Starting with a Kiss. Barbara McMahon

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Starting with a Kiss - Barbara McMahon Mills & Boon Vintage Cherish

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      “Well, some parties thought I looked like a tart.”


      She shrugged. “If he did, he was polite enough to refrain from saying so.”


      “Just a friend who obviously felt no such restraints.”

      “And the purpose of that dress?”

      Abby glanced around to make sure they couldn’t be overheard. “I was trying to make someone take notice.”

      “Honey, I think the entire male population of the hospital took notice. Super doctor by day, femme fatale by night!”

      Abby scowled. “Not my intent.”

      Susan studied her for a moment. “There’s a happy medium—you just need some pointers.”

      “Are you volunteering?” Abby asked, diverted temporarily by the idea. She had been over the top last week. And it hadn’t done a speck of good. Jeb had not found her attractive—just the opposite.

      “No, but I know someone who would be perfect.” The teasing look in her eyes made Abby wary.

      “Right—in my spare time. But in the meantime, I didn’t stop you to discuss my social life. I wanted to ask you about that procedure you were talking about a few weeks ago. I have a kid who is not responding to normal treatment.”

      Thankfully, their conversation turned to medicine and Abby was able to put aside the memory of that embarrassing night.

      Until she showed up at Dr. Hastings’s office that afternoon just prior to four. She made sure she was not late. His door was ajar, the secretary’s desk empty.

      Should she wait, or just go in? Taking a step closer, she heard voices. Someone was in with Greg. She’d wait.

      “Shall I leave the door open when your four-o’clock appointment arrives?” The voice came from Greg’s secretary, Rose. Abby had met her once before.

      “Why?” The sound of papers being shuffled drifted outside the door.

      “Your reputation, of course,” Rose said with asperity. “After the way Dr. Trent was dressed when you took her to the banquet, you have to know she’s trying to vamp you.”

      “Vamp me? Where do you come up with these terms, Rose?”

      Abby’s cheeks began to burn again. Did the entire hospital think she had been trying to make a play for Dr. Hastings?

      “I’m into retro. Anyway, I’m looking out for you.”

      “Yeah, the man most likely to sweep a woman off her feet.”

      “One look at your killer smile and every woman in sight will swoon.”

      He laughed.

      Abby stepped closer, charmed by the rich tone of Greg’s laughter. If only she didn’t feel she was the butt of the joke. Damn, why had she let Kim talk her into all that makeup and that dress?

      “Rose, you’re priceless. When Dr. Trent arrives, show her in, and then shut the door.”

      “What was that about last week?”

      “Darn if I know. I expected a quiet, mousy physician to open her door, so I was as surprised as anyone else at the way she looked.”

      There were several seconds of silence. Mousy? Was that how he saw her? Did everyone see her that way? Abby turned to tiptoe away when Rose spoke again, her voice pensive.

      “You know, maybe she’s looking to change her image. You could help.”

      “Me?” Greg laughed again. “I don’t think so, Rose.”

      “Think about it, Pam could get her some clothes that suited her personality. Elise could give her pointers on walking and looking sexy, and how to apply makeup for an understated look. I’m serious, Greg.”

      “I will not think about it. Thanks for the suggestions, Rose, but Dr. Trent is well able to look after herself.”

      “Hmm, I wonder.”

      Abby spun around and headed for the hall. She’d rather be thought tardy than be caught eavesdropping—especially when she’d been the topic under discussion. Heat scorched her cheeks. She wanted to dash away and never face the man again. Or his cheeky secretary.

      She reached the water fountain and stopped for a drink, hoping the color that had flooded her cheeks would fade. This was worse than she’d expected. She thought she and Greg would just briefly touch base. He’d hand her a file of the committee information and she could escape. Now she’d be wondering what he was thinking the entire time.

      She cleared her throat as she drew near the secretary’s desk. Rose was just coming from Greg’s office. Young and stylish, she was well thought of throughout the hospital, fiercely loyal to her boss, and the hospital in general.

      “Hi, Dr. Trent. You’re right on time,” she said, smiling brightly.

      Abby nodded, avoiding Rose’s eyes. “Is Dr. Hastings ready?”

      Greg appeared in the doorway, almost filling the space. Abby swallowed and tried to ignore the familiar fluttering in her stomach. Tried not to dwell on the conversation she’d overheard.

      “Since we’ll be working closely on the conference, don’t you think you should call me Greg?” he said easily, leaning casually against the doorjamb and crossing his arms over his chest as he assessed her.

      He’d noticed, had he, that she’d never been able to call him by his first name? Had anyone else noticed?

      As she drew closer and he didn’t budge, she wondered if he would move to allow her through the door?

      He did, at the last second, his eyes dancing in taunting amusement.

      She stepped inside his office, her defenses on the ready. She was not some woman to be swept away by his killer smile, or anything else. She was here under protest, and would do only what she had to in order to pull her weight on the committee.

      Deliberately Greg shut the door.

      “Have a seat.” He gestured to one of the visitor chairs then took his seat behind his desk. Seconds later he began to fill her in on all the steps taken in preparation for the conference. Rose was handling many of the details and follow-up work. The schedule had been settled, speakers committed, programs drafted for the printers.

      Several minutes later he looked up. “That leaves the ball. Steve was working on that, and I expect you can take over from where he left. The orchestra has been booked, the menu finalized, former donors contacted. There will be only the routine tasks left now. If you could supervise this aspect, it would help. Let me or Rose know if you need anything.”

      Abby nodded, wondering if she could leave now. She’d make sure she managed everything without ever bothering

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