Communication For International Business. Rus Slater

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Communication For International Business - Rus  Slater Collins Business Secrets

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      ▪ I heard the letters but wasn’t sure it was an acronym or a word I wasn’t aware of; did you say TLA or tee elay?

      ▪ I heard the letters and know it is an acronym but I don’t know what they stand for and I’m embarrassed to ask.

      ▪ In English the acronym for the defence alliance is NATO but in French it is OTAN.

      ▪ The acronym makes sense in your language but not in mine; for instance in English we talk about 5 a.m. or 5 p.m. These are acronyms from the Latin words ante meridian and post meridian. The Italians don’t use the Latin or the abbreviation but actually say (in Italian) 5 in the morning or 5 in the evening.

      ▪ An acronym can sound like a word with a different meaning; for instance, NASA the American Space Agency and Nasser the Arabic name, or SALT the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty and salt the chemical or foodstuff.

      ▪ Any acronym can have numerous meanings even in the same language; the acronym SAS can mean a British military unit, a Scandinavian airline, an environmental charity for surfers or a software brand.

      While the context can provide a clue as to which acronym you are using, avoiding the use of an acronym altogether simply makes it easier for the other party to understand the message … which is your aim after all.

      Never use an acronym unless you KNOW (for sure) what it means.

      Acronyms help people in-the-know to communicate faster. They hinder people not-in-the-know and make it slower.


       Avoid idioms



) noun

      1 A group of words whose meaning cannot be predicted from the meanings of the constituent words, as for example (It was raining) cats and dogs

      2 Linguistic usage that is natural to native speakers of a language

      3 The characteristic artistic style of an individual, school or period

      As native speakers we often use idioms. They can, however, be very confusing to people who are not familiar with our idiomatic phrases.

      Here is an A to Z of common business idioms in English (from across the English-speaking world), check whether you use them regularly …

A. Ahead of the curve B. Bring it on C. Corner the market D. Drop the ball
E. Eyes wide open F. Foot in the door G. Game plan H. Hit the nail on the head
I. In the black J. come-to-Jesus moment K. Knock yourself out L. Low-hanging fruit
M. Make no bones about it N. No brainer O. get Outta here! P. Pink Slip or P-45
Q. Quart into a pint pot R. Raise the bar S. Swimlane (as a verb) T. Think on your feet
U. Under the radar V. Virgin territory W. Window of opportunity X. generation X
Y. Your guess is as good as mine Z. Zero tolerance

      … and if you do, make sure that you are careful when communicating internationally.

      Idiomatic language is confusing enough, but also be aware of the tendency to create new words that will similarly present problems for interpreters and individuals when used in international situations:

      Co-opertition: a compound of co-operation and competition used as a sort of alternative to ‘friendly rivalry’

      Blamestorming: Having an apparently open critiquing session which is really about pointing the finger of blame at someone

      Idiomatic language may feel more comfortable to the speaker but ‘can confuse the Hell out of’ the listener.

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