The Secret King. C.J. Miller
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The king of Rizari. Serena’s heart dropped and she felt sickened. She was at the palace to spend time with King Warrington and she was fixating on Casimir. She glanced around the room. As if reading her thoughts, Casimir spoke.
“The king has not yet arrived.”
The woman giggled. “He tends to be late. You know the type.”
Serena didn’t know the type or understand the reason for the laughter, and while his tardiness might have been rude, she was grateful he had not yet arrived. It had given her this moment with Casimir. “Casimir, could I speak with you alone for a minute?”
The woman frowned but stepped away. Serena walked toward the double-wide glass patio doors. Casimir followed her, as did her guards. Casimir opened the doors and led her outside.
“I have so many questions,” Serena said.
“Please ask them. I told you I was yours to call upon.”
He had said those words and yet he had disappeared without giving his name. “Do you live in Rizari?” she asked.
“I do not. I live in Icarus, but I travel frequently throughout the Mediterranean.”
Many follow-up questions came to mind. “What were you doing in Acacia?” Serena asked. She wanted to know everything about this man. Everything.
“Acacia is known for their world-class boat making and I am having one built. My friend Fiona,” he gestured inside to the woman he’d been speaking with, “knew I was in town and invited me to your father’s birthday party as her guest.”
His story made sense. Acacia’s boat-building history dated back a thousand years. Most of the royal naval fleet had been assembled in Acacia. To hear him refer to his companion as a friend soothed some of her worry. “I am pleased you recognize quality.”
He glanced at her lips and then his gaze skimmed down her body. “I recognize it.” His meaning was decidedly sensual.
“I have wanted to thank you for what you did that night. I don’t recall if I did at the time.”
She didn’t want the conversation to circle around the worst night of her life. Serena struggled with her grief and anger over what had happened. Yet, she felt it was important to acknowledge what he had done and express her gratitude.
“I did what any man would have.”
Except that he had done what no one else had. “My guards had left me.” Before becoming the heir apparent to the throne she had only traveled with one guard. That night she’d had two, but they had been trying to stop the gunfire and in the chaos, they lacked the training to execute the proper response.
“Their mistake,” Casimir said.
A mistake that could have cost her her life. Her uncle was reviewing and changing security measures to ensure nothing like it happened again. “You owe me nothing. But I want to know more about you.”
“Your Grace, you may ask me anything you wish,” Casimir said.
It was a cool evening and Serena noticed she could not see or smell the sea from the palace. “What do you do? I mean, besides saving the lives of princesses?”
He grinned. “My father owns a financial services company. He and I recently parted ways. A life of numbers and spreadsheets bored me. Until I figure out what I want to do next, I’ve been traveling, studying and having fun.”
She didn’t want to ask, but she needed to know about his relationship with King Warrington. She was aware, of course, that nothing could come of her attraction to Casimir. The king was courting her. This could be the only night she had with Casimir. The idea was beyond depressing. “How do you know King Warrington?”
“He and I have been traveling in the same social circles for years. Fiona invited me here tonight. I didn’t realize you’d be in attendance.”
Serena felt a mix of emotions about Casimir’s connection to King Warrington. She almost wished no one in Rizari had known Casimir, that he could exist in some space with her where they would be free to have a friendship without the interference of others. A strange notion, since she was not a possessive woman. Casimir had saved her life. She owed him, not the other way around.
“Are you pleased to see me?” she asked, trying to understand if he reciprocated any of her feelings.
Casimir looked over her shoulder and then returned his gaze to meet hers. “Yes. I should not say things like that to the princess, and to King Warrington’s future bride, but yes, I am pleased to see you.”
Though two of her guards were standing inside the door and another two were on the patio with them, Serena felt the space surrounding her and Casimir closing in on them. “I’ve thought of you often.” An honest admission that could cost her.
“I have wondered how you were coping. I read that your father and sister’s send-offs were touching. Many people have had nice memories to share about your father.”
A water burial, as was tradition in her country, had taken place for both the king and the princess. “I am glad to hear it. I’ve distanced myself from politics and the day-to-day duties of the royal family in recent years. But I’ll be forced into the center of the arena now and I have big shoes to fill.”
“Why haven’t you been involved in politics recently? I thought that was mandatory for a princess,” he said. He took a seat on a concrete bench with birds carved across the back of it.
Serena sat next to him, thinking how to frame her answer and not give away what she had been doing while at her beach house. No one except Iliana knew she had been selling her artwork and building her career as a painter. “My sister was to be the queen. I didn’t think my future entailed a throne, so I found other interests to pursue.”
“Tell me about them.”
Casimir hadn’t asked about her art directly, but she wanted to tell him. They had shared an experience that had changed her life and now she wanted to share this piece of her life with him. “I like to paint. And do yoga.” She spoke quickly, feeling strangely vulnerable.
“What do you like to paint?” He sounded both calm and interested without censure in his voice.
“The sea.” The beautiful sea, a source of calm and joy for her.
“I’ve never had much success with art. Or yoga. But I’d like to try it.”
“I could teach you to paint.” She offered quickly, without checking the words before she spoke them. It wasn’t like her to talk without thinking. She wanted a connection with Casimir, something to keep him in her life.
“Then it’s date. I’ll be in Acacia tomorrow to meet with my boat builder. Do you have time tomorrow?”
Tomorrow was Boat Day, a national holiday celebrating the water, and her schedule was full, but she would make time. She agreed, both nervous and excited about seeing Casimir again. Though this couldn’t end in a friendship—or something deeper—perhaps another day with her rescuer would satisfy her