The Warrior's Runaway Wife. Denise Lynn
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‘Probably worse, since we had no one at home to mete out punishment for our pranks,’ he admitted, then added, ‘Like the whipping these two took when one passer-by was Samuel’s father.’ He hitched a thumb over his shoulder to the guard riding behind them, before he nodded towards the guard in front of them and said, ‘And Fulke’s mother was the head laundress.’
‘Sadly, the pranks ended shortly after that,’ Samuel said.
‘Why is that?’
‘Because their parents...’ Roul nodded towards both men before continuing ‘...suggested to my father that Gregor and I needed some tasks to keep us from having idle hands during the day. So, we had lessons with the priest in the morning and spent our afternoons split between the stables where we learned how to care for and ride horses and the bailey learning how to fight.’
Fulke added, ‘We didn’t exactly get off lightly either. The two of us were banished to the shipyard and wharf until we were old enough to handle a weapon.’
‘What did you do then?’ Avelyn asked.
‘Trained hard to get into Roul’s guard.’
She looked at Elrik, who shook his head. ‘Not mine—my father’s.’
‘Oh. I thought all men owed service to their lord.’
‘Well, yes, but on Roul, as long as we aren’t under attack—or the threat of attack—their service is only mandatory a couple of weeks a year. We need the men working at the shipyard and docks in addition to the keep. But even those who choose to employ their services at the keep aren’t necessarily qualified to join the guard.’
She frowned in confusion and leaned back against the blanket-padded cantle. ‘I’m afraid I don’t understand.’
‘While every keep needs to be guarded at all times, the normal day-to-day responsibilities can be supplemented with men who aren’t always there. For example, right now Henry is on gate duty for the next two weeks. He’ll eat and sleep in the guard quarters at night, so that he’s available any time day or night. When his two weeks are completed he’ll return to his own home, wife, family and his normal routine at the docks.’
‘But he’s not a guard?’
‘No. He is on guard duty.’ Elrik drew in a breath and frowned, before explaining further, ‘Where Samuel here is a guard and is never off duty. He will take his turns at guard duty wherever he is assigned, but if I or my brothers need him for another task that’s where he will go.’
She glanced over her shoulder at Samuel. ‘And you do this by choice?’
The man nodded.
Elrik leaned over to whisper, ‘He is no good with tools, so he’s useless at the shipyard and he likes to drink too much to be left to his own devices at the dock.’
As Elrik sat back up, Samuel cleared his throat and then said, ‘But I am good with a sword and this way I don’t have to cook, do my own laundry, find my own place to live and the pay is reasonable, so I’ve no complaints with my lot.’
Without turning around Fulke added, ‘And sometimes the task that takes us away from Roul is easy, making it far more preferable than gate duty.’
‘Gate duty is hard?’
‘Boring!’ both men answered at the same time.
‘What made you choose these two for this task?’ she asked Elrik.
‘Simple. Whenever I’ve need of men I trust without question, these two are first on my very short list. Since the three of us grew up together we can communicate many things without words. I know that when Fulke stiffens in his saddle that something questionable is ahead, or when Samuel hisses beneath his breath danger lurks nearby. I know without ordering and without a doubt that they will guard my back.’
‘And we trust Elrik to return us to Roul in one piece.’ Samuel said.
Ahead of them, Fulke nodded in agreement.
‘So, the three of you are...friends?’
Elrik shrugged. ‘I suppose you could say that.’
‘Perhaps,’ Fulke said while looking over his shoulder. ‘But I am not tucking either of you into bed tonight.’
Samuel snorted before blowing a loud smacking kiss towards the other man.
‘Enough.’ Elrik ordered. ‘As evidenced by their behaviour we are more like brothers than friends. Even so, at times, someone has to be in charge.’
Avelyn nodded. ‘Yes, I can see where some order at times might be needed. Do you think that someone in charge might order a break soon?’
Samuel stretched, then yawned. ‘Now there’s an order that would be welcome.’
Elrik looked up at the sky and, from the slight widening of his eyes, seemed surprised to discover the sun had already passed its cenit to begin its descent. He motioned towards a clearing just ahead. ‘We’ve ridden longer than I’d thought. We’ll stop here to eat and stretch.’
Fulke and Samuel rode ahead. When Avelyn and Elrik arrived at the clearing a few moments later, the men had already started to unpack a leather sack of food.
Elrik dismounted and, after removing the padding, he assisted her from the horse. The moment her feet hit the ground, Avelyn’s legs wobbled and she stumbled against him, clinging to his shoulders to regain her footing.
His arms closed around her easily, as if they had done so countless times to support her and hold her close. ‘Take a moment.’
The deep huskiness of his voice caught her attention. She looked up at the face so near hers. The hardness of the chest she rested against, the warmth of his embrace and his heavily lidded gaze warned her that taking a moment would not be wise. A shiver raced down her spine, leaving her less steady on her feet than she’d been a heartbeat before.
Avelyn gasped softly and tore her stare from his. She pulled away, forcing her legs to hold her upright, and lowered her hands from his shoulders. ‘I am fine now. Thank you.’
‘You are far from fine.’ His voice had lost all traces of any warmth. In fact, he sounded decidedly angry. He took her arm and led her towards a log. ‘Sit down before you end up face first in the dirt.’
She pulled free of his grasp and then took a seat. ‘You create such a lovely vision of me.’
‘You could have said something earlier about being stiff and tired.’
Why was he now being so contrary? ‘Yes, I could have and then you would have complained about me slowing you down.’
‘I need to get you to King David quickly.’
‘Oh, yes, so he can hand me over to wed Sir Bolk.’ She stared up at him and quirked a brow. ‘Perhaps I should suggest that you would be a better mate for the ogre than I. Do you think