Bought By The Greek Tycoon. Jacqueline Baird

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Bought By The Greek Tycoon - Jacqueline Baird Mills & Boon Modern

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gone ashore to the island of Zante to eat.

      It had been when he’d slipped out of the restaurant full of tourists to stroll along the harbour and clear his head a little from the smoke and noise that he had noticed her. She had been sitting at a table outside a local harbour bar, sipping a glass of red wine, and she’d looked as if she had just stepped out of a Rossetti painting. She’d worn no make-up, yet she’d been stunningly beautiful. Her face was fine-boned, with high cheekbones and a short, straight nose over a perfectly formed mouth; her lips were full and a natural pink. Her hair was tucked behind her delicate ears to fall long and straight down her back, and was a rich chestnut gilded with reds and golds that reminded him of the changing leaves in autumn.

      As he had watched a couple of locals had walked from the bar and bumped into her table, sending her glass and a half-empty carafe of red wine all over her. She had leapt to her feet, and Luke had leapt to her rescue.

      She had willingly accepted his offer to accompany him to his yacht to clean the stains from the brief white top and shorts she’d worn. The sex that had followed was the best he had ever had, and a certain part of his anatomy rose instantly along with his anger as he recalled what had happened afterwards. Avoiding his gaze, she had jumped off the bed and said she needed the bathroom. Picking up her clothes and purse, she had dashed into the shower room.

      When she had returned from the bathroom, fully dressed, she’d been pushing a ring onto her wedding finger. Luke had rolled off the bed, reluctant to accept the evidence of his own eyes. ‘You’re engaged,’ he’d said.

      And had been met with, ‘No.. married. And this was a huge mistake.’

      Luke had dated dozens of women, and slept with quite a few, but he never, ever got involved with married women. Furious with himself as much as her, he had said scathingly, ‘Not on my part, honey. You were hot, but you’d better trot along now. My guests will be back any minute, and I’d rather they didn’t see you—especially one woman in particular.’

      She had looked at him, her eyes widening in horror as she’d realised what he had implied. Then she’d spun on her heel and left without a word, leaving him standing there naked, furious and disgusted with them both. He hadn’t had a one-night stand since he was a teenager, and had made it a rule to date a woman at least three times before going any further. But that night he had broken his own rule—and with a married woman too…

      Looking at her now, she appeared so composed, so elegant, it was hard to believe she was the passionate woman who had shared his bed. Her long hair was swept up in an intricate twist on top of her head, revealing the perfection of her features and the swan-like curve of her neck. It was enhanced by the platinum chain she wore, from which a finely tooled locket with a diamond set in the centre was suspended.

      She was wearing a simple but superbly designed black dress, with minimal sleeves and a low square neckline that revealed the creamy curve of her high, firm breasts. The fabric was fine and faithfully followed the line of her shapely body and the gentle swell of her hips to end an inch or so above her knees. As for her legs, they were fabulous—their length accentuated by the high-heeled sandals that revealed pink toenails. She was utter perfection from head to toe, and a vivid mental image of her naked body beneath him, her long legs locked around his waist, made Luke catch his breath. For the first time in his life he was jealous of his grandfather. He wanted to be the focus of her laughs, her gorgeous smile…

      No, he didn’t—she was married! Luke reminded himself forcibly.

      Jemma had heard the name Luke but thought nothing of it. She smiled at Jan and glanced politely at the man at her side. Then her eyes widened in horror, the blood drained from her face, and swiftly she lowered her gaze, her heart pounding in her breast. Jan’s Luke stood head and shoulders above the crowd, immaculately dressed in a black dinner suit, and with his dark good looks he exuded an aura of arrogant assurance coupled with virile masculinity that was almost impossible to ignore. But ignore him she did.

      Jemma couldn’t believe it—the one mistake in her whole life was standing a foot away from her! She hadn’t even known his full name, and yet she had slept with him. No.. there had been no sleep involved at all. They’d had sex, illicit sex, nothing more. She’d hated herself and despised him even more, as he’d obviously been unfaithful to the girlfriend staying with him on his yacht at the time.

      Her stomach churning, and with a terrific effort of will, Jemma murmured, ‘How nice to meet you.’ With barely a glance at Luke, she turned back to concentrate her attention on Theo.


      IT WAS a completely new experience for Luke Devetzi, and not one he appreciated. Amber eyes had flicked coolly in his direction and then returned to Theo, and he didn’t like it at all… While not thrilled to acknowledge the lovely Jemma with Jan hanging on his arm, he was not prepared to let the promiscuous little vixen get away with ignoring him.

      ‘Hello…Jemma, is it?’ Luke murmured provocatively.

      She glanced back at him, her amber eyes shielded by the ridiculous length of her dark lashes. ‘Yes. Hello.’ And as quickly she looked away again.

      ‘As we have not been formally introduced, allow me. Luke Devetzi.’

      He was determined to make her aware of him, and deliberately he reached out a hand towards her. A frozen glance from the golden eyes, and a small hand was offered. He grasped it, feeling the softness of her skin against his palm, and was aware of an immediate stirring in his loins. He had never been so instantly aroused by a woman since the last time he had met Jemma—no, Mimie—or whatever the hell she called herself! He looked down at their clasped hands almost in shock, and then he saw the wedding ring and remembered just in time. He did not mess with married women—except this particular sexy siren hadn’t told him she was married until after he had taken her to bed.

      Cold with shock, Jemma heard the seductive tone of his voice, noted the masculine challenge in his gaze and caught the knowing gleam of sensuality in his grey eyes. Appalled, she quickly extricated her hand from his grasp.

      ‘Jemma Barnes,’ she muttered.

      Almost on cue, Jan cut in. ‘Will you do me a favour, Jemma, and take care of Luke’s grandfather? He had an accident a few days ago and can’t walk very well,’ she said with her usual insensitivity. ‘We need to circulate, and David wants to discuss business with Luke later.’

      Insensitive or not, Jemma could have kissed Jan for the interruption. ‘No problem. It will be my pleasure.’ Jan grasped Luke’s arm and the couple began moving away through the crowd. Jemma heaved a shaky sigh of relief, but inside she was trembling. Talk about worst nightmares! Luke Devetzi was up there at the very top of her list.

      She was amazed he was related to Theo, for Theo was small and stocky, with dark eyes, whereas Luke had to be six foot four, and his eyes were light grey, a stark contrast to his olive-skinned complexion. His eyes were the first thing she had noticed about him a year ago, when they’d met, and they were one of the reasons she had acted so completely out of character.

      That he should turn up here in her father’s house, as her stepsister’s boyfriend, had to be the worst coincidence ever. She felt sick to her stomach and wanted to leave. She turned back to Theo, about to make some excuse, and saw he was still staring after Jan. The expression on his face was one of utter amazement. Jemma knew exactly how he felt—only she was sure it wasn’t for the same reason! ‘Jan is very beautiful, and she does tend to have a surprising effect on men, but I think your grandson can handle her,’ she offered reassuringly. ‘And they do make a nice couple.’

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