A Secret Vengeance. Miranda Lee

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A Secret Vengeance - Miranda Lee Mills & Boon Modern

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those years ago? Luke recalled some local woman had come in to clean up after them.

      Or was she some poor unfortunate whose hard-luck story had come to his dad’s attention through one of the various charities he’d given money to? Some elderly spinster who’d never had much, and never would.

      Luke thought this last scenario a likely one. His father liked to help little old ladies.

      Even so, it was only a guess. He wished Harvey had known more. It was irritating, not knowing the full circumstances behind such a substantial bequest. The weekender at Pretty Point, though small and a bit ramshackle, was sitting on a parcel of valuable land.

      Maybe, when the time came, he’d take the gifted deed up to the woman personally. That way his curiosity would be well and truly satisfied, and this tiny but nagging doubt that his father might not have been so perfect after all would be safely banished.

      Luke still hadn’t made up his mind on the issue when the lift doors opened and there, straight ahead, stood Isabel, looking classy and coolly beautiful, as usual. She was wearing a simple black dress and her long blonde hair was sleekly up, showing off her elegant neck, and the diamond earrings he’d given her recently for her birthday.

      She smiled at him, one of those serene smiles that had a soothing effect on Luke, no matter how stressed out he was. He smiled back as he walked towards her, thinking how lucky he was to have found a woman like Isabel to marry. Not only beautiful, but so sensible and level-headed.

      He never had to put up with jealous scenes or possessive demands with her as he had with previous girlfriends. On top of that, Isabel could cook like a cordon bleu chef and actually considered being a wife and mother a career in itself. Just like his mum.

      She’d already quit her job as receptionist at the large architectural firm Luke was currently contracted to and where they’d met at last year’s Christmas party. She had no plans to go back to work after their marriage. They were going to start trying for a baby straight away.

      Of course, Isabel was thirty, with a whole lifetime of experiences behind her, so she was ripe and ready for settling down, as Luke was himself at thirty-two. Like him, she’d travelled extensively, and admitted to several lovers, something that didn’t bother Luke one little bit.

      He liked the fact Isabel was experienced in bed. He liked it that she wasn’t insecure with him. He especially liked the fact she wanted the same things he wanted: a marriage that would last, and a family of at least two children.

      Okay, so he wasn’t in love with her, and vice versa. But darn it all, he’d fallen in love a few times in the past, and he hadn’t really liked the feel of it. It wasn’t stable for starters. And it never lasted.

      By the time Luke had decided it was time to settle down, he’d concluded romantic love was not a sound basis for marriage. Isabel had reached the same conclusion after a few disastrous love affairs of her own.

      Which meant they were perfectly in tune with each other. They had the same goals, and they never ever argued, which was something Luke valued very highly.

      Arguments and disagreements always upset him. Quite a lot. He wanted none of that in his marriage. He wanted peace, and harmony. He wanted what his father had had with his mother.

      “All finished?” Isabel asked, reaching up to kiss him on the cheek.

      “For the time being,” he returned, his thoughts sliding once again back to the mysterious Ms Gilbert. Frustrating, really. Why couldn’t he forget about her? He opened his mouth to tell Isabel about the woman, then he closed it again. Why, he wasn’t sure. Perhaps because he didn’t want to see that awful doubt about his father in her eyes as well.

      Ms Gilbert was just a charity case, Luke reassured himself, some poor little old lady who didn’t have the wherewithal to help herself. To think anything else was untenable.

      But the more Luke tried to picture Ms Jessica Gilbert as some poor little old lady, the less he was convinced. His father wouldn’t have been worried about his mother jumping to the wrong conclusions if the woman was elderly. He would only have worried about jealousy if the woman was young. And attractive.

      “Is there something wrong, Luke?”

      “Would you mind very much if I took a rain check on lunch, plus the ring-buying expedition?” he said on the spur of the moment. “There’s something I simply must do which can’t wait.”

      “What, for heaven’s sake?” She wasn’t angry, just puzzled.

      “I need to drive up to Lake Macquarie.”

      Isabel blinked her surprise. “Lake Macquarie! But why?”

      Why, indeed?

      “There’s a property up there, an old fishing cabin where Dad used to take me when I was a boy. I haven’t been there for years. I just found out that he didn’t sell it like I thought he had. I know it sounds crazy but I have this compulsion to see it again.”

      “And you have to go see it this very day, this very afternoon?”


      He expected her to ask more questions but she just smiled a wry smile. “You’re a lot more sentimental than you think you are, Luke Freeman. Look, why don’t you drive up there and stay the weekend? Have a rest. It’ll do you the world of good. These last two weeks must have been dreadful for you.”

      Yes, he could stay the night at least, if he wanted to. He knew where his father had always hidden the key and he doubted that would have changed.

      “You wouldn’t mind?” he said.

      Isabel shrugged. “Why should I mind? In just over two weeks’ time, I’ll have you for the rest of my life. I think I can spare you for a couple of days’ R and R. But, Luke, I don’t want to put off buying the rings. They might need to be resized. Would you trust me to choose them without you?”

      Luke couldn’t think of any other female he’d ever known who was so blessedly lacking in being a drama queen about things. “You are one incredible woman, do you know that? Here. Take this credit card and put the rings on that. And put lunch on it too.”

      “If you insist,” she said, smiling saucily as she whipped the card out of his fingers.

      “I insist,” he said, and smiled warmly back at her.

      Another thing about Isabel that Luke appreciated was the fact she didn’t pretend she didn’t like money. She did. Even before the tragedy, which had turned him into a multimillionaire overnight, Isabel had openly appreciated the fact that he was earning a high six-figure salary, owned a town house in Turramurra, drove a recent-model BMW, and could afford to take her to Dream Island on their honeymoon.

      Now, of course, he could afford a whole lot more.

      “I’ll call you later,” he promised.

      “You’d better.”

      “And you’re right. I might stay up there for a day or two.” Depending on what he found once he got there, of course.

      “I’ve already told you to.”


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