Critical Condition. Sandra Orchard

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Critical Condition - Sandra Orchard Mills & Boon Love Inspired Suspense

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      “Start by telling me why Whittaker grabbed your arm in the lobby.”

      “He said that I looked like I might faint or something.”

      Zach nudged the package of crackers toward her. “Did you feel faint?”

      “More like shocked. I saw Mr. and Mrs. Parker’s name on the donation wall. They didn’t have that kind of money to donate. And...” Tara’s explanation came out in a rush.

      “Could’ve been a life-insurance policy. Since they both died the same day, the money would’ve gone to the beneficiaries of the estate. Or maybe, memorial gifts were made in their memory. I can check into it. It is a little suspicious.”

      “A little? Dr. Whittaker outright said to me that the less attention drawn to the Parkers’ deaths, the better. So people wouldn’t get the wrong idea.”

      “But he didn’t imply that the deaths and the hospital’s windfall were actually connected?”

      Her voice rose a notch. “He implied that I’d better keep my mouth shut if I knew what was good for me.”

      “Whittaker actually threatened you?”

      “Not in so many words. But don’t you see? He must’ve charmed the Parkers into changing their will, and then bumped them off.”

      He quirked a brow. “Kind of a big risk for him to take when he doesn’t personally benefit.”

      “Then who do you think it is?”

      “I don’t know, Tara. I don’t know how killing a couple of terminally ill patients can score anyone a payoff.”

      Tara threw up her hands. “Why does it have to have anything to do with personal gain?”

      “It doesn’t. But it usually does.”

      “Well, that scratches the doctors.” She sighed. “They can hardly be in need of more money.”

      “Not necessarily. Many graduate from med school with enormous financial debt.”

      The doorbell rang and Suzie sprang to her feet.

      “No,” Zach chided gently. “You mustn’t open the door unless your mommy says it’s okay.” Heartened to see that being back in familiar surroundings had at least eradicated the youngster’s fears, he glanced out the window. “It’s Detective Gray and your pizza,” he said to Tara.

      “All right, Suzie. You can open the door this time. But next time, remember what Zach said—ask first.”

      Suzie’s little legs scurried to the door in a blur that could outrace Wile E. Coyote.

      “Well, hello,” Rick’s voice carried into the room. “Is your mommy home?”

      Tara set her hands on Suzie’s shoulders. “Come on in. Thanks for coming. And bringing supper.”

      “It’s no trouble.”

      Tara leaned down and whispered in Suzie’s ear, “You go wash your hands before we eat.”

      Suzie eyed Rick and the female officer curiously, then skedaddled down the hall.

      Rick introduced the brunette at his side as Officer Kelly Teal, Tara’s bodyguard for the evening. The attractive young officer wore jeans and a T-shirt and carried an overnight bag.

      Tara gave Kelly an apologetic look. “I’m sure Zach’s concerns are overblown. Officer Nelson was certain the shooting was a random gang thing.”

      Rick handed Tara the pizza box. “Let’s pray so. In the meantime, Kelly will keep an eye out for any signs of trouble.”

      The kettle whistled. Tara let out a resigned sigh, set the pizza box on the coffee table and excused herself.

      “What do you think?” Rick whispered to Zach as Kelly stowed her bag behind the sofa.

      “No sign of anyone watching the place. The windows and doors have decent-enough locks. And, like she said, this could be a false alarm. Then again...”

      Tara’s scream split the air.

      Zach rushed to the kitchen, Rick at his heels. The back screen door hung open. In the faint pool of light beyond the threshold, Tara stood frozen, her hand splayed over her throat, her gaze fixed on a convulsing baby raccoon.

      Suzie darted into the room, but Kelly immediately corralled her into the living room. Zach clasped Tara’s upper arms from behind and urged her back inside.

      She whirled to face him and his heart wrenched. She’d gone ashen, her eyes glazed, her body trembling. It was all he could do not to fold her in his arms.

      He spotted the upturned compost bucket and shot a glance to Rick.

      “What was in that bucket?” Rick asked.

      “My leftover lunch.” Tara choked on the words as her terrified eyes met Zach’s. “Someone tried to poison me.”

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