Mistress for a Month. Miranda Lee

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Mistress for a Month - Miranda Lee Mills & Boon Modern

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his tongue running away with him, along with any hope he had of Renée ever accepting an invitation to go out on a date.

      Not that he was going to ask her now. Not until he discovered what was going on between her and Jackman. No man liked to make a total fool of himself, not even when that man was as desperate as he was.

      His gaze swept over the object of that desperation, trying not to ogle the way the tight camel-coloured trousers she was wearing hugged every inch of her long, slender legs. Her neat white T-shirt was equally snug-fitting and showed more bust than he realised she had. Either that, or she was wearing a padded bra.

      No, no padding, he realised on a second glance. Damn, no bra at all! Her nipples were starkly outlined against the thin white cotton, as long and hard as bullets.

      Maybe their erect state was due to her being cold—the day still hadn’t warmed up much. Or maybe their condition was the result of her having spent all night in Jackman’s bed.

      His stomach crunched down hard at the image of the other man sucking on Renée’s nipples. He could not bear it. He should leave. Right now, before he did or said something he would really regret.

      But he couldn’t.

      ‘Would you mind if I asked you a personal question?’ he grated out, struggling not to sound the way he was feeling.

      ‘Would it stop you if I did?’ she flung back at him.


      ‘I didn’t think so.’

      ‘Are you and Ward lovers?’ he demanded to know, his eyes glued to hers.

      There was no doubt her face registered shock, her finely arched brows arching even further over rapidly blinking eyes, her red-glossed mouth dropping slightly open.

      Her recovery was swift, however, with her face resuming its characteristically self-contained, slightly superior expression. Ignoring him again for a few moments, she bent to pick up the black leather jacket and matching bag which he hadn’t noticed sitting on the ground next to the stable wall. The movement swung her smooth curtain of thick, shoulder-length brown hair across her high cheekbones, momentarily hiding her face from him. When she straightened it fell back into perfect place, a testament to the expertise of her hairdresser. Tilting up her chin slightly, she fixed her slanting green eyes on his own eyes, her gaze cool and steady.

      ‘Why do you ask? Has someone said something about us?’

      ‘No. But I heard you talking to Blackie here just now and it sounded like you were pretty chummy with Ward. Let’s face it, it’s hard to get two words out of that man at the best of times, but he seems to have told you plenty about the horse’s progress.’

      ‘So you jumped to the conclusion that he told me in bed.’

      ‘Well, did he?’

      ‘I don’t think that’s any of your business,’ she said quite coldly, and turned back to start stroking Blackie’s head once more.

      ‘I’m making it my business,’ he bit out.

      ‘Why?’ she said indifferently, not even bothering to glance his way. ‘What’s it to you who I sleep with?’

      ‘I don’t like you sleeping with Jackman,’ he ground out.

      Now she did stop stroking the horse to look at him, her expression curious. ‘But why?’

      What could he say? I don’t like you sleeping with any man. I want you in my bed and my bed only.

      She would laugh in his face.

      His pride simply could not stand that degree of humiliation.

      ‘He’s the syndicate’s trainer,’ he snapped instead. ‘I don’t like the idea of you getting inside information which should be shared with all the partners.’

      She gave a small, dry laugh. ‘Typical. I should have known the reason would be something like that. For your information, I’m not sleeping with Ward. If you had any brains at all, or any powers of observation, you’d know that he and Lisa are madly in love. She’s even moved in with him. The only reason Ward talks to me more than you is because he knows I genuinely love my horses. I’m not just in racing for the status, or the socialising. Satisfied now?’

      When she went to move away, he grabbed her arm. She stiffened and shot him a look which would have shriveled a lesser man. Rico’s fingers tightened.

      ‘Why do you dislike me so much?’ he demanded to know. ‘What have I ever done to you?’

      She stared down at the hand circled on her arm till he let her go, at which point she actually shuddered.

      Rico knew then that she would never go out with him, let alone go to bed with him. Not willingly. He repelled her for some reason.

      It was the most appalling realisation of his life, worse than discovering Jasmine was a gold-digger. Much worse than anything he could imagine.

      Now he was the one who shuddered. But not visibly. Inside. Deep, deep inside.

      ‘You don’t want me to answer those questions,’ she replied tartly. ‘Trust me on that.’

      ‘But I do,’ he ground out. ‘Trust me on that.’

      Her green eyes frosted over further, if that was possible. ‘Very well. I’ll tell you. The reason I dislike you so much is because you represent everything I despise in the male sex. You’re selfish and self-centred and appallingly shallow. You say you want substance in your life but you continually choose shadows. You also make snap judgements about people without ever looking beneath the surface. When I think of how you nearly ruined Charles’s marriage…’

      Her top lip curled up in contempt and Rico cringed. OK, so he’d made a terrible mistake in accusing Dominique of being the same kind of heartless gold-digger Jasmine had been. But the evidence had seemed damning at the time.

      ‘All because you couldn’t see past your own pathetic marital experience,’ Renée continued caustically. ‘Like I said, selfish and shallow. Of course, most really good-looking men are tarred with the same brush. You imagine that you’re so irresistible, just because you were born with a great body and loads of sex appeal. You think I don’t know that your arrogant Italian nose is put out of joint because I don’t swoon every time you come into the room? Or that you’re seriously irritated by the fact I can play poker better than you can? I might have more respect for you, Rico Mandretti, if just once you behaved with some depth and sensitivity. But no, you just keep on keeping on in your usual superficial playboy fashion, acting like a spoiled brat when you don’t get your way!’

      By now her voice had risen slightly and Rico cast a desperate glance around, relieved to see that Neil had finished his hosing down and was nowhere in sight.

      ‘But most pathetic of all,’ Renée swept on, regardless, ‘is the way you go from one blonde bimbo to the next, then bemoan the fact you haven’t got what Charles has got. Grow up, Rico. Get a life, and a nice girl for a wife. Have that family you claim you want. Then maybe I might grow to like you. No, maybe not,’ she added scornfully. ‘Liking you is something I’ll never do. But at least I’d have some respect for you.’

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