Kiss And Makeup. Taryn Leigh Taylor

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Kiss And Makeup - Taryn Leigh Taylor Mills & Boon Blaze

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doing it again.”

      “Doing what?” she asked, her eyes never wavering from the cracked vinyl seat back.

      “Sighing maniacally,” Ben explained.

      “You seem awfully intent on the emotional health of complete strangers.” She slanted him a look that bordered on caustic. “You’re not a shrink, are you? Because my talking to a shrink would make my mother ridiculously happy.”

      “And how does that make you feel?”

      In a defensive maneuver, Chloe crossed her arms over her chest. “Okay, fine. You’re a little funny.”

      Ben pumped his fist in silent victory.

      “And for the record, I was thinking about how Neil Diamond has ruined my life.”

      He shot her a surprised glance. “Really? I was wondering what he was up to these days.”

      She tipped her head in Ben’s direction without breaking contact with the headrest. “It’s a very sad story about a crappy alarm clock, a pathological hatred of ‘Sweet Caroline’, and an unfortunate mix-up involving the buttons marked off and snooze.”

      Ben leaned back in his own chair. “Fucking Neil Diamond,” he said, and it was so understated, so unexpectedly perfect, that she laughed.

      “You’re pretty calm about this.”

      “About taking Neil Diamond’s name in vain? Don’t let the suit fool you. I’m surprisingly controversial.”

      Chloe shook her head, refusing to admit she was charmed. “Can’t you just be pissed off about the flight being canceled? Like a normal person?”

      His shrug was philosophical. “We’re not getting to Buffalo tonight. Not worth getting worked up about if it’s out of your control.”

      “That’s very Zen of you,” she said, though it wasn’t a compliment.

      “Fortune cookies,” Ben sermonized, “are not only delicious, but full of extremely practical wisdom.”

      At that moment, Stewardess Barbie appeared beside Aisle Guy and her massive breasts exerted a gravitational pull on the eyes of the entire row, Chloe’s included.

      How did anything that top-heavy stay upright?

      The flight attendant glanced down at her clipboard and Chloe couldn’t help but notice that her glittery pink eye shadow was creased and caking.

      Chloe fought the urge to tell her about the new eye shadow primer that Titanium Beauty had just come out with. It was oil-free and did an incredible job of keeping shadow in its place all day. And that glitter was best saved for evening events because mattes and neutral shimmers worked best in daylight or fluorescent light. Also that with her skin tone, peachier shades would be much more flattering than pinks..

      “Gordon Hinky?”

      Aisle Guy’s gaze was stuck in the general vicinity of their messenger’s more...pneumatic assets. Rolling her eyes at the predictability of testosterone, Chloe held her breath as he raised his arm.

      Barbie sped through the “sorry for the inconvenience” script in a bored monotone before flicking her gaze to more promising territory. “And that must make you Benjamin.”


      At least Ben had enough class to meet her eyes when he confirmed the obvious. “It’s just Ben.”

      “Well, Just Ben, here’s your Value Inn voucher.”

      Ben reached past her to accept the glossy slip of paper and Chloe caught the clean, masculine scent of him.

      “It’s good for fifteen percent off. There’s a map on the back detailing the closest locations to the airport. Someone will be at the gate to direct you to the taxi and shuttle stands, but if you need any help finding your way or, you know, with anything, just say the word. I’d be more than happy to help you.”

      The breathy offer was very Marilyn Monroe.

      “Jetopia apologizes for the delay, but we hope you’ll give us the chance to make it up to you. We’d love to have you fly with us again.” After a long moment, she tore her gaze away from Ben and focused on Chloe.

      “And you’re...” She glanced back at the list and her face fell like she’d just seen someone kick a puppy. “Oh.” Her eyes darted between Chloe and Ben for a moment. Finally she said in a normal tone, “I hope you enjoy your stay.”

      “I’ll need my voucher,” Chloe reminded her.

      “I’m sorry, Mrs. Masterson, but there’s only one voucher per couple.”

      “Oh, I’m not a couple. And it’s Miz. There’s no Mr. Masterson.”

      “Actually...” Ben interrupted.

      She twisted in her seat to find her handsome seatmate looking amused.

      “I’m Mr. Masterson.”


      “My name is Ben Masterson.”

      She stared at him for a long moment before turning back to the flight attendant. “I think there’s been a huge misunderstanding.”

      Ben chuckled. “More like a Mrs.-understanding.”

      “Are you kidding me?” Chloe exclaimed. “A pun? Now?”

      “Just trying to keep my sense of humor intact,” he returned, unperturbed. After a beat, he added, “Dear.”

      “We just met,” she pleaded, not trying to hide the anxiety in her voice. Chloe figured that an early-twenties poster girl for enhancement surgery probably understood a little something about desperation. “There’s no way we’re staying in the same room.”

      “My goodness!” Chesty McLookatmyboobs’ attention focused on Ben with the precision of a heat-seeking missile, and her smile was one of renewed hope.

      So much for girl power.

      “I’m terribly sorry for the mix-up. I saw Ben Masterson and Chloe Masterson seated together on the passenger manifest and assumed... Well, let me find out what I can do for you.”

      “Give me a voucher of my own and we’ll call it even,” Chloe suggested.

      “I’m afraid I can’t just hand them out. For tracking purposes, I’ll have to assign one to you in our system. It’ll just take a second. I’m really sorry for the mix-up,” she said again, more in Ben’s direction, and sounding anything but sorry.

      Chloe watched the flight attendant sashay down the aisle and disappear behind the first-class curtain before she swiveled to face her last-namesake.

      “This is your fault, you know.”


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