What If We Fall in Love?. Teresa Southwick

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What If We Fall in Love? - Teresa Southwick Mills & Boon Vintage Cherish

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      “Dr. Morgan. She said his vital signs were strong but without diagnostic equipment that was all she knew.”

      “At least he was still alive. But…” Her expression was stricken.

      “How about if I walk you up to the house and we’ll call the hospital. See if they can give us any information on his condition.”

      “Okay.” She started to stand, then hesitated. “You don’t need to baby-sit me, Grady. I appreciate the shoulder to lean on, but I’m fine now. The twins need you, and I’m sure you’re anxious to get home to them.”

      “Yeah. And I will.” He stood up. “After I see you home and check on Ronnie.”


      “I trust Deputy Haines. The girls are in good hands. They need to get some rest. In the morning we’ll have a talk about it. I’ll probably have some good news by then on Ronnie’s condition.” He held out a hand to her.

      “You’re not going to take no for an answer, are you?”


      She put her hand in his and he pulled her to her feet.

      A short time later they were standing on the front porch of the ranch house. When they’d arrived, Grady had found Mitch on the phone to the hospital. Ronnie was undergoing tests, but he was conscious and all the signs were good. Hannah had told him that tests were done as much to rule out problems as find them. She was optimistic that the teenager would be just fine.

      Finally Jensen had insisted he go home to his girls and had walked him outside. The front porch was lit up like the town square at Christmas. He could see the shadows lingering in her eyes.

      “Thanks for walking me home, Grady. I appreciate it. Tell the girls hello and give them a kiss for me.”

      He stared into her beautiful face for a moment, then before he thought it through, he leaned close and lowered his mouth to hers. First he tasted surprise on her lips and slid his arm around her waist to draw her closer. Fully expecting her to pull away, he wondered why she didn’t. Then he stopped thinking at all and gave himself up to exploring the perfection of her mouth.

      Lips as full and soft as clouds met his own. He tunneled his fingers into her hair, gently urging her to make the contact more firm.

      She smelled so good. Her hair was like silken strands tangled in his fingers. The sound of her rapid breathing heated his blood as it raced through his veins. Her soft femininity lured him into a sensuous haze and he never wanted it to clear. Suddenly the front door opened, spilling more light onto the porch.

      “Oops,” Taylor said. “Sorry, Grady. I’ll catch you later, Jen.”

      But Jensen instantly backed out of his arms. Then the light disappeared and a soft snick told him they were alone again.

      Jen ran a shaky hand through her hair. “Why did you do that?”

      The words, wrapped in her breathless, sexy voice, burrowed inside him, and all his nerve endings went on tactical alert. If he’d known the answer to her question, he would have answered it. But he didn’t have a clue why he’d kissed her. More important, he didn’t want to examine his motivation too deeply.

      “I just wanted to take your mind off what happened tonight,” he said lightly. “Give you something else to think about.”

      “Replace a bad memory with a good one?”

      “Is it a good one?”

      “You’re fishing for compliments again, Sheriff.”

      There was a trace of teasing in her tone, but it was forced. He could tell. In spite of the fact that she’d been married, there was an air of innocence about her. Hell of a quality for an attorney. But innocent best described her as far as he was concerned.

      “Nope. Not me. Just trying to do a good deed.”

      “You’re quite a combination of knight in shining armor and the guy in the white hat, aren’t you?”

      “It’s a gift.”

      “Well, let me return the favor.”

      “Yeah? How?”

      “That summons has something to do with the twins. Let me take a look at it so I can help.”

      Chapter Three

      After making the statement, Jensen put some distance between herself and the sexy sheriff. She leaned her back against the front porch support and folded her arms over her chest, letting the evening breeze cool her hot cheeks.

      Why had he kissed her? She didn’t completely buy his selfless, good-guy act. On the other hand, she would rather believe he was chivalrous as opposed to attracted. Because she was infatuated enough for both of them, and that was so not what she wanted. If she let it, their meeting of mouths could be a life-altering experience and she had no reason to want her life altered in any way, shape or form.

      He’d told her earlier his bachelor status was based on attraction and approval. He needed to be attracted to a woman that his girls approved of. So far that hadn’t happened for him. Tonight she’d gotten along pretty well with the persnickety O’Connor twins—meaning one hurdle crossed. After that kiss, she issued an all-points bulletin to her heart—do not under any circumstances approach the suspect with the intention of apprehending his heart.

      With that directive uppermost in her mind, bantering with him after that earth-moved-under-her-feet experience was the hardest thing she’d ever done. Her first legal argument in front of the toughest judge in Dallas had been a walk in the park by comparison.

      Bringing up the summons he’d received earlier was the only thing she could think of to take the heat off herself and put it squarely back on him where it belonged.

      She let out a long breath. “So what do you say, Grady? Want to talk about who’s suing you and why?”


      “Just like that? No? I thought you law-enforcement types were trained in methods of negotiation.”

      “You’re thinking of the FBI.”

      “But don’t they teach you how to interrogate perps, how to meet them halfway to get the information you want?”

      He shrugged, and the shoulder movement did things to his body that made her knees weak. “It’s not worth wasting your time.”

      “As an officer of the law you should know better. Anyone can bring suit. It’s up to a judge to decide whether or not it has merit. That’s where I come in.”

      She watched him rest a hip against the porch railing beside her, one booted foot grounding him, the other dangling back and forth. Very masculine. She made a conscious effort to inhale deep, calming breaths. If he was a couple of inches closer, she would be able to feel the heat from his body. The thought made her shiver,

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