Avenging Angel. Alice Sharpe

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Avenging Angel - Alice Sharpe Mills & Boon Intrigue

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running a hand down the palomino’s nose.

      He wouldn’t put Elle in danger, of course. Well, not overtly. And if danger arose, he’d be close by to protect her. He wouldn’t let her be hurt which was a lot more than Alazandro could or would say.

      Okay, okay, it wasn’t very nice of him to think of using her this way. But the world Elle had just thrust herself into didn’t allow for such old-fashioned concepts as fair play and decency. She thought she was flirting with a wealthy entrepreneur, a playboy, a man who could shower her with all the best money could buy. She didn’t know about his drug connections or about the evil rumors that had followed this man for years.

      No matter. The hungry way Alazandro’s dark eyes had devoured Elle Medina was too big a gift to ignore. And the wave of disgust that interest engendered in Pete just didn’t matter.

      Pete took a cell phone from his pocket and turning his back to the others, punched in a few numbers. It rang only once before it was answered. Using the palomino’s golden head for cover, he lowered his voice. “It’s me. I have someone I need checked out right away. Name, Elle Medina. Age, early twenties. Currently working at Tahoe Stables on Lake Tahoe. I’ll call back in an hour.”

      Pocketing the phone, he caught up with Alazandro and Stiles. The former, expounding his plans, talked about tearing down the old stable and replacing it with “something decent.” Something with a heated, bigger indoor arena in which to exercise the horses and amuse the patrons as winters were cold and snowy at this elevation. Perhaps an attached arcade with viewing rooms looking down over the arena. Better footing in the arena. Quality work. Something family friendly.

      Peg Stiles looked mad enough to string up a rope and hang Alazandro from an overhead rafter.

      Pete took his place, hanging back, appearing watchful while his mind raced along twisted paths.

      If Elle Medina checked out okay, she might prove to be the key he’d been looking for. Alazandro was going to Puerta Del Sol for a reason that surpassed his stated goal of looking around to see how things were progressing. He had minions to do that for him, though it was true he’d just fired his latest in a string of resort managers. Rumors were flying that a meeting of some kind was in the offing. But Pete couldn’t get close enough to pin down any dates or names.

      He needed a way to get closer to the man. To find out—

      “Did you call my security people?” Alazandro demanded. “Did you start a background search on the girl?”

      Pete blinked away his thoughts and answered, “Not yet. Sir.”

      A flash of irritation ignited the man’s eyes for just a moment. Alazandro was used to getting what he wanted when he wanted it. He said, “Make sure she has a passport. I want her to fly south with us tomorrow on my private jet. That Meacham fellow is proving to be a pain in the neck. I should never have hired him.”

      “I’ll get right on it, sir.” Pete all but fawned. He hated this job.

      Peg Stiles said, “Isn’t this all happening kind of fast? Your fancy resort doesn’t open for a while yet. What’s the rush? Elle will be hard for me to replace. The season is almost over—”

      “Elle Medina is just what I need down there. Bright, pretty, trilingual. She’s perfect.”

      Stiles, going on sixty, had the wiry look of a woman who rarely sat unless it was on the back of a horse. Pete knew she was recently widowed. From the look of her, he’d guess she’d put as much heart and soul and elbow grease into this place as her late husband had. He’d glanced around the inside of her house when they first arrived and found old furniture, worn-out carpets and antiquated appliances. The barn they stood in was swanky by her standards.

      The woman was invested in this property. And she was losing it, and she knew it.

      Measuring her words, Peg said, “I wouldn’t want to hear you took advantage of that girl. Her father is some big judge down in Arizona. If he found out she was being used—”

      Alazandro laughed. “You’re the one who pointed her out to me. You’re the one who extolled her virtues.”

      Peg bit the inside of her cheek before grudgingly admitting, “Yeah. Well, she kept bugging me.”

      “Come, compañera,” Alazandro said in what Pete privately termed his schmoozing voice. “She’ll make three times the money. She strikes me as a woman who knows what she wants. Her father is no concern of mine.”

      With that, Alazandro strode down the walkway toward the rectangle of daylight at the other end. Peg Stiles stared after him for several seconds before visibly forcing herself to follow.

      Punching the number for Alazandro’s security firm into his cell phone, Pete sauntered along a moment later. He didn’t want to keep the boss waiting.

      BEFORE TAKING A SHOWER and changing her clothes, Elle made her way to the smaller stable to check on Silver Bells. The gray gelding, coat brushed to a silver shine, had been restabled and was drinking out of his trough. She let herself into the stall and, perching on her heels, ran a hand down each beautiful leg, just to make sure he hadn’t hurt himself.

      Of course, he wasn’t the one who had actually hit the ground. He regarded her with big brown eyes as water dripped from his chin whiskers.

      “What are you looking at?” she said as he nibbled at her hair. She reached up and stroked his soft muzzle. He really was a big sweetie.

      “Hey, what happened out there?”

      Elle looked up to find Mike standing in the doorway, his thick red hair going every which way as usual. Two sets of dimples and a ready smile didn’t hurt his popularity with the female clients. In fact, Elle suspected Tabitha had a big crush on Mike who, at nineteen, seemed embarrassed by her adulation.

      “Silver Bells took out his annoyance with Tabitha on me,” she said, wondering for a moment if her own distracted state hadn’t contributed to the horse’s refusal to jump. “Where is Tabitha, anyway?”

      Mike rolled his eyes. “Her father finally showed up and took her home. She asked me to tell you she’d see you next week. Oh, and you got a phone call earlier.”

      Elle’s imagination immediately provided a worst-case scenario. Rising, she whispered, “Was it Scott?”

      “Who’s Scott?”

      “My grandfather’s nurse.

      “Oh. Well, no, it was your dad who called.”

      “Did he mention Grandpa?”

      “No. He wants you to meet him down at the Lakeside Inn at eight o’clock tonight.”

      “He’s here? In town?”

      “I guess.”

      Elle felt like stamping a foot. “What lousy timing.”

      “He sounded like a nice guy,” Mike said.

      Elle shrugged. “The judge and I don’t see eye to eye about certain…things. That’s all.”

      “Yeah. My dad wants me to be a lawyer.

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