Seducing The Heiress. Martha Kennerson

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Seducing The Heiress - Martha Kennerson Mills & Boon Kimani

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      Farrah shook her head, welcoming their banter to distract her from thoughts of her soon-to-be ex-that-no-one-knew.

      Paul gave a dismissive wave and sat back down. “Francine’s body changing that much because she’s having twins is one thing. Gaining weight for no reason other than she decided to let herself go is something else.” Paul picked up his cup and took several sips.

      “You act like she’s as big as a house or something.” Farrah turned her attention back to her computer, but couldn’t help grinning at the mental image of her sister’s rounded belly and the smile and happiness that seemed to accompany Francine everywhere she went these days.

      Paul took a swig of his coffee. “Girl, Francine’s four months and she looks like she’s six or seven.”

      “She’s five months and she’s the perfect weight for an expectant mother of twins,” she corrected, choosing not to look directly into Paul’s face.

      Paul tilted his head slightly. “What’s wrong? Why do you seem a” he asked, frowning as he returned the cup to its former place.

      Farrah’s hand automatically flew to her mouth as though her lips could tell the story all by themselves. Damn, you act like somebody’s parent. You notice everything, even the slightest change.

      “Did you and Robert have a quickie before coming in today?” he asked, grinning and wiggling his eyebrows in a manner that sent a shiver of unease up her spine.

      Farrah got up and went to close her door completely. “Keep your voice down. And no, we didn’t just have a quickie.”

      Farrah returned to her desk and looked fiercely back at Paul, who was eyeing her suspiciously.

      “What?” she asked holding out her hands and hunching her shoulders.

      “You tell me,” he said in a serious tone she wasn’t used to hearing from him. Paul had once been very serious...too serious. He’d spent years fighting and hiding who he really was and he’d nearly lost himself in the process. Paul’s relationship with the Blake sisters and their family, as well as finding love and marrying his partner John in a lavish ceremony hosted by his new sisters, had kept Paul’s love for life alive and his heart light.

      Farrah looked down at her bare left hand and slowly shook her head.

      They both sat in silence for several minutes before Paul reminded Farrah of something that she already knew. “Everyone needs a go-to person to confide in, and I know that’s your sisters, but for some reason you’ve chosen to share this secret with me—”

      Farrah looked up. “You know you’re like a brother to us,” she affirmed emphatically.

      “Then talk to your brother. What’s wrong, Big Sis?” he asked, leaning forward, taking both her hands into his.

      Farrah closed her eyes, took a deep breath and released it slowly. She slowly opened her eyes and said, “Robert kissed me after we left the doctor’s office.”

      “So?” Paul said, with a bewildered expression.

      “So!” Farrah said, pulling her hands free. “Have you not been listening to me all those times we’ve discussed this? Paul, the man’s kisses are earth-shattering. If we hadn’t been interrupted, I would have let him take me right there in the elevator...again.”

      Paul grinned. “Earth-shattering!” A small laugh escaped before he clamped a hand over his mouth.

      Farrah glared at him. Paul often enjoyed her rare moments of insanity. “It’s not funny. I mean, it’s like I’m under some type of spell whenever he trains those beautiful blue eyes on me.” Just the thought had certain parts of her body coming to attention. And right now, she couldn’t afford to have anyone getting that attention...she had work to do.

      “Why are you fighting this thing between you two so hard? You want him and he’s obviously crazy about you.”

      “Yeah, right now...maybe. We both know how quickly his interest in women can change, how his eyes begin to wander...not to mention everything else—his lips, hands, his...”

      Paul’s eyes widened to the size of golf balls.

      “Sorry, TMI. Besides, we’re too much alike and we want different things.”

      “Do you? Like what? Because the way I see it, you want the exact same things. I mean, you both love what you do, you love to travel, and you spend money on crazy expensive toys—”

      “Like what?” Farrah demanded, sitting up straight in her chair.

      “Like that old-ass gun you spent fifteen thousand dollars on last month,” he said with a raised eyebrow.

      “It was an antique that’s already increased in value,” she defended. “So it’s an investment.”

      “Yeah, like the antique double ceiling fan that Robert bought for his office a couple of weeks ago. How much did he spend on that thing?”

      “Ten thousand dollars, but it was a great deal. And it has also increased in value,” she explained.

      “See what I mean. Something else you have in common, spending money on old...” She raised an eyebrow and he quickly amended, “I mean, antique stuff you really don’t need.”

      Farrah stood and looked out her window at the view of downtown Houston. “Robert and I wouldn’t be together long-term and I won’t risk...”

      “You won’t risk what...your heart?” In the silence that ensued, Paul left the chair and came to stand next to Farrah at the window and snaked his right arm around her waist.

      Farrah laid her head on his shoulder. “Girlfriend, you have to be willing to risk everything if you want everything in return,” he said in a voice barely above a whisper.

      Farrah rifled through a set of scenarios of how that would work, how she’d manage physical compatibility without mutual trust. Regardless of how she might feel about Robert, it just wasn’t enough. “No...not with Robert. He was crazy in love once and got his heart handed to him.”

      Paul gasped and Farrah raised her head and met his gaze. “Meeks told Francine all about it, and I’m her sister so of course she eventually told me. After that, he swore off love completely and proudly clipped on his playboy badge.”

      “What crazy fool let him get away? He’s gorgeous and rich. She had to be blind, deaf, intoxicated and stupid,” he proclaimed. “And not exactly in that order.”

      Farrah giggled, lifting the image from her mind. “I don’t know about all that, but after he found out she was only after his money and was sleeping with someone he thought was a friend at the same time, he ended it and vowed to have no more serious relationships. All he wanted to do was party. And unlike Meeks, he doesn’t even care about having an heir. He’s leaving all of his money to charity,” she said in a wistful tone.


      “How can you expect me to risk my heart with a man who’ll never risk his?” Farrah said, extracting herself from his hold and returning to her chair.

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