A Dance with Danger. Jeannie Lin
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He was a corrupt official. A murderer—well, an attempted murderer since Yang wasn’t dead. But how many other crimes had her father been involved in? How many times had she been fooled by his talk of justice?
Jin-mei hooked her arms around her knees and let her head sink on to her arms. There was a slight lurch as the boat began moving along the current. Gradually, she accustomed herself to the feeling of being adrift. She closed her eyes and willed the answers to come to her. What was she going to do now? What next?
‘I’m curious.’
Jin-mei jumped up, startled. Yang stood beside the berth with a bundle of cloth beneath his arm. He didn’t appear angry at her, or startled the way he had been when she’d first set foot on the ship. As usual, he maintained a steady, slightly bemused expression. She wondered if he always masked his emotions so perfectly.
‘I’m curious as to whether you were involved in your father’s scheme,’ he continued as he draped the sheet over a set of hooks around the sleeping area.
‘No, I wasn’t,’ she murmured. ‘I thought you were dead. I...I mourned.’
He paused with his back to her and his arms raised to attach the curtain. She watched the rise and fall of his shoulders as he let out a breath. ‘It would probably be best if you went on with your life as if I were dead.’
‘It would be best for me never to know the truth?’
It was still a shock to see him alive, but it only proved beyond a doubt her father had tricked her. She was still dressed in her pale mourning robe. The rough cloth scratched against her skin.
‘Do you know why he wanted me gone?’ Bao Yang’s eyes were cold when he turned to face her.
Jin-mei shifted uncomfortably. ‘I don’t know anything about my father any more.’
Yang remained standing while she sat, staring at her hands. With the curtain in place, they were alone for the first time since their wedding. She could feel her pulse skipping as he continued to stare at her.
‘How did you possibly find me, Miss Tan?’
‘I saw you outside the drinking house yesterday,’ she explained, surprised at how casual they both sounded. ‘I knew you’d come by the river and would be looking to leave the same way.’
‘Ah, that simple.’ He sat down on the berth opposite hers. It was obvious Yang didn’t want her here, but presently his demeanour was cordial, even pleasant. ‘You didn’t run into any trouble travelling alone from the city?’
‘I’m dressed as a widow and apparently widows are considered the most unfortunate creatures on this earth. No one troubled me at all.’
‘Impressive. But I could have guessed from the moment I met you that you would be resourceful.’
‘Why do you say that?’
He smiled. ‘Because of the way you lured me beneath that bridge.’
‘I didn’t.’
Well, she hadn’t lured him, but she hadn’t exactly been beguiled by him either. Jin-mei had done exactly what she wanted, just as she was doing now by tagging along after him.
‘Can you swim?’ Yang asked suddenly.
He looked thoughtful. ‘Oh.’
She stared at him across the sleeping berth. He seemed a bit disappointed, crestfallen even.
‘You were thinking of throwing me overboard!’ she accused.
‘Of course not.’
‘If I could swim safely to shore, then you would be absolved of all guilt.’
He made a face as he inspected his nails, but gave no answer.
‘You’re a scoundrel,’ she huffed.
He nodded gravely. ‘I know. You should leave me. Preferably at the next port.’
Jin-mei wanted very much to have something to throw at him. ‘I’m curious as well,’ she replied, in not nearly as pleasant of a tone. ‘You don’t seem very upset at having your life threatened. Did you and my father conspire to fake your death? Was our marriage a ruse from the beginning?’
Yang frowned. ‘I was quite convinced we were married.’ He smoothed a hand over the front of his robe. ‘I remember looking forward eagerly to our wedding night until your father tried to kill me.’
She let out a shaky breath. It was all her father’s doing then. She hadn’t been absolutely certain of it until now. Father had hosted the wedding to fool her as well as Yang. He was not a diligent and honest public servant, nor was he the caring and doting father she’d assumed he was.
‘Jin-mei, why are you here?’ Yang asked, watching her with a serious expression.
‘You’re my husband,’ she replied, her tone flat. ‘I go where you go.’
‘It’s not that simple.’
She looked away from him, towards the wall. ‘What if you had been taught from birth that honesty and truth were more important than air and water? What if you had been told there was no sacrifice too great to make for the pursuit of justice? And then one day you found out everything was a lie. Could you stay and pretend that you didn’t know?’
With a shuddering breath, she tried to compose herself as the tears threatened to fall. Maybe some small part of her needed to remember what it had been like to be that trusting. To be that innocent. That warm and sheltered place could still exist in her heart, but only if she left it behind. Intact.
‘We were both his puppets,’ Bao Yang said soberly.
But the difference was she was his daughter. She could never go back and could never see her father again. Because the moment he opened his mouth, she would now know his words meant nothing and what was left of her fragile world would completely shatter.
‘This isn’t simple,’ she echoed. ‘This is the hardest decision I’ve ever made.’
For a long moment, he said nothing. She thought that he might have moved closer to her. She could feel heat rising up the back of her neck at the thought of the two of them being alone together.
‘The world of rivers and lakes is a dangerous place,’ he warned.
‘I’ve made my decision,’ Jin-mei said stubbornly, her voice thick with emotion. It hurt to see the world in this harsh new light. ‘So rivers and lakes are what it will be from now on.’
Pulling a spare robe out from her pack, she rolled it to create a pillow and lay down. The lurch of the water kept her from truly resting, and Yang was silent for a long time as he watched her.