Under Her Skin. Susan Mallery
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“I don’t want you marrying some jackass who’s only in it for the money.”
She thought about Andrew and understood her father’s concern. “I don’t want that, either.”
“Then as long as you’re happy, I’m happy.”
Seriously? That was all he was going to say?
“I’m happy.” Or at least content. The deal was for six months. She could endure anything for that amount of time. Then she remembered how Cruz had kissed her and knew enduring wasn’t really the right word.
“I thought you might be angry,” she said, still surprised everything had gone so smoothly. “You arranged Skye’s marriage.” Jed enjoyed making things work out the way he wanted. He wouldn’t let a little thing like his daughter’s personal feelings for a man get in the way.
“You’ve always been more independent than your sister. Would you marry anyone I told you to?”
“So why would I waste both our time?”
She was surprised he knew her that well.
“Business is good?” he asked.
“You still think you made the right decision, walking away from my company?”
“While I was here, I was only ever Jed Titan’s daughter. I needed more than that. I would think you would understand.”
“I do, little girl. Don’t get your panties in a bunch.”
“My panties aren’t in a bunch.”
He grinned. “Have you told your mother?”
“I’ll send her an e-mail.”
“What will her skinny-assed Yankee self think of her daughter marrying a man like Cruz Rodriguez?”
“I have no idea.” Lexi figured her mother had given up the right to offer opinions or suggestions when she’d left her only child and never once looked back. Lexi had been three at the time.
“Wish I could be there to see the explosion.”
“There won’t be an explosion. There won’t be anything.” That would require emotion and feelings. Two things her mother discouraged. It made Lexi wonder why Cruz had any interest in society like that.
“You’re right,” Jed said. “Congratulations. Tell my secretary what you want for an engagement present and she’ll order it.”
A familiar echo of all those years when she’d been growing up. Jed had instructed his daughters to tell the nanny what they wanted for Christmas so his secretary could order it. Santa hadn’t been on the agenda at Glory’s Gate.
Lexi wondered why she had to love her father. Jed wasn’t especially loveable. Her life would be a whole lot easier if she could simply see her father for who he was and not care beyond that. Wanting the impossible—him to love her back—made everything complicated.
“I’ll check with Cruz,” she said as she rose. She walked around the desk and kissed her father’s cheek. “Goodbye, Daddy.”
“’Bye. I’ll let you know when I’ve checked him out and seen whether you’ve picked a good one.”
“Oh, joy.”
He laughed, and she walked out.
Once in the thickly carpeted hallway, she released the breath she’d been holding. Her father had accepted the news more easily than she’d anticipated. Now she had to explain her make-believe engagement to her sisters, and that wasn’t going to be so easy.
LEXI REVIEWED THE contracts from John, releasing her from the loan. She was free…at least of financial debt. There were other bills coming through and time was ticking. She was going to have to move into Cruz’s house soon.
She opened her top desk drawer and looked at the plain white envelope tucked inside. There was a key and an address, nothing more. She had no idea what his house looked like and she’d been too chicken to drive by. She would see it soon enough…and putting off the inevitable seemed like a good idea.
It wasn’t the living with him that had her waking up in the middle of the night—not that she’d ever lived with a man. It was sleeping with him. Or rather, not sleeping.
She was both terrified and excited. Terrified because of what had happened before and excited because no one had made her feel the way Cruz did. Just thinking about his hands on her body, his tongue driving her to madness, was enough to melt every cell in her body.
On the other hand, it had been ten years. Maybe she was simply imagining how good it had been. Maybe it had been ordinary. As that night had been her first time, she hadn’t been able to compare it to anything. Maybe being with Cruz wasn’t all that.
A girl could only hope.
The door to her office burst open and Skye stalked inside, followed by Dana. Her sister waved a newspaper.
“Did you know about this?” Skye demanded, her green eyes snapping with annoyance. “Oh, wait. You do know about this because it’s about you. But did you tell your own sister?” She slapped the newspaper on Lexi’s desk. “Or did I have to read about it just like everyone else?”
Lexi had no idea what she was talking about. She glanced down, then gasped when she saw a picture of herself next to a picture of Cruz, along with a very large headline, announcing their engagement.
Annoyance flooded her. How could he do this without telling her? But she already knew the answer. He wanted to make sure she didn’t change her mind. He didn’t trust her. After pulling a stunt like this, he would have reason to watch his back. But first she had to deal with Skye. What on earth could she say to explain any of this?
“I’m sorry,” Lexi said as she stood and walked around her desk. “I meant to tell you.”
“Sure. And that makes it all better. I know things have been a little tense lately but I expected more from you. What happened? Did doing your laundry get in the way?”
Lexi led her sister to the sofas at the far end of the room. Dana trailed along, looking more curious than upset.
They sat down. Lexi mentally scrambled to figure out how to explain what had happened. She’d known she was going to have to deal with this, she just hadn’t expected it to be today. When she got a hold of Cruz, she was going to verbally beat the crap out of him.
“Do you want something to eat?” she asked. “I could order tea and sandwiches.”
Dana made a gagging sound. “Not for me. I hate that whole-grain bread you use. It’s sticks and twigs.”
“It’s healthy,” Lexi told her.