Dead Wrong. Janice Kay Johnson

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Dead Wrong - Janice Kay Johnson Mills & Boon M&B

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The lieutenant had gone back to the station to find out whether the killer from six years ago had somehow gotten out of prison and also to try to discover whether other jurisdictions had had murders with this same M.O. Lucky Trina had been assigned one patrol officer to help her canvass the houses along Butte Road.

      But it had to be done, and she was pretty excited to have actually learned something. Maybe. Unless the deep-throated pickup or SUV had just been dropping some drunk ranch hand back at the Triple B or the Running Y. Except she’d stopped at the Triple B herself and no ranch hands had admitted to being out late last night. She’d find out from Officer Buttram whether the same was true at the Running Y. Those were the only two working ranches past the Bailey’s place.

      An hour and a half later, she hadn’t learned a thing. Buttram and she agreed to meet back at the station.

      There, he shook his head. His ruddy face glowed. “Bitch of a night.”

      “I would have traded my right arm for a thermos of coffee.”

      “With a dash of whiskey.” He took off his sheepskin-lined gloves. “Nobody heard nothing.”

      “I found somebody who did. A Mrs. Bailey.”

      Her sense of triumph dimmed at the sight of his face.

      “There’s a nasty one.”

      “She calls in complaints?”

      “Once a month or so.” He shook his head. “Hates the neighbors, hates teenagers, doesn’t much like cows. You believe her, somebody is always being noisy or trespassing.”

      Noisy? “I don’t remember a house near hers.”

      “She has damn fine hearing.”

      Trina quizzed him about who he’d talked to at the Running Y, then went to Lieutenant Patton’s office.

      Through the glass inset, she saw the lieutenant lift her head at the sound of the knock. She waved Trina in.

      “You look cold.”

      “Yes, ma’am.”

      Her superior scowled. “Quit ma’aming me.”


      “That isn’t any better. You make me feel old.”


      “A slight improvement.” She sighed. “I suppose that was an exercise in futility?”

      “Actually, I did get one report of unusual traffic.”

      Brows rose. “Really?”

      Trina repeated what Mrs. Bailey said. “I understand she’s something of a crank….”


      “Mrs. Bailey?”

      “Not Luella Bailey! She’s a thorn in the side of anyone who has dealings with her. Daniel—my brother-in-law—counts his blessings daily that his place isn’t beside hers. Pete Hardesty of the Running Y gets hell every time a steer finds a fence break.”

      Crushed and trying to hide it, Trina asked, “Does that mean she’s not reliable?”

      “Hmm.” Meg Patton rubbed her chin as she thought. “Well, she’s not delusional. When she says a steer is eating her dahlias, by God there it is. Kids do drag race out on Butte Road. So…no. She might actually be a good witness. Most folks out there wouldn’t pay any mind to a passing vehicle. Luella, though, lives to find grievances.” Her gaze sharpened. “Tell me again what she said.”

      Trina did.

      “Twenty minutes to half an hour. That would be about right.”

      Trina nodded at the phone. “Did you learn anything?”

      “Ricky Mendoza is right where he should be. That lets him out. No sign of Amy’s Kia. I sent someone to check her apartment complex and the lots outside the brewhouses and restaurants that seem like the most obvious choices. Otherwise, I’ve put out calls. Any kind of match through VICAP will take time.” The federal database was a godsend to local law enforcement. Unfortunately, it had limitations; many small jurisdictions didn’t input crimes.

      Trina nodded.

      “I’ve already talked to Amy Owen’s parents. They still live here, only a few blocks from where I grew up in the old town.”

      “She hadn’t married, then?”

      “Married and divorced. The ex is next on my list.”

      “He’s around?”

      The lieutenant consulted her notes. “Doug Jennings. He’s a ski bum, according to the parents. Amy wanted to think about buying a house, starting a family. He wasn’t interested.”

      “So the divorce wasn’t ugly?” From what she’d read, Trina was willing to bet this killer and Amy had been strangers, anyway, but you had to consider all possibilities.

      “Not according to them. They say he’ll be broken up to hear about her murder. I went by his place and he wasn’t home.” Meg Patton rose. “What say we go talk to him now, then take a look at her apartment.”

      “Am I going to stay on the case, then?” Trina asked, rising, too.

      The lieutenant looked surprised. “I tagged you, didn’t I?”

      This didn’t seem the moment to ask why. “Thank you, ma…um, Lieutenant.”

      Exhilaration wiped out her weariness. Her mind buzzed. She’d want to read the file on the six-year-old murder. Look for details that were the same—and ones that were different. Talk to whoever found that body. The cops who worked the murder. If this one was as similar as Lieutenant Patton claimed, this killer had to be close in some way to the previous crime. Copycats had a motive. What was this one’s?

      Wow, she thought, feeling giddy. I’m a detective. A real detective.

      Not even missing the cup of coffee she hadn’t yet poured, she followed Lieutenant Patton out.


      WILL’S RESOLVE to move home to Elk Springs wavered from time to time. Pretty well daily, in fact. Tonight was a definite plunge in the Mood-O-Meter.

      He was staying at his father’s while he looked for a place to live. Their relationship was pleasant but cool, thanks to Will’s long-held belief that his parents in their professional capacities were responsible for the scum who’d killed Gillian being out on the street and therefore free to rape and mutilate. If they’d done their jobs…

      But they hadn’t, for reasons he understood intellectually if not emotionally. Now, six years later, he also understood that his anger had mostly been misplaced. But things once said couldn’t be taken back, and much as he regretted the fact, Will knew he couldn’t have back what he’d lost that night.


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