I Will Survive. Samantha Connolly

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I Will Survive - Samantha Connolly Mills & Boon M&B

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      “I just have to use the bathroom.”

      Lois nodded. “Okay, then come straight up on deck.” She made for the door.

      Jessie kept the smile on her face until Lois left the cabin but then she quickly replaced it with a look of determination.

      She grabbed the sparkly purse and shuffled through the contents.

      Perfume, lipstick, a compact and condoms.

      Jessie rolled her eyes.

      Keeping one ear cocked for the sounds of anyone approaching she rummaged in her backpack and pulled out some of the things that she’d prided herself on packing. Penknife, a mini compass, sunscreen; one by one she squashed them into the bag. A tiny sewing kit, she’d definitely be needing that. She opened the perfume bottle and, without so much as a blink, poured fifty dollars worth of scent down the sink. She rinsed the bottle and refilled it with something much more useful. She rolled up the lipstick and snapped it off at the base. Ten waterproof matches fit perfectly inside the tube. She put the perfume bottle, the compact and the lipstick into the bag and held the condoms for a moment, vacillating, before she eventually tucked them back in, too, reasoning that they didn’t really take up any room.

      JESSIE HAD TO SHADE her eyes as she climbed up the narrow stairwell to the deck of the yacht. The sun was dazzling and the sky and sea seemed to be competing to show off how blue they could be. Jessie gasped as she spotted, looming on the horizon, a breathtakingly beautiful island. Green forest flowed down to the golden beaches and birds wheeled overhead.

      There were about twenty people on deck and Jessie stood awkwardly, holding onto the handrail, trying to ignore the sidelong glances and startled whispers that her appearance had provoked.

      Lois beckoned her over to the side of the yacht. After a pause Jessie let go of the handrail and tottered over on the spiky heels. She fell forward to grab the side-rail as she reached Lois.

      “Good grief,” she complained. “These shoes are hazardous.” She lowered her voice and spoke plaintively to Lois. “I feel like an idiot.”

      Lois waved her hand dismissively at the people milling around. “Oh, they’re just crew and staff, forget about them. This is who I want you to meet. Jessie, say hello to Kenny, our on-site cameraman. Kenny will be following you and the others with the handheld.”

      Jessie smiled and looked with yearning at his baseball hat, sloppy jeans and checked shirt.

      “Hey, that’s a great dress, man,” he said, greeting her with the kind of complex hand signal that she had only ever seen MTV presenters use.

      “Er, yes,” she said. “Thanks…Kenny.”

      Lois waved her hand towards the sea. “So, what do you think of your island?”

      Jessie grinned unabashedly. “It’s amazing. I can’t believe this is happening. I don’t know if what I’m feeling is excitement or terror. This is it, it’s real.”

      “You bet it is,” said Lois. She held out a pair of binoculars. “Here, take a look, the others are waiting for you.”

      Jessie took the binoculars and scanned the shoreline. She zeroed in on the three people standing on the beach and she breathed in as she recognized Nick Garrett.

      It was really him! At the first glimpse of that unmistakable tanned face and dark blond hair Jessie felt her heart grab before it kick-started again with a thud. Nick’s arms were folded and he was nodding as he listened to the man next to him, his dark brows dipping into a concentrated frown, shadowing his eyes. Jessie realized she was holding her breath and she let it out, wondering what she was going to say when she actually met him. Just say hello, she told herself, tell him how much you like the show but be normal. Please don’t start giggling or fawning or anything embarrassing like that.

      She lowered the binoculars as she realized that Lois was talking to her.

      “It’s a pity we had that trouble with your flight but don’t worry about it. The others have already had one night on the island but we won’t be officially starting the competition until tomorrow anyway. I’m sure you’ll have plenty of time to get settled in. Now, what we’re going to do is drop you into the water about a quarter mile from shore. Your bio said you could swim?”

      Jessie nodded.

      “Anyway, Kenny and I will be alongside in a motorboat so you won’t be in any danger, we just want to get the shot of you, literally, washing up on shore.”

      Jessie nodded again, too nervous to speak.

      THE WATER WAS WARM and the sun glinted sparkles into her eyes as she was lowered into the sea. She had looped the evening bag over her shoulder and across her chest and it bobbed alongside her.

      She treaded water for a moment, feeling her muscles loosen and then struck out for shore. At least her dress and shoes didn’t weigh her down, which was about the only good thing that could be said for them.

      She heard the thrum of the motorboat and paused, treading water again as it came up beside her.

      “How are you doing?” said Lois, yelling to be heard above the sound of the idling motor.

      “Fine,” called back Jessie.

      “Okay, we’re right here if you need help. You look great.”

      Jessie looked at Kenny whose face was hidden behind the camera and he gave her a thumbs-up. She grinned and turned back towards the island. She struck out resolutely, getting closer to the dream island with each pull of her long arms. Her mind was flitting about wildly. She wondered what the other contestants would be like and what sort of challenges they were all going to face. Would they be at each other’s throats at the end of the ten days or would they have made friends for life? Was there any hope at all that she might even win the money?

      She was about thirty meters from shore when she felt the strap of her evening bag slip off her shoulder and down over her arm. She grabbed wildly for it but it glided through her fingers and down around her waist. She could feel the bag knocking against her ankle and she knew she’d have to catch it before it had a chance to slip away entirely.

      She stopped, kicking rhythmically to keep her head above water while her hands swept around her, clutching for either the bag or the strap. She glanced towards the shore and she saw Nick come down towards the shoreline. She waved reassuringly and dipped her hands under again to search for the bag.

      She couldn’t feel anything so she took a deep breath and ducked her head under the surface, searching for the glittering prize. The strap was caught on her shoe and she struggled with it, trying to unhook it. She came up, treading water while she caught her breath. The sun flashed off the water, dazzling her and she ducked under again, clutching at her foot. The strap had wound around her ankle so it was almost a minute before she got it off and she burst her head to the surface again, gasping for breath. She shook the water from her face, her heart thumping with triumph and she gulped in lungfuls of air to pump her up for the last stretch.

      Suddenly she was yanked forcefully through the water as a huge arm was thrust around her neck.

      “It’s okay, I’ve got you,” came Nick’s voice in her ear. Spumes of water sprayed on either side of her face as he tugged her along

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