Rancher Rescue. Barb Han

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Rancher Rescue - Barb Han Mills & Boon Intrigue

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know who. They went that way.” She motioned toward the McGrath ranch. Her voice cracked and he could see she was struggling not to cry. Tears fell anyway.

      “The wire has to come off first. Then we’ll take a look. Don’t watch me. It’ll only hurt worse. Tell me your name.” A stab of guilt pierced him at the pain he was about to cause. The weight of her body had impaled the rusty steel barbs deep into her flesh.

      Her head tilted back as she winced. She gasped but didn’t scream, her eyes still radiating distrust.

      “Hold on. I have something that can help.” He pulled wire cutters and antibiotic wipes from his saddlebag. He tied a handkerchief below her knee to stem the bleeding.

      “Promise you won’t leave me here?”

      “Now why would I do that?” One by one, he pulled the barbs out of her skin, giving her time to breathe in between. “Tell me more about the men.”

      “They. Were. Big.” The words came through quick bursts of breath.

      He pulled the last barb and stuck his hand out, offering a help up.

      Hers felt soft and small. A jolt of electricity shot up Caleb’s arm. Normally he’d enjoy feeling a sexual spark. This wasn’t the time or place.

      “I need to go that way.” She pointed north, grasping at the tree.

      “You’re hurt. On my property, that means you don’t go anywhere until I know you’re okay. Besides, you still haven’t told me why you’re out here to begin with.”

      “Where is here?” she asked, dodging his question.

      “The TorJake Ranch.” How did she not know where she was? A dozen scenarios came to mind. None he liked. He took a step toward her. She was too weak to put up a fight. He wrapped his arm around her waist for support. “You aren’t going anywhere like this. Start talking and I might be able to help. I have medical supplies at the house. But you’ll explain why you’re on my land or I’ll call the sheriff. We clear?”

      “Please. Don’t. I’ll tell you everything.” He’d struck a nerve.

      He should call Sheriff Coleman. No good ever came from a woman caught in a situation like this. But something about her made Caleb wait.

      “My name is Katherine Harper. I took my nephew to a pumpkin patch.” She glanced around. “I’m not sure which way.”

      “The Reynolds’ place.” Was it the fear in her eyes, or the tremble to her lips that hit him somewhere deep? He didn’t care. He was intrigued.

      “Sounds right. Anyway, two men in suits came from nowhere and grabbed us. They dragged us through the woods...here...until I got caught up. Then...”

      Tears streaked her cheeks. “They took off with him.”

      The barbed wire had been cut. The McGrath ranch was on the other side of the fence. He’d have to ask about that. Of course, he preferred to deal with creatures of the four-legged variety or something with a motor.

      “We’ll figure this out.”

      Caleb assessed her carefully.

      Her vulnerable state had his instincts sounding alarm bells.

      Chapter Two

      Noah was gone. Katherine was hurt. Her only chance to see her nephew again stood next to her. The cowboy’s actions showed he wanted to help. He needed to know the truth. She couldn’t pinpoint the other reason she felt an undeniable urge to confide in the cowboy. But she did.

      “My nephew was kidnapped for a reason.” Oh. God. It was almost unbearable to say those words out loud.

      His thick brow arched. “Do you know these men?”

      She shook her head. “They wanted me to give them a file. Said they knew I had it, but I don’t. I have no idea what they’re talking about.”

      The cowboy’s comforting arm tightened around her. Could he really help? Noah was gone and she was desperate.

      He pulled out his cell phone.

      “I’m calling my foreman, then the sheriff. We’ll cover more ground that way.”

      “No police. They insisted. Besides, there’s no time. Let’s use your horse. We might be able to catch them. Noah needs medicine.” She moved to step forward. Pain nearly buckled her knees. Her vision blurred.

      “Hold on there,” he said, righting her again with a firm hand. “We’ll find him, but I’m bringing in the law.”

      “They’ll hurt—”

      “I doubt it. Think about it. They’d say anything to back you off. There’s no chance to find him otherwise.” He turned to his call. “Matt, grab a few men and some horses. We have a situation. A boy’s been taken. Looks like they might’ve crossed over to the McGrath place with him. I want every square inch of both properties scoured. And call the sheriff.” His gaze met Katherine’s, and her heart clutched. He was right. They were most likely bluffing.

      She nodded.

      “There are two men dressed in suits. Could be dangerous.” His attention shifted to her. “How old is your nephew?”

      “Four.” With reinforcements on the way, she dared to think she could get Noah back safely before the sun went down.

      A muscle in the cowboy’s jaw ticked. “You heard that, right?” A beat later came, “Somebody cut the fence on the north corner. Jimmy’s been running this side. Ask him how things were the other day when he came this way.”

      Katherine looked at the barbed wire. The last bit of hope this could have been a bad dream shriveled and died.

      “Tell the men to be careful.” Caleb took more of her weight as he pocketed his phone. “I’ve got you.”

      “I’m fine.” Katherine struggled to break free from his grip. Her brain was scrambled. She’d been dragged through this area thinking it had been a random trail, but how could it be? They’d cut the fence in advance. Everything about them seemed professional and planned. But what kind of file could she possibly have for men like them?

      The cowboy’s strong grip tightened around her as she fought another wave of nausea. “I think I’ll be fine once I get on your horse.”

      “My men are all over this. Matt’s phoning the sheriff as we speak. I need to get you home where I can take care of your injuries. The sheriff will need to speak to you for his report.”

      “The longer I wait, the farther away Noah will be.” She had no purse, no ID and no money. Those had been discarded along with his medicine. Everything she’d had with her was scattered between here and the pumpkin patch.

      His brow arched. “You won’t make it a mile in your condition.”

      “I can. I have to.” Katherine tried to put weight on her foot. Her knee buckled. He pulled her upright again with

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