The Billionaire's Bride of Innocence. Miranda Lee

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The Billionaire's Bride of Innocence - Miranda Lee Mills & Boon Modern

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      Megan was glad to have something to distract herself from the turmoil in her heart, her head turning to watch the bride walk down the aisle.

      Megan didn’t know much about Kathryn Hart, only that she’d been Hugh’s PA. But James was right. She made an absolutely beautiful bride, dressed in a strapless white gown which had a tight beaded bodice and a gathered floor-length skirt. It was very similar in style to her own wedding gown, though hers had been ivory, not white. Kathryn seemed to float down the strip of red carpet which bisected the rows of seats, a long tulle veil trailing after her, her dark hair up and anchored in place by a tiara of white roses.

      Megan’s eyes swung back to where the minister was standing along with Hugh and Russell, both looking resplendent in black dinner suits, white roses in their lapels. As handsome as both men were, neither of them could hold a candle to James, in her opinion.

      Her eyes slid surreptitiously back to her husband, whose attention, thankfully, was elsewhere.

      There was no doubt James was a striking-looking man: very tall and well-built, with a masculine face and deep-set, extremely dark eyes that commanded immediate attention. His cheekbones were prominent, his nose strong and straight, his mouth nicely shaped. His ears sat flat against his wellshaped head, which was just as well, because he always wore his dark brown hair very short, giving a tough-guy edge to his otherwise conservative image.

      Women would still have thrown themselves at him, Megan conceded, even if he hadn’t been rich and powerful.

      On top of that, he was always superbly dressed. The white-jacketed dinner suit he was wearing today was no off-the-peg variety. It had been tailored especially to fit him. But he looked just as good without clothes, she knew, his shoulders naturally broad and his muscles well honed from regular workouts in the gym. His quite magnificent male body was well-equipped to satisfy a woman in every way.

      He satisfied me, she recalled. Every time.

      And he’d satisfy you again, a devilish voice piped up in her head. All you have to do is let him…

      Her face flushed at the temptation, a small groan escaping her lips.

      When James’s head whipped round, she brought the tissue up to her mouth and tried not to look embarrassed.

      ‘You’re not crying already, are you?’ he said, but with an indulgent little smile.

      ‘Not yet,’ she croaked out.

      ‘You are a real softie, aren’t you? But I love that about you.’

      Do you? she wondered as she wrenched her eyes away from his. Do you actually love anything about me?

      Russell had said he was fond of her. That could be true, Megan conceded. James was always very nice to her.

      But being fond of someone was a wishy-washy, lukewarm feeling, no match for the mad passion James had evoked in her from the start, and which she’d believed was mutual. How much of his so-called passion on their wedding night had been pretend? Did he have any real desire for her? Or was she just a means to an end?

      Megan was well aware that men could not fake an erection. But it didn’t take much for a man in his prime—and James, at thirty-six, was still a young man—to become aroused. It was a well-known fact that men didn’t need love to want to have sex; just a willing woman in most cases.

      She’d been very willing. And very naïve.

      But not so naïve any longer.

      If she ever went to bed with James again, she would have to do so with the full knowledge that he didn’t love her.

      Could she do that? Could she really?

      Before today, she would have said no. Definitely not!

      Now she wasn’t quite so sure…

      ‘I hope Russell hasn’t forgotten the rings,’ James said. ‘We don’t want any dramas like we had at his wedding. Remember how that dreadful mother of Nicole’s showed up at the last minute and accused him of marrying her daughter for revenge?’

      ‘Yes, I remember,’ Megan said tautly.

      ‘Stupid woman. As if any man would marry for revenge. Anyone with half a brain could see that Russell was madly in love.’

      Megan glanced at Russell, who was right at that moment smiling at Nicole, who’d preceded the bride down the aisle and looked absolutely exquisite in pale green. Megan recalled their wedding very well; recalled actually standing up and clapping when Nicole had said love was all that mattered. Megan had not long been back from her honeymoon at the time, her blind belief in James’s love having given her a new confidence and self-esteem, all of which had vanished the day she’d lost her baby boy. And, with it, her innocence.

      James’s low chuckle dragged her back to the present. ‘Poor Hugh,’ he said. ‘If that look on his face is anything to go by, then Kathryn is going to run rings around him.’

      Megan stared at Hugh as he stared at his bride, his expression one of total adoration and admiration. His eyes even filled with tears as she drew close.

      That’s what I want, she thought, her heart squeezing tight. For James to look at me like that. For him to really truly love me.

      But that wasn’t going to happen, was it? came the voice of brutal honesty. And you’re never going to leave him. Not now that you want him again.

      Megan had never imagined that she would actually cry. She’d been beyond tears for some time now. But suddenly, there they were, flooding her eyes, her one single tissue totally inadequate to mop up the flood.

      James came to the rescue with a clean white handkerchief before putting a tender arm around her shoulders.

      ‘What a silly billy you are,’ he said gently. ‘Weddings are happy occasions, not sad.’

      ‘I…I want to go home,’ she cried. ‘Please take me home.’

      James sighed. ‘I can’t, Megan. Not yet. Look, I promise we won’t stay late but I can’t just up and leave. Hugh is one of my best friends. You know that.’

      The arrival overhead of a helicopter hired by the media drowned out the rest of her weeping. Fortunately, it didn’t come low enough to ruin hairdos and blow hats off, but it was still quite noisy, the minister having to talk louder and louder. The helicopter finally left just after Hugh and Kathryn were pronounced man and wife, by which time Megan had stopped crying. But the release of emotion had left her feeling totally drained.

      She only just managed to get through the next few hours, though she did hide in one of the luxurious powder rooms for a while. Megan had always found making idle conversation difficult when faced with people she didn’t know, which meant most of the guests at this wedding. There was also a measure of guilt when faced with the few people she did know, especially Russell and Nicole. She felt terrible that she’d rejected all of their social invitations over the last few months, and never invited them back.

      More guilt followed when they were so nice to her.

      And all the while she was cripplingly aware of James, and the physical effect he was suddenly having

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