Forgotten Lover. Кэрол Мортимер
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Velvet laughed. ‘Then let’s go.’
Paul was scowling when they stepped out of the lift. ‘I thought I told you not to stop and ask questions,’ he told Carly impatiently, marching them both into the dining-room.
Carly poked her tongue out at him across the table. ‘Only because you wanted to know the answers yourself. And they say women are nosey!’
He gave the waitress three orders of coffee and toast, scowling heavily at his girl-friend. ‘Velvet’s relationship with Mr Daniels is none of our business,’ he hissed.
‘Who says so?’ she scorned.
‘He does,’ Paul sighed.
Velvet frowned. ‘When did he tell you that?’
‘Just now, on his way to the airport.’
He had gone; Jerard Daniels had left! Velvet felt the tension draining out of her. ‘He had no need to do that,’ she said lightly, feeling suddenly free now that she knew he wasn’t going to suddenly appear. ‘We really didn’t have a relationship.’ Not one she remembered anyway. ‘And I didn’t want toast for my breakfast, Paul,’ she effectively changed the subject, ‘just coffee.’
‘You’ll eat the toast,’ he growled. ‘You hardly ate any dinner last night.’
She smiled. ‘I won’t kid myself that you’re concerned for my health.’
His mouth twitched and then he too smiled. ‘Sorry, Velvet. I think the heat is getting to me too.’
‘I should treasure that apology, Velvet,’ Carly put in cheekily. ‘It’s almost unheard-of.’
Both girls burst out laughing at Paul’s outraged expression, and soon he joined in.
The subject of Jerard Daniels seemed to be forgotten by the other couple, so Velvet decided to do the same. She wouldn’t bother to call Simon about the other man, not now that he had left the hotel. If it was still bothering her when she got home she could ask her brother about it then.
Greg Boyd had just come into the dining-room, dressed much more formally than yesterday as he came over to their table, his grey lightweight suit and white shirt very smart, as was the rest of his neatly groomed appearance.
‘Hi,’ he greeted them with a smile.
‘Good morning,’ Velvet returned with a smile, and made the introductions.
He sat down at the fourth chair at their table. ‘I’m going to be free this afternoon,’ he told Velvet. ‘I wondered if you would be too.’
‘You’ll have to ask Paul that.’
He looked at the other man. ‘Well?’
‘Why not?’ Paul shrugged. ‘It’s too hot to work in the afternoons anyway.’
‘So gracious!’ Carly grimaced.
Paul quirked an eyebrow at her. ‘I thought you wanted me to drive you to the Everglades?’
‘I do,’ she nodded eagerly.
‘Then shut up.’
Velvet laughed. ‘Don’t mind them, Greg,’ she advised at his worried frown. ‘They love each other really.’
‘Huh!’ Paul scoffed.
‘I have vays of making you suffer,’ Carly said in her most ham German accent.
‘Sexual threats, no less,’ Paul taunted.
‘Are you sure they love each other?’ Greg teased.
‘Very sure,’ Velvet laughed. ‘They just have a strange way of showing it.’
‘You’re not kidding,’ he drawled.
Paul put his arm about Carly’s shoulders. ‘I might even make an honest woman out of her one day.’
‘You should be so lucky,’ she answered in a disgruntled voice.
He nuzzled his lips against her earlobe. ‘I will be.’
‘Huh!’ but Carly was obviously weakening towards him, and snuggled into his arms for further kisses.
‘It’s enough to put you off your breakfast,’ Velvet teased.
‘It sure is,’ Greg grinned. ‘So about this afternoon …’
‘Come with us, if you like,’ Paul invited.
‘I’d like to, but I don’t really have the time to go that far. I have to be back on duty at six,’ Greg explained regretfully.
‘How far are the Everglades?’ Paul groaned.
‘About an hour’s journey either way, and then there’s the two-hour trip round. You won’t see anything if you don’t take the tour.’
‘Oh God,’ Paul moaned. ‘I hate organised tours.’
‘Then cycle round,’ Greg suggested. ‘It’s only fifteen miles, and you can hire a cycle there.’
‘Cycle!’ Carly burst out laughing at Paul’s stunned expression. ‘When did you last ride a bicycle, darling?’ she mocked.
‘When did you?’ he scowled.
‘About six months ago, for an advert I was working on.’
‘As I recall you sat on it, you didn’t ride it,’ he scorned. ‘I think we’ll skip the bicycle ride,’ he told Greg, ‘and take the tour after all.’
Greg nodded. ‘It’s worth it. I guarantee you’ll enjoy it. But don’t expect the Everglades to be like the Hollywood producers would have you believe in the films they make about it. It’s basically flat, no tall trees, with occasional small tree islands.’
‘Oh.’ Carly sounded disappointed.
‘Parts of it are like they show in the movies,’ Greg consoled her. ‘I’m just warning you that the majority of it isn’t.’
‘Still want to go?’ Paul asked her.
‘I’m not sure …’
‘I didn’t mean to put you off,’ Greg sighed.
‘You haven’t,’ Carly gave him a bright smile. ‘We’ll go,’ she told Paul. ‘Maybe I’ll feed you to an alligator.’
‘Sharks, and now alligators! I’m beginning to think you don’t love me any more,’ he mocked.
She gave him a sweet saccharine smile.