The Maverick & the Manhattanite. Leanne Banks

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The Maverick & the Manhattanite - Leanne Banks Mills & Boon Cherish

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with a slim redhead by his side. The woman was a head-snapper with her fiery hair, long legs and confident air.

      “Hey, uh, Gage, this is Lissa Roarke, the relief worker you told me to pick up from the airport. She needs someone to show her around town. I can do it.”

      Gage tore his gaze from the woman’s eyes and bit back a smile. He wasn’t at all surprised that Will was volunteering to show the pretty New Yorker around. He was practically drooling all over the woman. “That’s okay. Vickie,” he said, referring to this dispatcher, “needs to leave early, so I’d like you to fill in at the dispatcher desk for a couple hours.”

      Disappointment shadowed Will’s face. “Oh, well, if you need me for anything, Lissa, give me a call. I wrote down my cell number for you. Call me anytime.”

      “Thank you, Will, and thank you for picking me up from the airport and taking me to the rooming house before bringing me here. You’re a much better driver than most of the ones I deal with in the city.”

      Will stood a little taller. “We take our driving seriously out here.”

      Gage cleared his throat. “Will, thank you for picking up Miss Roarke. Vickie’s waiting, okay.” He moved toward the New Yorker and extended his hand. “I’m the sheriff, Gage Christensen. We appreciate your help.”

      “Please, call me Lissa,” she said in a voice that held a hint of a sexy rasp. She returned his handshake. Her hand was small and soft. He had a hard time imagining her smooth, uncallused hand doing hard labor. Her long red hair fell in a mass of curls to her shoulders and he liked the fact that she didn’t seem to care about taming it. Maybe she wasn’t as high maintenance as he feared. He’d met a few city women and most of them had seemed obsessed with their hair and nails. Her blue eyes glinted with curiosity and intelligence.

      “Call me Gage,” he said. “Do you need something to eat before I show you around?” He cocked his head toward the table near the dispatcher’s desk. “People are always dropping off food for us. It’s generous, but if I ate everything they bring in, I’d be as big as a barn. Sometimes I wonder if they’re secretly trying to kill me,” he joked in a low voice.

      Lissa gave a light laugh. “I’m sure they’re just showing their appreciation. I’m not hungry, though, because I ate during my layover. I’m anxious to see Rust Creek Falls. I visited Thunder Canyon when one of my cousins got married and it was beautiful.”

      “I better warn you that Rust Creek is a lot different from Thunder Canyon. Thunder Canyon has a first-class resort and a lot of shops. We have the minimum requirements here. For everything else, we have to head out of town. Things aren’t nearly as picturesque since the flood here, either.”

      “That’s okay,” she said. “I have some experience with floods myself after living in New York City.”

      “I can’t deny you that. You’ve had some natural disasters that looked like real messes on the news,” he said and led her outside to his patrol car.

      “Trust me. They were worse in person,” she said and slid into the passenger seat.

      Even though he wasn’t all that confident that a lady from Manhattan was going to be able to help Rust Creek much, Gage was determined to be gracious. He had a hard time believing this city girl would really understand the needs of a small town. He drove down the street, pointing out the businesses that had mostly survived the flood. “We got lucky that some of our important buildings didn’t get hit by the flood. The Masonic Hall,” he said, gesturing to the structure as he turned onto North Main Street. “And thank goodness Crawford’s General Store dodged that bullet. We get everything from feed to groceries there. And the church is still intact. By the way, the reverend is a good man and he’ll be a good resource for you.”

      “That’s good to know,” Lissa said. “I’ll try to meet him as soon as I can.”

      Taking a turn, he headed in a different direction. “One of the biggest losses was the elementary school. Teachers are holding classes in their homes. The town just doesn’t have the money to rebuild.”

      “That’s terrible,” she said, making notes in a small notebook. “I’d like to make that a priority in terms of raising funds.”

      “This is the flood zone. Most of the houses were lost or damaged on these streets, including my sister’s house.”

      “Can we stop so I can take a look inside the homes?”

      “Sure,” he said, pulling his car to the side of the road. He took her inside an unlocked house.

      “Wow, the door isn’t locked. Have you had trouble with looting?” she asked.

      “Not so much. People took their valuables when they moved in with family or into the area where most of the trailers are,” he said.

      She nodded as she stepped inside and looked around. She tapped on the wooden floor with her foot. “This is good,” she said as she looked around the bare room. “They’ve pulled out most of the sources for mold. Furniture, draperies. Even pulled out the dry wall and insulation.”

      “Some people cooperated and others just took off. We moved out the furniture next door, but the owners haven’t touched the drywall.”

      She bit her lip. “That makes things more challenging, but I have some mold specialists coming in during the next few days. They’ll make assessments and start work on our top priority places.”

      “I was wondering how you were going to get any professionals here since we’re in the middle of nowhere. We’ve taxed our contacts in Thunder Canyon and Kalispell to the max, but those folks need to make a living, too. They can’t work for free forever,” he said.

      She looked at him and nodded. “That’s why I’m here—to fill in those gaps. I remember reading about the trailer village. I’ve been able to get a few more for the specialists to share since they’ll be around for a while. I’m going to have weekly volunteer groups staying at the church. Can you show me more of the damaged areas?”

      “Sure,” he said as she walked past him to leave the house. Despite her work boots, he noticed she had a nice little wiggle in her walk and she smelled more like a woman than a girl. Her dark and spicy scent was at odds with her fresh face and natural hair. She was more practical than he’d expected, Gage thought. She could be distracting and he didn’t need that.

      Gage drove out toward several ranches that had been damaged and had lost animals and he noticed Lissa continued to take notes. “Such a shame, but we’re here to make it better. It’s amazing how this seemed to happen in an instant. When New York flooded, at least we got some notice. Did you have any damage at your ranch?”

      “My first floor was pretty much ruined. I lost a lot of personal papers and some photographs. I’m living in a temporary trailer at the moment,” he said.

      “Oh, I’m so sorry,” she said, sympathy sliding through her voice like cool water on hot skin. “That must have been horrible.”

      Gage thought of the mayor who’d died in the flood and everything inside him refused her kindness. “I got off easy,” he snapped. “Some people lost their lives.”

      “Yes, of course,” she said in an apologetic tone. “I didn’t mean to—”


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