’t know how you’re going to manage.”
“With God’s help.”
He let one corner of his mouth lift, just for an instant. “Promise me you’ll take someone with you, preferably a mechanic.”
She knew exactly whom he had in mind. “Gabriel John, you know full well that I can’t travel two thousand miles with a man who’s not a relative. I will drive to Montana myself.” She whisked the papers into her bag and left his office.
He followed on her heels. “Then take a woman along, but don’t go alone.”
Her hand stilled on the door handle. A woman might be acceptable. “I’d love to bring a female mechanic. Whom do you suggest?”
He didn’t answer, of course. He had no more idea than she did.
“Just what I thought.” She yanked open the door and stepped into none other than Hendrick Simmons.
With a gasp, she jerked backward, losing her balance. Hendrick steadied her with a hand to her shoulder, and the touch sent electricity zinging to her toes. No, no, no. It couldn’t be. The time apart was supposed to erase those crazy feelings.
He quickly pulled his hand away, and she retreated a step to recover her senses.
“Miss Meeks,” he said dryly, the tone telling her he was just as unhappy to see her.
She swallowed hard, but the pain wouldn’t go away. “What are you doing here?”
He lifted her valise. “Bringing your luggage.” But instead of handing it to her, he set it down while his gaze drifted to her face.
She gulped when his warm brown eyes met hers. Why did he still affect her so? His commanding height took her breath away. The sculpted features and strong jaw made her heart flutter. His brown hair curled just a bit at the temple, and she had to resist raising a hand to brush that one stray lock off his brow.
“Hendrick.” Gabe ducked around her. “It’s good to see you.”
Hendrick ripped his gaze away from her. “You, too, Pastor.” He pointed to the valise. “Well, I’ve delivered your sister’s bag, so I’ll be going.”
Mariah couldn’t help noticing that Hendrick’s speech was more polished and that he’d worn his Sunday-best shirt and trousers. Odd. Peter said he’d been working on Jack Hunter’s aeroplane engines.
Gabe cornered Hendrick on the edge of the church steps. Though her brother couldn’t drape an arm around the taller man’s shoulders, he didn’t hesitate to leverage Hendrick by the elbow. “I’ve got a project I’d like to discuss with you. Why don’t you come to supper at the parsonage tonight?” He briefly glanced her way. “Bring your sister along.”
“Gabe,” Mariah warned. She knew exactly what he was up to, and it was not going to work. Under no circumstances would she drive to Montana with Hendrick Simmons.
“I, um.” Hendrick looked from Gabe to her with obvious discomfort. “Supper?”
“And your mother, too. Bring everyone,” Gabe added a bit