Her Secret, His Love-Child. Tina Duncan

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Her Secret, His Love-Child - Tina Duncan Mills & Boon Modern

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      ‘I’ll tell you how I am.’ He stepped closer until they were almost touching. He could smell the scent of her perfume—a gift he’d had his PA send her for her birthday shortly before she’d vanished—and could see the little specks of golden-brown in her cat-like green eyes. ‘I’m furious!’

      She cocked her head. ‘Why?’

      ‘Why?’ Alex thought the top of his head might explode; he could actually feel the blood pumping at his temples. He grasped her shoulders and put his face close to hers. ‘Because you disappeared without a trace, that’s why!’

      She smiled. ‘Without a trace? Isn’t that the name of an American TV show?’


      Her smile faded. ‘I didn’t disappear, Alex. I just decided to go away for a while, that’s all.’

      Katrina had always been the cool, collected type—except when they’d been in bed together. Then she’d been wonderfully abandoned, returning kiss for kiss, touch for touch and pleasure for pleasure with a passionate intensity that blew his mind and everything else.

      Normally, he liked the fact that she was so selfcontained, but today her calm demeanour annoyed the hell out of him.

      ‘Without telling me where you were going or how long you’d be gone for?’ Alex prompted through gritted teeth.

      ‘I told the people who mattered,’ she said softly.

      Alex exhaled sharply, his teeth snapping together. ‘And you didn’t consider including me in that group?’

      Her gaze remained steady on his. ‘No. I didn’t.’

      Alex struggled to keep his anger contained. He knew he was overreacting badly but he couldn’t seem to help himself.

      ‘Why not?’ he bit out.

      ‘Why should I tell you?’ she shot back at him, that new challenging light in her eyes making them appear greener than usual.

      His fingers flexed, digging into the soft leather of her jacket. ‘Because you owed it to me,’ he grated, the answer dragged from somewhere deep inside him.

      Alex wasn’t sure what angered him more: the fact that she had run out on him, or that she was the one to have betrayed him.

      Of all the women he’d been with over the years, Katrina was the last one he would have picked to put him in this position.

      ‘Owed it to you?’ Her eyes flashed like quick-silver and the tip of her index finger dug into the centre of his chest, as if she was trying to bore a hole through to the other side. ‘I don’t owe you a thing, Alex. Not a single thing. And don’t you forget it!’

      Alex was stunned by her reaction. The Katrina he’d known would never have spoken to him the way this Katrina just had.

      Pressure built inside his head until once again Alex thought the top of his head might explode.

      Dragging in a breath, he fought for control.

      He hated losing his temper. It reminded him of his father’s monstrous behaviour, and the last thing he ever planned on doing was following in James Webber’s footsteps!

      He pulled her closer. Their bodies brushed and a surge of electricity powered through him. ‘You’re wrong about that. You owe me, all right. We were lovers, damn it!’

      ‘Lovers?’ She barked out a laugh, but there was no amusement in it. ‘Don’t you mean I was your mistress?’

      Although she’d never said so, Alex had sensed on more than one occasion that Katrina hadn’t been entirely happy with the role she’d played in his life. Like most women, she’d wanted a wedding ring and children, despite the fact he’d warned her up front that neither of those things was on offer.

      They weren’t on offer to any woman. And never would be.

      ‘I’m not going to argue semantics with you. The point is we were together for almost a year. If that doesn’t earn me the right to be told you were leaving Sydney, then what does?’

      Katrina tried to shrug out from under his touch. When he refused to let her go she glared up at him. ‘The operative word is were, Alex: we were lovers. We’re not any more. The last time I saw you, you told me our relationship was over. Or have you forgotten that?’

      ‘No, I haven’t forgotten.’

      He hadn’t forgotten a thing.

      Not what she tasted like.

      Or smelled like.

      Or how she looked when she fell apart in his arms.

      And certainly not what she’d told him on that last fateful day they’d been together. Each and every word was indelibly carved into his brain as if someone had put them there with a hammer and chisel.

      Releasing Katrina, Alex stalked to the window where he stood staring out at the Sydney skyline, fists shoved deep in his trouser pockets, tension drawing his shoulders up towards his ears.

      ‘You had to know that wasn’t the end of it,’ he said quietly. ‘You were pregnant, for goodness’ sake!’

      ‘What’s that got to do with anything?’ she asked, still sounding as cool as a cucumber, her eyes boring a pair of twin holes between his shoulder blades.

      ‘What has that got to do with anything…?’ Alex spun around to face her, blue eyes wide and incredulous. His fists clenched and unclenched against the silk lining of his pockets. ‘Did you really think you could drop that kind of bombshell and not expect me to contact you again?’

      She cleared her throat, and for the first time since bursting unannounced into the boardroom she didn’t look quite so sure of herself; the challenge in her eyes was replaced by uncertainty. ‘I’m not sure what to say. You were so cold that day. I honestly thought I’d never see you again.’

      ‘Of course I was cold. I was in shock, damn it!’

      ‘And do you think I wasn’t?’ Katrina demanded, voice rising.

      Her words hung in the air like the residue of rifle fire, bouncing off one wall and then another.

      Her mouth twisted. ‘Oh, that’s right!’ She slapped an open palm against the centre of her forehead. ‘How could I forget? You claimed you weren’t the father.’

      She looked at him as if she half-expected him to contradict her.

      Alex stared stonily back, his silence answering for him.

      ‘How can you believe that? We made love all the time. I could have become pregnant on any of those occasions, and you know it.’

      ‘Aren’t you forgetting one little thing?’ he asked, dangerously quiet.

      ‘And that is?’


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