His New Amish Family. Patricia Davids

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His New Amish Family - Patricia Davids The Amish Bachelors

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welcome to sleep on the porch.”

      Clara’s scowl deepened. “My child can’t be without the lights. She needs to be under them for ten hours a day or risk brain damage. I have a set we travel with but I left them with my mother to be shipped here later. You must let us stay.”

      Paul heard the desperation in her voice. He caught Ralph by the arm. “This isn’t right. Let her in.”

      Ralph jerked away. “You heard her say I’m a liar and a thief and you think I should help her? I’m going to call the sheriff and report her for trespassing. A night in jail might change her tune. Get in the car. I’m leaving.”

      Paul cringed. He was about to lose a sale that would have paved the way for his future business. He glanced around and picked up a rock twice the size of his fist. “Do you have the key, Mr. Hobson? If not, I’m going to owe you for a new padlock and a smashed door. I’m not leaving here until she and her kinder are safe inside.”

      Ralph pulled out his cell phone. “Go ahead. The sheriff can arrest both of you.”

       Chapter Two

      Clara’s jaw dropped in shock. Ralph was just the kind of man to make good on his threat. Would the Englisch law put her in jail? What would become of her children? Sophie had to have her light bed. Would the sheriff allow her to use it?

      She had no wish for the young auctioneer to suffer because he was standing up for her and her children. She met the young man’s gaze, ready to give in and leave if she could take Sophie’s bed but Paul didn’t look the least bit concerned. He winked at her, a sly smile lifting the corner of his mouth. What should she make of that?

      He leaned toward Ralph and pointed to the phone. “The sheriff’s name is Nick Bradley. Be sure to tell Nick it’s Paul Bowman you want arrested. Nick’s daughter, Mary, is married to my cousin Joshua. Oh, and tell him Mary is planning a birthday party for Nicky two weeks from Saturday. The picnic will be at Bowmans Crossing at six o’clock. You know what? Never mind. I’ll just wait here with Clara and tell Nick myself.”

      With an angry growl, Ralph put away his phone, pulled a set of keys from his pocket and threw them at Paul. He caught them easily. “You’d do well to remember you work for me now. Get her out of here as soon as you can.”

      “Danki. I’ll finish looking the place over and let you know in a couple of days when I think I can schedule your auction. Off the top of my head, I estimate six weeks. Maybe less.”

      Ralph nodded once. “Make it less. I need to get rid of this place as soon as possible. Inventory it from top to bottom and get me a copy of the list. Don’t make me regret this. I can easily find another auctioneer.”

      “I’ll do my best for you but if you’re in a rush to get rid of the place, why did you turn down Mr. Jones without even hearing his offer?”

      “I didn’t like the look of the fellow.” Ralph pointed at Clara. “I don’t want her removing things she claims are hers without checking with me first but I want her gone as soon as possible. If she’s not out of here in a few days, I will call the sheriff.”

      Paul glanced at her and then nodded. “I understand.”

      Ralph opened the car door. “Are you coming?”

      “I can find my own way home.”

      “I’m staying at the Swan’s Head Motel in Berlin until the sale is over.” Ralph pulled out a business card. “This is my number. Don’t believe a word that woman says. She’s crazy. She imagines all kinds of things.” Ralph got in, slammed the car door and sped away.

      “I guess I won’t need this after all.” Paul tossed aside the rock and walked up the porch steps.

      Clara stood and pulled a crowbar from behind her. “I reckon I won’t need this, either.”

      He threw back his head and laughed. Clara settled Sophie on her hip as a smile twitched at the corner of her lips. Her son, Toby, was chuckling. It was a wonderful sound. It had been a long time since they had anything to laugh about.

      “I reckon your cousin Ralph didn’t think to padlock the toolshed.” Paul grinned at her as she handed him the crowbar.

      “He did,” Toby said, putting the cat down. “Mamm boosted me up to the window and I climbed in to get it.”

      Toby was so pleased that he had been able to help her. Ever since her husband’s death two years ago, Toby had been trying to be the man of the family. A big undertaking for a boy of only eight.

      Paul’s face grew serious as he gazed at Toby. “Your mamm is blessed to have a son who is both agile and brave.”

      This stranger’s words of praise to her son raised him another notch in her estimation. Toby stood a little straighter. “It didn’t take much bravery. The spiderwebs were pretty small.”

      Paul smiled. “Agile, brave and modest, too. Just as a goot Amish boy should be. Your daed will be pleased when he learns of this.”

      Toby’s shoulders slumped. He looked down. “Daed is in heaven.”

      Paul laid a hand on the boy’s shoulder. “My daed is in heaven, too. God must have needed two strong Amish fellows to help him up there. I’m happy Daed is serving our Lord even though I miss him. I never forget that he is watching over me just as your father is watching over you. We must always behave in a way that pleases them, and I’m mighty sure that you pleased your daed by helping your mother today.”

      “You helped Mamm, too. Cousin Ralph would have made us leave if you hadn’t been here.”

      Paul looked at Clara over Toby’s head. “I think it would take a tougher man than your cousin Ralph to move your mother if she didn’t wish to go.”

      Clara felt a blush heat her cheeks. She couldn’t remember the last time a man had complimented her.

      “Do you suppose your daed and mine are friends in heaven?” Toby asked. “I think he might be lonely without us and without his friends to talk to.”

      Clara bit her lip as she struggled to hold back the tears. Toby had a tender heart. He worried about far too many things. Adam had been a good husband but an indifferent father, preferring to spend his free time with his unmarried friends rather than the children.

      Paul crossed his arms over his chest and then cupped his chin as he considered Toby’s question. “Did your daed enjoy a good game of horseshoes and did he like baseball?”

      Toby’s eyes widened in surprise. “He liked both those things.”

      Paul turned his hands palms-up. “Then I reckon they must be friends ’cause my daed liked horseshoes and he loved baseball, too. Would you do me a favor and take a quick look at the barn. I need to know if Ralph put padlocks on it.”

      “Sure.” Toby took off at a run.

      “You were very kind to my son,” Clara said softly.


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