The Sinner's Marriage Redemption. Annie West

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The Sinner's Marriage Redemption - Annie West Mills & Boon Modern

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missed you too, Ava. Our week in Paris wasn’t enough for me. I need more.’

      Ava was still absorbing that when he bent, reaching for the floor. When he straightened he held the guidebook she hadn’t noticed she’d dropped.

      Heat flushed her cheeks as she took it. She’d never been clumsy—if she had it had been drummed out of her. She was twenty-four, competent, savvy, and never bowled over by men no matter how suave. Especially if they were suave. Life had taught her to be wary, even suspicious.

      Yet with Flynn it was as if she were seventeen again—klutzy and breathlessly awakening to romance.

      A seventeen she’d never been.

      She tasted bitterness on her tongue. There’d been no room for romance or dreams then. Just harsh reality that had taught her good things came at a cost.

      What was it about Flynn that cut through those hard-won lessons? The fact that he had nothing to gain from being with her? That he could have no ulterior motive? That his interest was in her and not, as so often in the past, in who she’d been?

      Because Flynn was genuine.

      Because she’d known him for ever.

      Because he’d proved she could trust him.

      How could she not? He’d helped her on the worst night of her life. Inspired her to change her life even if he hadn’t realised it then.

      ‘Thank you.’ Ignoring the clinging shreds of caution that warned her to hold back, Ava smiled, letting her feelings show.

      Flynn blinked and then, swift as thought, moved in to grasp her arm, his touch deliciously possessive.

      ‘I was right to follow you to Prague.’

      He paused, his expression making the blood hum in her veins.

      ‘Wasn’t I?’

      For an instant she hesitated, unused to laying herself open. But these new feelings were too intense to ignore. Besides, wasn’t being with Flynn what she’d longed for?

      ‘Absolutely.’ She curled her fingers around his arm, staking a claim of her own. It felt good.

      ‘Seen enough here?’

      Ava dragged her gaze from those velvety eyes, noticing for the first time the tourists casting them curious stares.

      ‘Yes.’ She dropped the guidebook into her tote bag and pressed close, revelling in the feel of him beside her. She felt ready to follow him anywhere.

      Moments later they retraced her route through the Vladislav Hall, so long and cavernous that in the old days knights had entertained the nobility here with indoor jousts.

      Ava smiled as they headed for the exit, imagining Flynn astride a warhorse. Strangely, the image came easily. With his determination and athleticism he’d be a force to be reckoned with in combat. More, he’d look wildly romantic with his sculpted, dark features and glowing gaze as he accepted a lady’s favour. Her favour.

      She shook her head, dispelling the fantasy.

      But nothing could dispel the heady sense that she’d left behind dull reality and entered a glorious new world to which Flynn held the key.

      He drew her arm further through his, his smile melting her internal organs.

      Did she have stars in her eyes? She didn’t care.

       For the first time in her life Ava was in love. Completely, head over heels in love.

      Flynn was everything she’d never dared dream of: understanding, charismatic, funny, sexy, gently teasing, considerate yet strong. Caring.

      She’d spent years distrusting men’s motives. All her life, it seemed. But she knew Flynn. He’d never hurt her or play the heartless, manipulative games with which she’d grown up. He’d rescued her years before and never once tried to use her in any way.

      Flynn was special. He always had been.

      Why shouldn’t she, for the first time ever, let her emotions rule? Fling away caution and live the dream? Even if it was scary, letting go.

      Ava was tired of allowing the shadows of the past to restrict her life.

      As they left the old palace and emerged into the sunlight of the citadel Ava felt she was stepping into her own private fairytale.


      THEY WATCHED THE sun go down from a romantic outdoor restaurant perched high on a hill. Hand in hand they talked, laughed and sipped delicious local wine. If Ava spent more time drinking in Flynn’s sculpted features rather than the view of orchards, ancient buildings and the glinting river, what did it matter?

      Flynn’s whole attention was focused on her. Ava had never felt so important, so...treasured.

      The closeness they’d shared in Paris reached a new level. Even after such a short time they could finish each other’s sentences. Ava revelled in the fact they understood each other so well.

      Now, in the lobby of her small hotel, she didn’t want the magic to end.

      ‘Come up to my room?’

      The words emerged breathlessly and Ava lifted her chin to counteract any hint of vulnerability. She was inexperienced, but that was from choice, not fear. Deliberately she banished all thought of why she’d remained celibate.

      She wanted Flynn as she’d never wanted any man. Never thought she could want any man. She’d always had a weakness for him, since her teens.

      Black eyebrows slashed down over eyes turned suddenly inscrutable. Surely Ava was mistaken in thinking, even for a fleeting second, that she’d seen calculation in Flynn’s expression?

      That was what a lifetime of distrust did to you.

      Thrusting it aside, she took his hand. It was hard and warm as it gripped hers.

      Fire arced through her when Flynn leant close.

      ‘Lead the way.’

      His words feathered her hair. Something twanged inside, like a string plucked, taut and vibrating. Ava’s heart-rate raced faster.

      Up and up they went. With each step she was ultra-aware of Flynn behind her, his body shadowing hers. The only sounds were the creak of stairs and her fractured breathing.

      Finally they reached the small landing. His closeness made her skin prickle in anticipation. Waves of longing washed through her as she inhaled his warm, woodsy scent.

      All afternoon and evening they’d been together, yet there’d been no pressure from him for more intimacy. That was a good thing. Here was a man interested in her thoughts and feelings, not just her body.


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