Secrets and Seductions. Pamela Toth
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Emma crossed her legs, trying not to fidget, and moistened her suddenly dry lips. She’d planned so carefully what she wanted to say, but now her mind threatened to go blank.
“I just found out that your agency handled my adoption,” she finally blurted out, lacing her fingers together tightly. “Is that my file on your desk?”
“That’s right,” he replied without turning his head. “As you can imagine, our records go back many years.” He folded his arms loosely across his chest. His smile flashed even white teeth. “I hope there isn’t a problem.”
Sitting rigidly, she lifted her chin. The sense of injustice and pain still raged inside her. “The problem is that I wasn’t told about it until a very short time ago.”
He frowned, clearly puzzled. “About this agency?”
“About being adopted,” she clarified. “I had no idea until now.”
His expression softened as he leaned forward. “I’m so sorry.” His voice was husky. “After all this time, the news must have come as quite a shock. I expect it’s been difficult for you.”
“Yes, very.” She pressed her lips together to keep them from trembling. Her voice wobbled. “That’s why I’m here, to find out what I can.”
His frown returned. “I’ll help in any way that I can, of course,” he replied, “but I’m not sure what you’re asking.”
“I need the names of my biological parents,” she said firmly. The Wrights had claimed not to have that information, but her faith in their honesty had taken a major hit and she wasn’t sure that she believed them.
“If you don’t mind my asking, how did this all come about?” He spread his hands wide. “After keeping your adoption a secret for all this time, what made them suddenly decide to tell you, do you know?”
His sympathetic smile and his show of interest threatened to shatter Emma’s composure. Afraid she might break down and start sobbing, she clenched her teeth and stared down at her toes, painted red to match her shirt.
No one else except her parents—her adoptive parents, she reminded herself—knew the situation. Since she was no longer speaking to them, she’d had no one to confide in. She hadn’t even told her close friend, Ivy Crosby, who’d been out of the country on business.
Ivy had been supportive throughout every bad thing that had happened to Emma, who was beginning to feel like a drama queen. Maybe she’d bring Ivy up to speed on her latest disaster over lunch.
Deliberately Emma stiffened her spine. “I found out just recently that I have a medical condition which is usually considered to be hereditary,” she began.
His eyes narrowed with concern. “I hope it’s nothing serious.”
“Well, I’m not dying or anything like that,” she said quickly.
He made a noncommittal murmur of relief.
There was no point in telling him about her endometriosis, a condition in which cells similar to those found in the uterus formed lesions in other areas of the body. It was a condition that sometimes caused a woman to miscarry.
“It’s just that when I talked to my mother—” Emma shook her head and corrected herself “—my adoptive mother, it became obvious that I didn’t inherit it from her.”
Emma swallowed hard as she recalled her feeling of relief that Sally Wright hadn’t had to suffer even the minor discomfort associated with the condition. Her reluctance to discuss it and her uncharacteristic nervousness hadn’t raised Emma’s suspicions until later, when she went back over everything she could remember about their conversation.
“I assumed then that I must have gotten the problem from the paternal side of the family,” she continued, “but I was wrong.”
“You discussed it with your adoptive father?” he asked.
“With my grandmother the next time I visited her. It was obvious from what she said that she never experienced any of the symptoms.”
Emma swallowed the bitter taste of regret. “Sometimes I wish that I had let the subject drop, but I can’t go back, can I?” she asked the man seated across from her.
“If that were possible, I’m sure there are things in all our lives that we would change.”
Was that sadness she heard in his deep voice, or merely empathy? With his looks and his position of authority here, plus whatever else he had going, did he still have regrets?
“What did you do after that?” he prompted her gently.
“I did some research on the Web,” she admitted grimly, “and then I hotfooted it back to the Wrights’ house with a couple of real burning questions.”
“The Internet may not be the best place to get medical information,” he reminded her. “There can be many different ways to interpret whatever you might find there.”
“Oh, I know.” Emma had been bluffing when she brought the subject up again. “I tried not to jump to any conclusions, but there was a look that passed between my parents—”
This time she didn’t bother to correct herself as she bowed her head. The habit of more than a quarter of a century wasn’t going to be changed in a matter of weeks, no matter the sense of betrayal burning in her heart.
“Anyway,” she continued, blinking hard, “a red flag went up and I just knew.” She looked back at him. “At first they denied everything, but I kept pushing. Finally the whole sordid story came out.”
Since he’d read Emma’s file, he knew more about her right now than she did. “Are you sure that it’s sordid?” he asked.
“That’s what I’m here to find out.”
His expression changed, becoming more wary. “What do you mean?” He touched the knot of his tie, as though it had suddenly gotten too tight. The flash of gold she had noticed on his hand earlier looked like a college ring.
Emma rolled her eyes. “After the big confession, they actually expected me to accept their apology, let the subject drop, to go on as though nothing was any different.” She waved her hand in a gesture of dismissal. “But of course I can’t do that.”
It had been painfully clear to her that her adoptive parents had never intended to tell her the truth at all. Thank God the subject was no longer shrouded in secrecy.
“So that’s why I’ve come to you.” Emma gave him what she hoped to be a beguiling smile. “I’m here to find out about my real parents.”
When he remained silent, a sudden feeling of panic gripped her and she couldn’t resist glancing over at that open folder on his desk. What if it was incomplete? What if part of her file had been somehow lost, or destroyed in a fire or a flood?
“You do know who they are, don’t you, the people who gave me up?” she demanded, her heart thudding in her chest.