Say It with Diamonds. Lucy King

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Say It with Diamonds - Lucy King Mills & Boon Modern

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Bella had to admire.

      ‘Really.’ Will nodded, but didn’t take his gaze off her and Bella was glad she wasn’t on the receiving end of that stare. For despite her best efforts to remain cool and unperturbed, the poor woman was beginning to look as if she were being skewered to the spot. Having spent the entire afternoon in Will’s disturbing company, Bella rather knew how she felt. ‘And what are you doing here?’ he said.

      Evidently something she shouldn’t be, thought Bella, what with all the tension and the undercurrents flowing around the place. It was becoming pretty obvious who was responsible for tampering with the jewellery, and if she’d been in Caroline’s shoes, she’d have gone white and then bright red, mumbled something about just being passing and then dashed off.

      Caroline, however, was clearly made of sterner stuff. She merely waved a vague hand and smiled. ‘Oh, you know,’ she said airily. ‘Just popping in to take a quick look. I thought I might borrow something for the—ah—charity gala I’m attending tomorrow night.’

      ‘I see.’ Will nodded and for one brief moment Bella thought he was going to leave it at that.

      As did Caroline, judging by the way her shoulders relaxed a little. ‘So please don’t let me keep you.’

      ‘You aren’t.’ Will paused. Ran his hand along his jaw as if in deep thought and then said in a voice that was dangerously low and icily controlled, ‘By the way, this is Bella. Bella’s a jeweller.’

      ‘How absolutely fascinating,’ murmured Caroline, sounding as if she thought it was quite the opposite, but darting a quick smile in Bella’s direction nevertheless.

      ‘It has been. She’s been valuing the collection … ‘ He tilted his head but didn’t take his eyes off her. ‘She’s been carrying out checks and tests and all kinds of other things.’

      In the long seconds of silence that followed, during which horrified realisation gradually dawned in Caroline’s eyes and the blood drained from her face, Bella couldn’t help feeling another flash of sympathy.

      ‘Ah,’ the blonde murmured eventually. ‘I see.’ There was another tension-laden pause. ‘Good at her job, is she?’

      ‘The best.’ Will unfolded his arms and took a step forwards. ‘Caroline,’ he said in a voice that brooked no argument and made Bella tingle in a highly disconcerting fashion, ‘I think we need to have a chat.’

      Caroline blinked. Probably would have frowned had her forehead allowed. ‘Do we?’

      Will stopped nodded. ‘We do.’

      ‘Well, if you absolutely insist, Will,’ she said, lifting her chin and flashing him a tight smile. ‘But perhaps later.’ She glanced at her watch. ‘I’m in a terrible hurry.’

      ‘Now.’ The word cracked through the air like a whip, and Bella jumped. Oh, this showdown was going to be explosive, she thought with a shuddery little thrill.

      ‘Ah,’ said Caroline, glancing over her shoulder and edging back towards the entrance to the vault. ‘Well, now really isn’t all that convenient.’

      ‘Too bad,’ he snapped.

      And barely before Bella could figure out what was going on, Will was springing forwards, gripping Caroline’s elbow and marching her out of the vault, leaving Bella standing there, open-mouthed in astonishment as she watched them disappear down the corridor.

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