The Tycoon's Dating Deal. Nicola Marsh

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The Tycoon's Dating Deal - Nicola Marsh Mills & Boon Cherish

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laughed and waggled a plump finger at him.

      ‘That’s all taken care of, my boy, and it’s going to be sooner than you think.’


      KARA strode into the Blue Lounge just before eight. A stickler for punctuality, she had deliberately driven a few laps around the block to kill time, not wanting to appear too eager. Thank goodness she was only doing this to help Sal and was not emotionally involved, unlike the rest of the patrons who were here to find their one true love. As far as she was concerned, she would do her duty, head home and leave the romance stuff to the lovelorn.

      She scanned the dimly lit room, noting the intimate tables for two scattered around the perimeter. Her pulse quickened in apprehension at the thought of spending seven minutes with seven different men tonight. The tables were small enough to create a cosy ambience for their occupants. Rather than feigning indifference, she would be forced to make polite small talk before making a quick exit. Damn, she was anxious and hoped it didn’t show.

      She’d dressed to kill tonight: little black dress, silky stockings, strappy sequinned sandals and matching handbag. With just a hint of make-up to emphasise her eyes and lips and her hair twisted in a stylish chignon, Kara knew she could pass any test. Pity the image hid a quivering mess of nerves inside.

      She spotted Sally as soon as she sat down and smiled as Sally squeezed through the tables, beaming and waving at everyone like the Queen. Sally was a regular here, using this venue for her weekly gatherings.

      ‘Hi, sweetie. You look sensational!’

      Kara shrugged. ‘What? This old thing?’

      ‘I know you, my dear. Glam outfit and make-up, too? Your nerves must be working overtime!’

      ‘Whatever gave you that idea?’

      They laughed in unison. Sally knew Kara preferred understated elegance rather than knock ’em dead outfits, so it was obvious she was nervous as hell.

      ‘Never mind. You won’t have time to be worried once the action starts. Now, you remember the rules?’

      ‘Sal, don’t fuss. I’ve known the rules for years. Who else listened to your ramblings about the agency, huh?’

      Sally tweaked her nose, a toothy grin on her face. ‘You encouraged me into this venture and don’t you forget it.’

      ‘Ow!’ Kara rubbed her nose in mock pain. ‘That was before I knew you’d turn your matchmaking skills on to me. Who knows what losers I’ll end up wasting my time with tonight?’

      Sally’s grin widened. ‘Oh, I wouldn’t be too concerned if I were you. My computer has a happy knack of delivering just what a woman wants. It has a great track record, eight marriages in two years. Who knows, you might meet the man of your dreams? Then you’ll be thanking old Sal rather than berating her.’

      ‘Come off it. I don’t need a man. I’ve got my business to run. I don’t have time for anything or anyone else right now. And as for finding the man of my dreams, I’d have a better chance of winning the lottery.’

      Sally’s dark eyes twinkled. ‘Oh, well, don’t say I didn’t warn you. Regardless of what happens tonight, thanks for helping me out, dear.’

      Kara felt a twinge of guilt. The least she could do was act enthused. After all, the agency was Sal’s pride and joy. If anyone could understand, she should. Her own business was floundering and she would do anything to save it.

      She hugged the older woman. ‘Everything will be fine, Sal. You’ll match your thousandth couple tonight and the agency will kick on for the next ten years. Just mark my words. I’m glad I could help. What else are daughters for?’

      Sally touched her cheek and sashayed away, her ample bottom draped in gold crêpe.

      Kara missed her parents, though the agonising pain of loss had dulled with time. Sally had seen to that, smothering her with love and attention, enveloping her in warmth and security. However, she would never forget those endless, empty nights, when she’d cried herself to sleep.

      Matt had been supportive too. He’d listened to her tales of woe, teasing her, helping her with her homework. She’d been devastated when he’d left for university, only seeing him during the holidays.

      However, when he returned home on holiday that first year, something had changed. Their open relationship became fraught with a tangible tension. She knew it had been her fault, as she’d developed a huge crush on Matt around this time. She’d tried to hide it but he obviously knew, because he’d treated her with kid gloves that summer and beyond. No more playful tickles or impulsive hugs. The object of her affection had kept his distance, driving her insane in the process.

      Kara had followed suit until her eighteenth birthday. The memory of his rejection still turned her stomach. Yet today, when he’d appeared out of the blue, she’d almost swooned. No accounting for hormones.

      ‘Excuse me. Is this seat taken?’ A deep voice intruded on her memories.

      ‘Actually, I’m waiting for…’ Kara stared, momentarily speechless.

      ‘This must be my lucky day. Seeing you twice in the space of a few hours…What are the odds of that happening?’

      She looked at Matt’s striking face, drinking in every detail: the laughter-lines at the outer corners of his eyes, the creases around his mouth, the dark shadow of stubble along his jaw line. Lord, he looked good. Her heart galloped, desire snaking through her body.

      She clenched her hands under the table, willing her mind and mouth to work in synchronisation. ‘I don’t know, Matt. You tell me—you’re the gambling man…if your reported jaunts to Randwick Racecourse are anything to go by.’

      He smiled, appearing undaunted by her jibe. ‘Odds of a million to one, I’d say, but then we were always drawn together. By the way, nice to know you’ve kept such a close eye on me via the newspapers. Miss me?’

      She didn’t have a chance to answer. To her amazement, he sat down, folding his long legs under the poky table. In doing so, their knees brushed, sending shock waves shooting up her legs.

      ‘Why don’t we have that drink I mentioned this afternoon?’ He leaned towards her, creating an intimacy that drew her like a magnet.

      ‘As I recall, I said no to your offer.’

      His hypnotic stare bored right through to her soul.

      ‘I know you didn’t mean it. Anyway, let’s just call this fate. We were destined to meet again and, now that we’re both here, what’s the harm in two old friends sharing a drink?’

      Kara was lost in the liquid blue pools of his eyes, helpless to resist. She’d always been like this around him. Floundering. Lost. Yearning.

      ‘Um, I’m actually meeting some people here shortly. Why don’t we have that drink some other time?’

      She had to fob him off before he discovered the real reason she was here and agreeing to a drink with him was a small price to pay.


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