Deception Island. Brynn Kelly

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Deception Island - Brynn Kelly The Legionnaires

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What the hell kind of game was he playing? He needed time out—from her.

      “Do you think there’s snorkel gear?” she said. “I’ve love a closer look.”

      “You know this isn’t really a honeymoon?”

      “Are you always this dour?”

      “I’m heading in. I need to eat.” And get my head straight.

      “I’ll stay out for a bit. Save some for me, honey.”

      * * *

      Damn. She’d struck out.

      Holly starfished in the water, eyes closed against the high sun, her body rising and falling with the lagoon’s gentle swell. If only the movement would unknot her stomach. Just when she thought she was gaining ground, he’d pulled away.

      Where could she get some of his self-control? Even in the water her body throbbed, from the run, and from the shock of feeling nearly every muscle in his body taut against her—and he seemed to have more muscles than regular people. She sure was screwed if she got charged up at an encounter like that. Normal people didn’t react like that, did they?

      Normal. Whatever that was. He’d been married to a “normal” woman, was possibly still not over her. Maybe Holly just couldn’t compete with normal.

      She swam for another twenty minutes, to collect herself and for the sheer chest-bursting liberty of it, then breaststroked to shore, her stomach still swirling.

      Under a tree on the clipped lawn, he’d set the picnic table with the kind of food she’d forgotten existed. He sat on the bench seat with his back to the table, facing the ocean, wearing shorts and a deep blue T-shirt, one leg folded across the other. Wet clothes hung from a rope he’d strung up between two palm trees. He’d done laundry?

      After a cursory glance her way, he reached for a towel that was draped over the seat, and tossed it to her. She took the hint, and wrapped it around her torso. Crap, her underwear didn’t leave much to the imagination. She hadn’t meant to be that obvious. Maybe she’d pushed it too far, too soon. They had a few days on the island, he’d said. A few days to take his defenses from rock to Play-Doh.

      If the ransom was paid, she could go on her way without him being any wiser to her deception. If not, she wanted him on her side when the shit went down. Maybe then, she could come clean. In the meantime she was safer to play princess and hope for the best.

      “You shouldn’t have,” she said, shoving her hair into what she hoped was a sleek style.

      “You were right,” he said, raising a glass of juice. “We may as well make the most of a bad situation. Cheers.”

      She poured herself a juice and sat at the other end of the bench. Hmm. Just what did he mean by that? A bird plummeted into the water, a flash of orange and electric blue.

      “Salute,” she said. “Or is it santé?” High school French hadn’t covered drinking etiquette.

      He cocked his head, frowning.

      “You speak French when you’re surprised. Or turned on.” She swiveled to focus on the food as heat rose up her face. What was that about? She never blushed, especially when she was on the job. Had to be the air temperature. “Are you French?”

      “Uh.” He uncrossed and crossed his legs.

      Stifling a triumphant smile, she began to assemble a sandwich—ham, lettuce, tomato, olives. Anything basic and relatively fresh made her drool like a mastiff after prison food.

      “Are you French, Jack? I can’t pick your accent. And I swear your English is better than mine.”

      He swallowed, his Adam’s apple rising and dipping. “I’m a lot of things, and nothing. If I was a dog, I’d be a stray mongrel.”

      Just like her. “Guess that makes me a prize Chihuahua.”

      The bench shook with his laughter, deep and throaty, and only half-bitter. It did gooey things to her stomach. Man, that was so wrong.

      “Pampered but scrappy as hell,” he said.

      “That’s me.” Half the truth, at least.

      “Your foot—it’s bleeding.”

      “Really?” Blood trailed from the arch of her foot, mixing with water and grains of sand. “It’s nothing. You should have seen what I did to the shark.”

      He raised one eyebrow.

      “I cut myself on the coral. No big deal.”

      His forehead crinkled. “We need to wash it. Coral carries dangerous bacteria and toxins. And in the tropics the last thing you want is an infection. I’ll find a first-aid kit.” He disappeared into the cabin.

      She bit into her sandwich, closed her eyes and tilted her head back. The sea washed in and out, the breeze teased her face. No matter what became of her in the next week, at least she’d had the simple pleasure of this moment. In prison right now she’d be lying sleepless on her bed, trying to zone out the unvarying soundtrack of cries, groans and jeers of the other inmates. If the senator’s people hadn’t approached her, she’d be fighting a bunch of other homeless people for a spot under a freeway bridge. Here there were goddamn frangipanis. There were worse places to die—not that she planned to.

      We may as well make the most of a bad situation.

      Yep. They might as well.

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