Texas Showdown. Barb Han

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Texas Showdown - Barb Han Mills & Boon Intrigue

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Chapter Fourteen

       Chapter Fifteen

       Chapter Sixteen

       Chapter Seventeen



       Chapter One

      “You didn’t have to take a bullet to get me to stop by and see you,” Austin O’Brien teased Sheriff Tommy Johnson as he entered room 119 at Bluff General Hospital. Tommy was more like family and had grown up on the ranch alongside all six O’Brien sons. At six feet tall with light brown hair and eyes that matched, he looked like he could be an O’Brien.

      “If I’d known that’s all it would take, I’d have done it years ago,” Tommy retorted. He’d been shot in the line of duty a few days ago. A two-hour surgery later to remove a bullet fragment from a rib and he’d been recovering nicely. At least his sense of humor was returning. That was a good sign. The first day he’d been too full of morphine to crack a smile and no one had felt like joking.

      Between Austin and his five brothers, one of the O’Briens had been at Tommy’s bedside since the incident. They’d been taking turns stopping by, making sure he had everything he could ever want.

      “I figured you’d be tired of trying to choke down hospital food by now.” Austin opened the container of homemade spaghetti, set it on the tray table next to the bed, and positioned the stand where Tommy could access it. “Just don’t rat me out to the nurses.”

      “Janis made this?” Tommy asked with a smile. She’d been employed at the ranch for more years than Austin cared to count. So much so, she was more family than employee and the boys had voted to give her shares of the family ranch and Cattlemen’s Crime Club now that they’d inherited the place.

      “You know it,” Austin said, taking a step back and crossing his arms as Tommy picked up the fork and dug in.

      “I forgot how good a cook she is,” he said after swallowing the first bite.

      “Stop by for Sunday supper anytime. Or any other night of the week, for that matter.” Austin took off his white Stetson and set his hat on the foot of the bed. Tommy already knew about Sunday meals being a big deal and they’d become even more important recently. Each of Austin’s brothers could’ve died at different points in the past nine months. As a result, Austin found he had a new appreciation for life and family. It was most likely the baby boom at the ranch that had him feeling soft, or the fact that he couldn’t put to rest his feelings for Maria O’Brien, soon to be Belasco again, that made him resolve to talk to her and see if they could give their marriage another chance. He missed her and he was still scratching his head over what had happened to make her walk out. Sure, they’d been through a rough patch, but wasn’t that true of every relationship? He and Maria had never really had a big fight, a final blow to know they were both throwing in the towel. And then, divorce papers had arrived a couple of weeks ago. With everything going on at the ranch, he’d been too busy to look them over.

      “How are you really feeling?” Austin asked Tommy.

      “About as good as you look, so like a cow that just spent twenty hours in labor,” Tommy teased.

      “That good, huh? Well, some people just take a vacation when they want to lay in bed and watch TV for a few days instead of taking a bullet and rolling in via ambulance here at the Bluff Resort and Spa.” Austin waved his arm in the air. “What time does the massage therapist come?”

      “She’ll be here any minute, so don’t get too comfortable. And, by the way, she has the hands of a goddess,” Tommy fired back with a chuckle in between bites, keeping the joke alive.

      It was good to see him awake and alert rather than overmedicated and with tubes sticking out of him. None of the brothers, Austin included, could shake a similar image of their parents from nine months ago in this very hospital where they’d died. A later autopsy revealed they’d been poisoned and Tommy didn’t seem any closer to an arrest.

      “Found this last night and thought of you.” Austin fished in the pocket of his shirt for the plastic badge he’d worn when they were kids. He pulled it out and tossed it onto the tray table.

      “Wow. How old is this?” Tommy picked up the child’s toy and spun it through his fingers.

      Austin shrugged. “What age were we when we decided to become sheriffs?”

      “Couldn’t have been more than nine years old, right?”

      “It was long before either one of us had hair on our chest, that’s for sure,” Austin said with a laugh. He couldn’t imagine being anything other than a cattle rancher, although his childhood had been filled with the usual cop, fireman and Batman fantasies.

      “Where on earth did you find this?” Tommy held the badge flat on his palm.

      “Been in the top drawer of my desk,” Austin said with a shrug.

      “You never could throw anything away.” Tommy examined the toy. “Good thing you went up north to that fancy school instead of law enforcement. I’m pretty sure your accounting skills are needed at the ranch more than your rifle acumen.”

      Going to a school in the Northeast had netted Austin the nickname Ivy League.

      “Between you and Joshua, I figured the family was well represented in the badge-toting department,” Austin said, referring to his brother who had left the ranch and moved to Denver to pursue a career in law enforcement. He returned over Christmas to take his rightful place alongside his brothers and had the toughest time adjusting.

      Austin’s cell buzzed. He fished it out of his jeans pocket and checked the screen. The text from his oldest brother, Dallas, read, Another calf is sick. Putting her in the pen.

      “Everything okay?” Tommy asked, his gaze fixed on Austin’s phone cover.

      “Fine. Got some kind of sickness moving through the new stock. Half a dozen calves are isolated and under quarantine. Vet can’t figure out what’s going on and we’re taking a wait-and-see approach for now. Hoping it doesn’t get any worse,” Austin stated.

      Tommy didn’t look away from the honeymoon picture of Austin and his wife that she’d had made into a phone cover. Soon to be ex-wife, an annoying little voice in the back of his mind corrected.

      The look on Tommy’s face sent a thousand fire ants crawling up Austin’s spine.

      “What is it?” he asked.

      Tommy took a minute to speak and when he did, he fixed his gaze on a spot on the wall behind Austin. More reasons to be worried.


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