Almost a Christmas Bride. Susan Crosby

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Almost a Christmas Bride - Susan Crosby Mills & Boon Cherish

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peapod will have her own room for the first time, and a yard to play in.” She rubbed noses with Emma, who flattened her hands on Shana’s cheeks and gave her a big, wet kiss. “He’s also dating someone.”

      “Is he, now?” Aggie pulled the apple pie out of the oven and set it on a metal trivet.

      Shana inched closer. “I want people to know this is all business. Can you make sure that happens?”

      “Are you accusing me of spreading rumors?”

      “I’m thinking this is more like damage control. I’ve worked hard to get this town to accept me again. And there are never any rumors about Kincaid. This is a great opportunity for me. I can even afford to pay you and all the other babysitter volunteers for watching Emma.”

      “We’ll talk about that some other time. I’m happy for you, honey. It sounds like a real good solution to all your problems. That Kincaid. He must have a crystal ball, hmm? He sure came up with a solution just when you needed it the most.”

      She gave Shana an odd look, as if she knew something Shana didn’t know. “Things happen when they’re supposed to. Isn’t that what you always say?”

      “That, and timing is everything.”

      There was a twinkle in her eye that made Shana wonder if she’d known what Kincaid was going to offer. “Will you try to squelch any rumors that pop up, Aggie? Please?”

      “I’ll try, honey, but you know the town has a lifeblood of its own when it comes to other people’s business. Somebody’s bound to start a pool or two.”

      Shana had known that, of course. She’d just hoped otherwise. “Well, maybe when they see Kincaid’s girlfriend, they’ll change their minds.”

      “I find it interesting that he’s never showed up with a girlfriend before but you think he will now.”

      “Me down,” Emma said.

      Shana took advantage of the moment to formulate an answer. “I do, too, but he told me he would be taking her to the Stompin’ Grounds on Saturday night.”

      “Really?” Aggie chuckled. “I haven’t been there in years. But why would he ask you to be his live-in housekeeper if he’s finally serious enough about a girl to bring her to the town’s hot spot and show her off? Wouldn’t having you and Emma around cramp his style with a girlfriend?”

      “Who knows how Kincaid’s mind works.” Shana crouched next to Emma as she pulled plastic containers out of a cabinet.

      “When are you moving in?”

      “By the weekend, I think. The apartment furniture belongs to Dixie, so I’m going to leave it for Dylan, although I may edit a little to make it more suitable for an eighteen-year-old guy. It’s pretty feminine now. I really only have clothes and Emma’s things. A few box loads, probably.”

      “Kincaid’s got that big ol’ pickup, so I figure you don’t need me to help.”

      “No, but thank you. Here, Emma, stack these up and put them away. We need to get going.” Shana stood. She touched Aggie’s shoulder. “I was so embarrassed for crying all over you at Thanksgiving, but maybe finally saying it out loud, putting it out there into the universe, is what made Kincaid’s offer happen.”

      Aggie nodded seriously. “I’m thinking you’re right about that.”

      “Because you didn’t tell him, right?”

      She held up a hand. “I swear I didn’t say a word to Kincaid.” She swept Shana into her arms. “This’ll be good for you and the little one.”

      Shana relaxed into her, eyes stinging. “I just want people to forget who I was before. I’ve grown up a lot since I left home, but especially this last couple of years.”

      “Honey, if rumors or betting pools get started, it would be because they like you. If they didn’t, you wouldn’t be worth their time.”

      Shana straightened. “I hadn’t thought about it like that.”

      Aggie patted Shana’s cheek. “There you go. If you’ve got time, you could stay for lunch. The pie will be cooled enough to eat after that. And maybe Emma could take her nap here, and you could get started packing.”

      Everything was happening so fast, Shana almost couldn’t take it all in. But Aggie had allayed some of her fears, and there was the excitement of the work ahead of her.

      Maybe she was a late bloomer, but blooming she was—finally—and she owed it all to Landon Kincaid, a man who’d always seemed to just tolerate her. Opportunity really could come from the strangest places—or people.

      Hours later, Kincaid had just pulled up in front of the Take a Lode Off Diner to meet Dylan for dinner when his cell phone rang. He glanced at the screen first, let it ring once more then answered. “I’ve been expecting your call, Aggie.”

      “Oh, have you now? Why would that be?”

      “I figure Shana already told you about my job offer.”

      “She did. Dixie must’ve called you because I told her I was worried about Shana.”

      “I promised Dixie I wouldn’t tell Shana how I learned about her situation. You’re the only other person who knows, who might guess at my motives.”

      “I’ll take it to the grave, Kincaid.”

      He relaxed. “Thank you. She’s proud.”

      “That she is.”

      “And she can get plenty angry,” he added.

      Aggie laughed. “Yes, but she’s also worried about her reputation, too.”

      “I’m aware of that.”

      She didn’t answer immediately. “If I were you, I’d let it be known right away what’s going on. If you try to hide it at all, it’s only going to work against you in the long run.”

      “Who should do the telling?”

      “You, I think. You might start with Honey. Word’ll spread from there, but it won’t be malicious.”

      Honey owned the diner he was about to enter. That was easy enough. “Thanks, Aggie. For everything.”

      “You’re welcome.” Before she hung up, she said, “You know there’s something between the two of you, Kincaid.”

      “Yeah. Animosity.”

      Aggie laughed a little. “There’s that, of course, but for all that she seems like one tough cookie, she really has a tender soul. Been hurt a lot. Worked hard to recover. Independent as they come. Got it?”

      “Don’t mess with her,” he said. “Yes, I got it.”

      “Okay, then.”

      He ended the call then put one through to Shana. “Aggie advises us to be up

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