What The Greek Wants Most. Maya Blake
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He swerved her out of the path of another couple and used the move to draw her even closer. At the fierce evidence of his arousal against her stomach, Inez swallowed hard.
Her confusion escalated.
Constantine had been charismatic and breathtaking in his own right. But he’d never made her feel like this, not even in the beginning…before everything had gone disastrously wrong.
Thinking of the man who’d broken her heart and betrayed her so cruelly threw much needed ice over her heated senses. She’d made a fool of herself over one man. Foolishly believed he was the answer to her prayers. She was wise enough now to know Theo Pantelides wasn’t the answer to any prayer, unless it was the crash and burn type.
‘I believe I’ve fulfilled my obligatory dance duty to you. Perhaps you’d like to find a more unwitting female to club over the head and drag to your cave?’ She injected as much indifference into her voice as possible.
‘That won’t be necessary. I’ve already found what I’m looking for.’
Theo watched several emotions chase over her features before Inez da Costa regained her impeccable hostess persona.
Although he silently cursed himself for his physical reaction, he was thankful she realised her effect on him.
Let her think she held the power. Allow her to believe that he could be manipulated to her advantage. Or, rather, her father’s advantage.
Her reaction to Delgado’s departure had shown him that fulfilling her role as her father’s Venus flytrap was most important to Inez da Costa. Or was it something else? Did she hope to bag herself a millionaire while serving her father’s purpose? She came from a family ruthless in its pursuit of wealth and power. Was that her underlying agenda?
That knowledge demanded that he rethink his strategy. The conclusion he’d arrived at was surprising but easily adaptable.
He had an opportunity to kill a few more birds with one stone. With any luck, he would conclude his business in Rio in a far shorter time than he’d already anticipated if he played his cards right.
Inez tried to wrench herself from his grasp once more. The primitive feelings he’d mentioned so casually a moment ago resurfaced. When she tugged harder, he forced himself to release her. Her soft hand slid from his, leaving a trail of sensation that made his groin pound and his blood heat.
The plan he’d hatched solidified as he gazed down into her heart-shaped face, saw her fighting to stop her clear agitation from messing with her breathing.
Theo hid a smile.
Either she was offended at his primitive declaration or she was turned on by it. Since she wasn’t slapping his face, he concluded that it was the latter.
His gaze dropped lower, and the sight of her tightly beaded nipples against her gown made his own breathing stall in his chest. Lower still, her tiny waist gave way to those tempting hips that his palms ached to explore.
Even as he talked himself into believing his reaction would ultimately serve his purpose, a part of Theo was forced to acknowledge that he hadn’t reacted this strongly to a woman in a very long time. Everything about her brought his senses to roaring life in a way only the thought of revenge had for the past decade.
Revenge…retribution over the person who had created such chaos in his life.
He gritted his teeth as the sound of tinkling laughter and animated conversation refocused his mind to his task and purpose.
‘Good evening, Mr Pantelides. I hope you enjoy the rest of your evening,’ Inez said stiltedly.
She turned and walked off the dance floor before he could reply. Not that he felt like replying. Although he’d mostly kept on track throughout the evening, a large part of him had become far too consumed by her seductive presence.
Inez da Costa was only one part of the game. To keep on track he needed to keep his head in the whole game.
He headed for the bar and sensed the moment Benedicto and his son halted their conversation and moved pincer-like towards him.
Dreaded anxiety washed over his senses but he forced himself to breathe through it.
I am no longer in that dark, cold place. I am in light. I am free…
He tersely repeated the short statement under his breath as he tossed back the shot of vodka and set it down with cold, precise care.
He was no longer weak. No longer helpless.
And he most certainly would never be put in a position to beg for his life. Ever again.
By the time they reached him, he’d regained control of his body.
‘Senhor Pantelides—’
‘We’re about to become business partners—’ his gaze slid over Pietro’s head to where Inez was holding court in a group of guests; the sleek line of her neck and the curve of her body sent another punch of heat straight to his groin ‘—and hopefully a little bit more than that. Call me Theo.’
The younger man looked a little taken aback, but he rallied quickly, nodded and held out his hand. ‘Theo…we wanted to hammer down a time to discuss finalising our agreement.’
He took Pietro’s hand in a firm grip. Benedicto started to offer his hand. Theo deliberately turned away. Catching the bartender’s eye, he held up his fingers for three more drinks. By the time he faced them again, Benedicto had lowered his hand.
Theo breathed through the deep anger that churned through his belly and smiled.
‘Tomorrow. Ten o’clock. My office. I’ll have the documents ready for us to sign.’
This time it was Benedicto who looked taken aback. ‘I was under the impression that you wanted to iron out a few more details.’
Theo’s gaze flicked back to Inez. ‘I had a few concerns but they no longer matter. Your campaign funds will be ready in the next twenty-four hours.’
Father and son exchanged triumphant looks. ‘We are pleased to hear it,’ Benedicto said.
‘Good, then I hope the three of you will join me for dinner tomorrow evening to celebrate our new deal.’
Benedicto frowned. ‘The three of us?’
‘Of course. I expect that, since this is a family company, your daughter would wish to be included in the celebrations? After all, the company was her mother’s family’s business before it became yours, Senhor da Costa, was it not?’ he queried silkily.
The older man’s eyes narrowed and something unpleasant slid across his face. ‘I bought my father-in-law out over a decade ago but yes, it’s a family business.’
Bought out using money he’d obtained by inflicting pain and