Against The Rules. Linda Howard
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It was here that he had found her skinny-dipping and harshly ordered her out of the water, threatening to haul her out if she didn’t leave it willingly. She had stomped out of the river, outraged at his high-handed attitude, and waded right into battle without once considering the possible consequences of attacking a man while she was totally nude. What had happened had been more her fault than Rule’s, she admitted now with more maturity than she had been capable of eight years earlier. He had tried to hold her off and soothe her out of her temper, but his hands had slipped over her bare wet flesh, and he was all man, so blatantly virile that his masculinity was like a flashing neon sign to every woman who saw him. When he ground his mouth harshly against hers, stopping her screams of fury, she had changed in one heart-stopping instant from white-hot fury to the dark blaze of desire. She had no idea how to control her own responses or exactly what responses she was arousing in him, but he had demonstrated the last point in the most explicit way possible.
When he dismounted to let his horse drink, Cathryn followed suit. He noticed the slight stiffness of her movements and said, “You’re going to be sore if you don’t get a rubdown. I’ll take care of you when we get back.”
She stiffened at the thought of him massaging her legs and refused the offer more abruptly than she’d meant to. “Thanks, but I can manage it myself.”
He shrugged. “It’s your pain.”
Somehow his easy acceptance of her refusal irritated her even further, and she glared at him as they remounted and began the ride back to the house. Now that he had mentioned it, she was aware of her steadily increasing soreness with every yard they covered. Only pride kept her from requesting that they slow the pace, and her jaw was rigidly set when they finally reached the stables.
He swung out of the saddle and was beside her before she could kick her feet out of the stirrups. Without a word he reached up and clasped her waist, carefully lifting her down, and she knew that he realized just exactly how uncomfortable she was. She muttered her thanks and moved away from him.
“Go on up to the house and tell Lorna I’ll be ready to eat in about half an hour,” he ordered. “Hurry, or you won’t have time to get the horse smell off beforehand.”
That thought loosened her stiff muscles, and it wasn’t until she was going into the house that she thought to be irritated at the fact that mealtimes had to conform to his schedule. She hesitated, then remembered that, after all, he did the work around there, so it was only fair that he have hot meals. On the heels of that thought came the idea that he could always eat with the other hands; no one had invited him into the main house. He hadn’t waited for an invitation, she thought, then sighed, and dutifully passed along his message to Lorna, who smiled and nodded.
Neither Monica nor Ricky presented themselves, so she dashed up the stairs and took a fast shower. Meals on the ranch weren’t formal, but she changed into a sleeveless cotton dress rather than jeans, and carefully applied her makeup, driven by some deeply buried feminine instinct that she was hesitant to examine too closely. As she was brushing her dark mahogany-red hair into a smooth bell that curved against her shoulders, a brief knock sounded on the door, which promptly opened to admit her stepsister.
Her first thought was that Ricky’s last marriage must have been a rough one. The dark hair was lustrous, the dainty body slim and firm, but there was a febrile tenseness about her, and lines of discontent were fanning out from the corners of her eyes and lips. Ricky was a lovely, exotic woman, a younger version of Monica, with her ripe mouth and slanted hazel eyes, her golden-hued skin. The effect of that beauty, however, was ruined by the petulance of her expression.
“Welcome home,” she purred, lifting a graceful hand, which held a glass with two inches of amber liquid in the bottom. “Sorry I wasn’t here to greet you, but I forgot that today was the big day. I’m sure Rule took good care of you.” She took a healthy swallow of her drink and gave Cathryn a twisted, malicious grin. “But then, Rule always takes good care of his women, doesn’t he? All of them.”
Suddenly, uneasily, Cathryn wondered if Ricky somehow knew about that day by the river. It was difficult to tell; Ricky’s normal style of conversation tended to be vicious, springing from her own discontent and internal fears. For the time being Cathryn decided to ignore the insinuations in Ricky’s tone and words, and greeted her normally.
“It’s nice to be home again after so long. Things have changed, haven’t they? I almost wouldn’t have recognized the place.”
“Oh, yesss,” Ricky drawled, letting the “yes” linger on a sibilant whisper. “Rule’s the boss, didn’t you know? He has everything going his way; everybody jumps when he says jump. He’s not the outcast anymore, sister dear. He’s an upstanding—and outstanding—member of our little community, and he runs this place with an iron fist. Or he almost does.” She winked at Cathryn. “He doesn’t have me under his thumb yet. I know what he’s up to.”
Determined not to react or ask Ricky what she meant, knowing that in her half-drunken state any sensible conversation was impossible, Cathryn took Ricky’s arm and gently but firmly steered her to the stairs. “Lorna should have dinner on the table by now. I’m starving!”
As they left the room, Rule approached them and his hard mouth tightened when he saw the glass in Ricky’s hand. Without a word he reached out and relieved her of it. For a moment Ricky looked up at him with a kind of tense, pleading fear; then she visibly mastered herself and trailed a fingertip down his shirtfront, tracing a path from button to button. “You’re so masterful,” she purred. “No wonder you can have your pick of women. I was just telling Cathryn about them...your women, I mean.” She gave him a sweetly poisonous smile and continued down the stairs, satisfaction evident in the sway of her slim, graceful body.
Rule swore softly under his breath while Cathryn stood there trying to understand what Ricky was getting at and why it was making Rule angry. There was the possibility that Ricky was getting at nothing. She loved to say upsetting things just for the joy of watching the stir. But just worrying about it wouldn’t give her any answers. She turned to Rule and asked him directly, “What’s she getting at?”
He didn’t answer for a moment. Instead he sniffed suspiciously at the contents of the glass he held, then tossed the remainder of the drink back in one swallow. A terrible grimace twisted his features. “God,” he choked, his voice strained. “How did I ever drink this stuff?”
Cathryn almost laughed aloud. From the day her father had carried him home, Rule had refused to drink liquor, even beer. His surprised reaction now was somehow endearing, as if he had revealed a hidden part of himself to her. He looked up and caught her grin, and she was startled when his hard fingers slid under her hair and clasped the back of her neck. “Are you laughing at me?” he demanded, his voice soft. “Don’t you know that can be dangerous?”
She knew better than most just how dangerous Rule could be, but she wasn’t frightened now. An odd exhilaration made her blood tumble through her veins and she tilted her head back to look at him. “I’m not afraid of you, big man,” she said in both taunt and invitation—an invitation she hadn’t meant to issue, but one that came so naturally that she had voiced it almost before the thought was completed. A second too late, she tried to cover her mistake by throwing in hastily, “Tell me what Ricky meant—”
“Damn Ricky,” he growled as his fingers tightened on her neck a split second before his mouth closed on hers. Cathryn was surprised by the gentle quality of the kiss. Her lips softened and parted