A Perfect Night. Penny Jordan

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A Perfect Night - Penny Jordan Mills & Boon M&B

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in agreeing to join the family practice. Both her father and Olivia had held out the inducement, as Max had already indicated, that in time she could expect to become a full partner, even if right now she was simply being retained by them as a salaried employee. Money had never motivated Katie, but then to be fair she knew that it didn’t motivate either her father or Olivia either.

      She was to start by taking over the conveyancing side of the business, the legal work attached to the buying and selling of properties. She had pulled a small face when her father had told her this.

      ‘Well at least I should have some practice by the time it comes to my buying my own home,’ she had told him ruefully.

      Although her parents had offered her back her childhood room permanently, after several years of living independently at the University and then in London, she had felt that it would be more sensible to find her own separate accommodation. In London she had rented and while she waited for the right property to buy to present itself to her at home, she had, just temporarily she had told them, moved back in with her parents.

      It had felt distinctly odd to be back in her old room—without her twin.

      Louise had been more excited about Katie’s decision to return to Haslewich than she had herself; trying to cajole her into a flying visit to Brussels to spend the week with them before Katie took up her new duties.

      ‘Why don’t you go?’ her father had asked her when he had learned via Jenny of her decision to turn down Louise’s invitation.

      There wasn’t any logical explanation she could give and she had been grateful to her younger brother Joss and her cousin Jack for creating a small diversion as they both pleaded with Jon to be allowed to take up Louise’s offer in her stead.

      Since it was Joss’s all important GCSE year Katie had well been able to understand her father’s refusal to agree until after his exams were over and loyally Jack, who was two years older than his cousin, had announced that he didn’t want to go until they could both go together.

      The pair of them were almost as close as the pairs of twins the Crighton family produced with such regularity, Jack having made his home with Katie’s parents after the break-up of his own parents’ marriage and the disappearance of his father David.

      Ten minutes later, as Katie walked into her father’s office after a brief knock on the door, she apologised.

      ‘Sorry I’m late…I’d forgotten how busy the town is and I couldn’t find a close by parking spot…’

      ‘Mmm…if you think this morning is busy just wait until market day,’ her father warned her good-humouredly.

      ‘Olivia won’t be here until ten,’ he added. ‘During term time she does the morning school and nursery run. Caspar picks the children up in the afternoon.’

      Caspar, Olivia’s American husband, held a Chair at a nearby university where he lectured in corporate law and it had been while she was on a course that Olivia had met and fallen in love with him.

      ‘It can’t be easy for her, working full-time with two young children,’ Katie commented.

      ‘No, it isn’t,’ her father agreed, adding briskly, ‘We’ve cleared out a room for you to use and I’ve organised some preliminary file reading for you. We’ll start you off on some straightforward conveyancing…’

      ‘That’s fine,’ Katie responded absently.

      ‘Is something wrong?’ he asked, sensing her preoccupation.

      ‘Not really…not unless you count nearly being run down by some speed-crazed driver,’ Katie told him, briefly explaining what had happened.

      ‘Mmm…it has been mooted that the town be made a no traffic area, but…’

      ‘But…’ Katie raised her eyebrows. The town had been there before the Romans, its surrounding salt making it a highly prized asset. The Normans had built a castle which the Roundheads virtually destroyed during the Civil War, and the town’s streets dated in the main from the Middle Ages and were consequently narrow and tortuous and certainly not designed for the volume of modern-day traffic that used them.

      ‘Well in order to make that a viable proposition, a new ring road would have to be built, and you can just imagine the cost of it…’

      ‘Mmm…but if it keeps drivers like Mr Sexy Mouth off the road…’

      ‘Like who?’ her father questioned.

      Katie flushed a little. Now what on earth had prompted her to use that particular description of him out loud?

      ‘Er…Nothing,’ she denied hastily, quickly turning her attention to the files her father was showing her.

      ‘JENNY Crighton is giving an informal supper party in a few weeks’ time,’ Guy gave his cousin the date, ‘and she’s invited you to go along with us, Seb. You’ll enjoy it,’ he encouraged when he saw the way Seb was frowning.

      He had called round to see him expressly to deliver Jenny’s invitation as well as to see how his cousin had settled in at Aarlston-Becker.

      ‘Shall I?’ Seb challenged him.

      ‘Which reminds me,’ Guy added before Seb could continue, ‘Chrissie said to tell you that you’re more than welcome to come round and dine with us any time you wish.’

      ‘Thanks, I really do appreciate the offer, but right now I’m so involved at work…’ Seb stopped and shook his head. Despite his misgivings about returning to the town of his birth, Seb had to admit that the sheer scope of the work he was involved with at Aarlston was proving enormously challenging and satisfying. The company was right at the forefront of research into and the creation of a new generation of drugs.

      ‘I had planned to drive over to Manchester that weekend to see Charlotte, but it seems she’s organised to go away with a group of friends, which means…’

      ‘Which means that you’ll be free to accept Jenny’s invitation,’ Guy told him firmly. ‘You’ll enjoy it. Saul is bound to be there. Have you met him yet? He’s head of a section of the Aarlston legal department and…’

      ‘Yes…I was introduced to him the other day. Nice chap…’

      ‘Have you found a house that appeals to you yet?’ Guy asked him.

      ‘Not so far. Ideally I’d like somewhere large enough for Charlotte to have her own space when she comes to stay, which means somewhere with two bedrooms and two bathrooms, but I don’t really want something quite as large as a three-or four-bedroom house, from a practical point of view if nothing else.’

      ‘Mmm…well there’s a large Edwardian house on the outskirts of town which was recently converted into a series of luxury apartments, although I think most of them have already been sold. From the sound of it one of them would suit you ideally.’

      ‘Mmm…who are the agents? It’s certainly worth looking into,’ Seb agreed.


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